From: Tebiti Oisaboke

The former Deputy Prime Minister and Treasury “Mogul Magnet” has been a big time disgrace to the Kibaki administration, his Mt. Kenya counterpart Gurus and his family dynasty. He is a man who lives in his own world where he doesn’t have to adhere with the common man’s law. Flashback to 2010, he attempted to present his annual Treasury budget by over looking his fellow law makers whom he was supposed to give his budget proposals for dissection two weeks before his budget day. When the MPs learnt of his “tricky games” they raised an alarm to their prefect Speaker Marende who barred the son of Jomo from presenting his budget but read a “statement.” A few days after that it was discovered that some billions of the Kenya’s tax payer’s cash had disappeared from the Exchequer. When asked to explain the delinquent account, Junior brushed it aside jokingly saying that, that was a computer “glitch”. How that happen remains a mystery. All I know is that a computer gives you a feedback according to the date info you feed it with.

In 2011 coming back from his first date with the ICC Chief Prosecutor Mr. Moreno Ocampo he lost US 10Million dollars at the JIA, Nairobi-Kenya. That too remains a mystery to us. A week before the ICC pre-trial judges confirmed his charges pertaining to the 2007 elections violence, he took the law into his own hands and tried to hire the chief tax man at the KRA behind or through back doors. The COFEK had smelled a rat on the way the interviews were being conducted and lodged a case at the High Court of Kenya to stop the exercise because it was not transparent. The case was due for hearing on Friday and Jr superseded the court’s case and went a head and hired Mr. John Njiraini. However Justice Isaac Lenaola overruled Njiraini’s illegal appointment and blocked it until the matter is settled in court. Fair enough!! The country was astonished to see the disgruntled AG rush to court to defend Njiraini”s ill fated appointment by telling the court to throw away the case claiming that it had been overtaken by events. This is the worst AG Kenya has ever had since independence. What a sarcastic statement from a legal PhD holder? Its just about time we start questioning the authenticity of his academic papers and testimonials. The dude seems to be a shaming other legal practitioners in Kenya and he doesn’t give a damn. Soon or later they might start hatting their careers.

The son of Jomo needs to learn on how to conduct himself in a mature way in public. He is dismantling the good name the Mzee Kenyatta worked so hard to build. He should behave like his elder sister Margaret Kenyatta who was Nairobi’s first woman Mayor (1970-76 when her dad appointed her Kenya’s ambassador to UNEP 76-1986). His other older brother late Peter Muigai, the former MP for Juja also conducted himself in a mannerful way until he accidentally passed on in 1979. We had no problem with these two of Kenyatta’s kids. Magana, Edina’s son has always played a low profile and you will never know that he exists. Margaret is very lovable and has never been very controversial politician even when she was mayor of the city in the sun. She has always carried and maintained herself very well. Another sister, Jane Wambui who is Mbiu Koinange’s nice has also steered out of public life and only minds her own business. If Jr can afford to adopt a little bit of manners and respect the law, he will be fine. But disregarding the law and turn a deaf ear to the public cries to leave the DPM’s office according to section six of the constitution, is being very arrogant and irresponsible. Kenya does not need an arrogant occupant at our big house at the hill. We need responsible leaders who respect their employers and the supreme governing power of the land – The Constitutional Law!!!!.

Good night and may God bless Kenya during this elections year. May God bless us to elect mature and responsible folks to our 11th parliament.


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