Lordvick Otieno .
show details 11:53 am (12 hours ago)

You are entitled to your opinion brother but it’s very puzzling that you’ve failed to notice the damage Kalonzo group have caused to this dear nation. They in a big way contributed to the PEV that almost brought this country to it’s knees early last year.

We saw him on tely at KICC with Mutula on 30th dec 2007, puting pressure on Kivuitu to announce an election they knew very well was stolen. He had earlier rejected the VP post offered by reformist ODM, but ended up later accepting the same from non reformist PNU which he was comfortable with as a non reformist.

This effectively means that he’s very comfortable with the role of a selfish, non reformist and oportunistic sycophant he is known for just as a Nyayo hawk of the 80’s for 20years.

Had he accepted ODM’s VP offer and gone to 2007 polls as a united, like the referendum team, it would have been next to impossible for PNU to rig and close the gap and probably they would have accepted the defeat and PNU would have overwhelmingly lack numbers in Bunge.
So contrary to your belief, he will go down in history as amongst those who contributed to PEV fiasco by giving PNU a undeserved lifeline too.

Date: Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:09 AM

show details 11:09 am (12 hours ago)

Chris Baraza and likes are entitled to their opinion. politics is all about being an of opportunist at the right time to undo your opponents without trampling on the principles of true democracy in the African context. We start from the known to the unkown . When this country was in flames – Chris never came up with a flame of peace to save our motherland and its people. So who is a political a sycophant? Chris should go to the school of thought on the evolution of a new African disensation on political power in African. Leaders are not born but they come from God. How could have Kalonzo Musyoka – a diplomat per see- have allowed our country to go to the dogs?. I have a few lessons for his mind if only he would care listen to. He wouldn’t be breathing fire and brimstones on the likes of V.P. Kalonzo Musyoka and ODM- K as an astute political party after they stepped in to save this country from further flames. Chris should champion the flame of peace in our country and not political rhetorics.

maurice oduor .
show details 9:49 am (14 hours ago)

I remember in the 1980s when Kalonzo was an upstart politician and Raila was in detention. He said of Raila ” He should be locked in a dungeon for good and the key thrown away”.

Kalonzo is neither a reformer nor a leader. He’s egotistical opportunist.


Lordvick Otieno .
show details 7:38 am (16 hours ago)

Instead of deliverying service to Ukambani who brought Kalonzo where he is now, he has forgoten them as a section of his own MPs have lamented recently. He is preocuppied with selfish succession politics of 2012.

He is busy going in circles looking for suitors to form alliance with to back to non seem to trust him due to his past betrayals.
He’s sycophancy is irritating and he is fast becoming irrelevant as far as tackling national issues is concerned.

Patriotic Kenyan .
show details 2:06 am (21 hours ago)

Bosire, Benji, Dennis,

I agree with you to some extend. Kalonzo is a good leader but he is not a reformer. Kalonzo is not so much tainted by corruption. However, Kalonzo is more of a sycophant than a leader that Kenyans desire. He is not fit to hold the biggest office in the land. But as a minister, he can do well.

Patriotic Kenyan

– Show quoted text –

Lee Makwiny .
show details 12:54 am (22 hours ago)

All this things are as a result of the return of one. Francis Muthaura. Kenya will be better off without him in the picture. He has already given Mutua some energy to talk nonesense. We dont need the man. Let him go back to SA for treatment. Thieves

benard bwire .
show details 12:22 am (23 hours ago)

Chris Baraza

I am in agreement with you about leaders such as KALONZO MUSYOKA.This are type of leaders who learnt the act of sycophancy thro’ spoon feeding during the nyayo era and what they are doing right now is to show us how much they have perfected in it.

Remember when we were headed for ODM-K nominations before the split?KALONZO expected the sycophancy to be extended to him by other leaders in the party.But when that became hard to come by,he instructed one MAANZO to start playing the KAMBA dance with the reg.cert. of the party.

I can describe KALONZO in one word-OPPORTUNIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christine Baraza .

Bosire and Benji,

I really concur with you that Kalonzo knows nothing more than sycophancy having been milk-fed by Moi for 20 years-he sang baba na Mama without blinking an eye and can never be a reformer. All that Kalonzo knows is singing like a Parrot to please the President. Its sad that these are the kind of leaders who want to take this country to 2030 vision. Kenyans should just shelved that VISION and work towards more development without a useless Vision that the President Himself does not believe in neither the Vice President.

I think that Kenyans and particularly KAMBAS should see Kalonzo for WHO HE IS not JUST THE TRIBE. This is one person who cannot lead this country. He lives in Kenya of 1987 as Bosire has said. Its so annoying that when Kenyans want reform someone like Kalonzo is TAKING BACK to the days of SYCOPHANCY AND LEADER WORSHIP. If you ever VOTE for Kalonzo then it would not be WRONG if someone called you an idiot.

— On Thu, 9/3/09, Jerry Manu wrote:

From: Jerry Manu
Subject: Re: Ringera | Holier than Thou…………I don’t believe so
Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 2:13 AM

Hi Dennis,

Yours is a good one only that you forgot the biggest sin, That’s you should not defend your brother when caught with the hand in the honey bottle. Neither justify his/her action on the ground that he/she is your kin. If you knew the office has no power, neither he is no creation of himself, as his supporter did you raise that did you say he should not be appointed because the office is useless NO.

It also mean that there is no need to have Ringera on the post because its me the chief so i can arrest myself then prosecute myself and of course jail myself.

The Bible says in Romans that for all have seened and none is perfect but we still have sinners preaching to sinners in that case whether we don’t pay KRA, we go for AFCO beer it does not matter because that is what Ringera should be looking and advice the other arms of the Gava who are responsible in those areas.

From: Dennis Mbaabu Sent: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 10:01:09 PM
Subject: [YP_Ke] Ringera | Holier than Thou…………I don’t believe so

Before you cast a stone at Ringera, ask YOURSELF what have you done to STOP corruption? eg, Have you ever skived jobo early ama come late (Stealing employer’s time)? Have you ever made personal calls using the office telephone (unauthorized use of company resources)? Have you ever photocopied your personal ama friends ama college stuff using the office copier? Ever sat down in a matatu and not fasten your seatbelt, Ever jumped a traffic light, Ever bought or consumed goods without paying VAT (such as AFCO beer), Ever avoided reporting ‘Other revenues’ in your KRA Income Tax Returns? Ever, Ever ?
The list can grow (feel free to suggest more).

Its not right to crucify Ringera for no apparent reason, or just for the sake of it.
For GOD’s sake, he is not empowered legally, to act or prosecute individuals. This is not his creation. It’s our weakness not having enacted laws and empowered KACA and police to act.

Fighting corruption starts with YOU.

Ringera ain’t GOD, eti he is omni present to oversee and stop corruption wherever and whenever.

Ringera ain’t the problem

YOU are.

So, if you could stop for a moment, and ponder and reflect what you have done to STOP corruption. Then, you’d understand and ACT.

Kesho, even if we put Ndingi, Stevo Kalonzo, ama Githongo, Corruption will cease.

Please desist from casting ‘stones in a glass house’

Dennis K. Mbaabu


  1. Domnic Okello

    It is the sycophants like KALONZO MUSYOKA who have taking kenyans for aride since independence.These are opportunists
    who happen to be intersted in making money through corruption,
    looking for political powers to making government policies which
    favour thieves and land grabbers,and ready to organise for political assassinations of their political opponents.

    When Robert Ouko was assassinated,Kalonzo was one of his fellow cabinet members who never questioned ouko’s death.
    He never bothered even as a christian to support ouko’s people
    to look for the truth instead he accepted appointment to replace
    ouko as a foreign affairs minister.KALONZO never questioned any
    misdeed of MOI at any time.And this is the man who wants to be
    next president for him to continue the misrules of his friends, moi
    and kibaki.Unless we do not wake up ,the reforms will never be
    realised if these turncoats are the key figures in our government. Mau forest was destroy when kalonzo was in the government and he never questioned.


  2. Christine Baraza

    From: Christine Baraza
    Date: Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 8:50 PM
    Subject: Kenya’s Independence Only Came for a Few People

    When you look at the gains of Kenya’s independence then you REALIZE that independence in this country only came for a few people and not MAJORITY of Kenyans and the few continue to gobble everything without seeing any sense of the suffering of the MAJORITY. Here is a list of some who really believe in and enjoy Kenya’s independence MORE than any other people in the country.

    This is one man who has a multi-million contract where he earns a BASIC SALARY of Kshs.2.5 Million with allowances that surppases almost everyone in Kenya. After earning this without anything on Corruption, the powers that be believe that Ringera has done a very GOOD JOB of shielding them and their cronies and deserves another 5 year contract of Kshs.2.5 million a month. No wonder RINGERA cannot turn this offer down. IMAGINE A CORRUPTION CZAR appointed in a CORRUPT MANNER-Can such a person fight corruption? Independence really came for Ringera

    This man was appointed in 1991. At that time he was praised an international lawyer who was going to reform prosecution in Kenya. He has totally done nothing and keeps on moving with every government that comes to power because for Wako its not about doing the job he is supposed to do but doing what the Presidents wants. Independence really came for WAKO.

    Even after retiring..even after being struck with sickness..even AGE cannot make MUTHAURA see any sense that he needs to go home and leave Kenyans to chart their FUTURE. He has been the GREATEST BLOC to any PEACE AND REFORM in this country. Anytime Muthaura is in office..bickering starts and IMPUNITY reigns supreme. He cant even take a leave because he has to protect MOUNT KENYA. I dont know protect them from what? Independence really came for Muthaura and his family.

    Its not one month since she was appointed the Vice Chair of Truth and Reconcilliation Commission even against the rule which requires the commission members to apoint the Vice Chair. Now she has been nominated to the ICC as a member of the Board of International Criminal Court Victim Trust Fund. Seriously DONT WE HAVE OTHER LAWYERS WHO ALSO QUALIFY AS KENYANS to be nominated? Independence really came for Betty Murungi.

    There are many others who include NICHOLAS BIWOTT and the whole group who surounded and protected all the theft perpetrated by the Moi Regime for 24 years. These are the people who understand the MEANING OF INDEPENDENCE OF KENYA. Majority of Kenyans wonder WHEN THIS THING CALLED INDEPENDENCE WILL EVER END.

  3. T.M.Nzissi

    Kalonzo,Kalonzo,Kalonzo,this is one fellow have never liked.He took kambas in circles even during moi’s day untill now when majority only sing wiper,wiper,wiper.
    During the time of moi,even with is big post he never helped the people of ukambani not to mention his constituency.When ODM was formed, he expected RT HON RAILA ,to pave way for him to be the president.Just because somebody in the opinion polls had mentioned something about nice handsome hair and face and about jesus christ as his personal saviour made him feel on top of the world.
    He was with the regime that was on the neck of all reformers and for close to over 12 years he did nothing in regards to development except bootlicking the big man then.
    He bargained wrongly and got the VP and thats final as far as presidency is concerned.He thinks is cousins-read Kikuyus can be his supportters during 2012 but the fellow is in for a rude shock.Presidency cannot rotate within Mt.kenya tribes only.

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