The KCDN Team

from odhiambo okecth

As we end the Month of February, I want to pay glowing tribute to the Board and Strategic Team and to all Friends of KCDN who have made the ending Month such a resounding success for The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign.

I want to really appreciate all those Friends of KCDN who were instrumental in our successes for the Month of February. Your financial contribution, advice and words of encouragement ensured that our Work Plan for the Month was implemented.

I must sincerely thank our Board for their support and faith in me and my team. We are proud to have such a dedicated team at KCDN.

It is important to give a glimpse of this team, because, many people have wrongly believed that KCDN is a One Man Show. I am the Face of KCDN because I am the Founder CEO. I live the Vision behind the drive. But with me is a very quiet but efficient Team.

Our Chairman has worked with the UN and the European Union for so long in very Senior Positions. He is currently based in Abuja Nigeria and he is a Finance and Governance Specialist.

The next Board Member is a very Senior Banker. She is currently a Regional Manager of one of the Leading International Banks in Kenya.

The next Board Member is a very Senior Public figure who has remained an engine in the Organization that she heads.

We also have an Internationally respected Lawyer who also works for the UN Systems. He has won many cases for the Marginalized Groups of People in Kenya and his passion for a Clean Kenya is manifested through his actions.

The next Board Member is an Internationally recognized NGO Guru. He has been a voice of reason even in social commentaries and you would not doubt his fight in the second liberation of Kenya. He was firmly in the front lines in the trenches. He has been detained on accounts of his beliefs and he has lived to remain faithful to One Kenya under God.

Then we have a Swiss Lady whose efforts in Kenya has seen her organization avail clean water to over 15,000 Kenyans in a part of Western Kenya. She remains a beacon of Hope to many Kenyans in Western Province and to KCDN, she has been purely inspirational.

We also have a senior Tax Consultant with us in our Board. This is one man whose philosophy has helped shape some of the thinkings we have at KCDN. He is a man of action and brooks no nonsense.

Then we have a team of smart professionals in our Strategic Team. These are men and women whose advice and thinking we have immensely benefited from at KCDN. Their advice is implemented by a very dedicated team with me in the Executive.

This Team is complimented by a very strong army of Friends of KCDN. When we were recently scandalized, this Team rose to the occasion and strengthened our reach and capacity. They made sure that we had the resources to enable us travel and meet with Kenyans in pursuit of a Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya. You can view this Team from our Website.

This is why we never fail to implement what we have set our eyes on.

As we move into March, we have a loaded calender of events. We have firm faith that this team and more, will once again rise to the occasion and be of maximum support to us. The Clean-up Campaign is not about ego fights. It is about each one of us doing his or her bit to make Kenya Clean.

And we will continue inviting Kenyans to join with us in The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaigns. We will be in Kisumu at Kondele and in Umoja Estate for the Month of March, and we want to invite greater participation from as many Kenyans all across the land.

We want to lastly thank all the Teams that have written to us from across the whole Country. We might not have the capacity to join in many events at the same time across Kenya, but we have faith that we can all join in Cleaning Kenyan across the whole Country at the same time.

Lastly, we want to appreciate the resolve of the Government, the Local Authorities, the Corporates, Friends of KCDN and the many Kenyans who have made the Clean-up Campaigns the success story that it is continuing to be across Kenya.

Let us roll our sleeves and help make Kenya Clean.

‘Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change we seek’- President Barack Obama of the USA.

A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable.

Odhiambo T Oketch
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Karibu Jukwaa la
Pata nafasi mpya za Kazi

One thought on “The KCDN Team

  1. nyargi jogore

    Joluo yawa. What is wrong with us? The 21st century has left us out. Are we Magadishu or what?. First of all let forcus in the youth and their future. We are not going to educate our children in the next five years. Let us not worry about Obiang or Musavani, or the other guy in Tanzania.
    What are NGo’s doing in Kenya?
    Why is there No Jaluo sitting any board in any bank in kenya?
    Who has been spending money that borrowed to Kenya by World Bank.?
    Who owns micro lending banks?
    Why are the luos putting that land Title deeds as lien in order to get this loan that they cannot even pay. Because our land is being taken way by joka mbimbe? Interest rate that is 30%, who will pay them? And you is benefiting from the micro lending banks?
    Who is looking out for the jaluo?
    Why is cotton not being grown around lake victoria with fresh waterin it?
    Why is fish market in kiambu but the lake is luo land? Macharia whoever it is has made millions out the lake and group of Kikuyus.
    Why are Kikuyus leasing land in Kochia god bondo to farm Mananas? You are telling me the luos cannot dig land and plant pine apples.
    Why is Odinga pielo e wi Joluo gin kod Ida? Who is he?
    Is is molases? Who took it from joluo?
    Why is molases falling apart after it was taken way by jodala gi Raila?
    Who in encouraging cattle raiding in Nyakach and Rongo? Where is Dahima and Minister ma Rongo?
    Sikunde ma luoland ogore piny nago?
    Why are our children paying high tuition and not getting enough food that is good for their development & Nutrition?
    Why is Musaveni taking Migigo Island under luo leaders watch?
    Why is mayor mar Kisumu town governing from Mombasa?
    Why is the sewer system out of in Migori, Kisumu, Homa Bay, Siaya and others?
    Whyis are the teachers raping young girls and boys in schools in luo land under village board of diectors watch?
    Why are the luos not digging land?
    Why are the luos not ready keep things to themselves instead of sellling their brothers and sister gi joka mbimbe?
    Resources are being taken away by corpoaration and noone is saying a word. Who is a student of Anti Corruption in Kenya?
    Who is bring cocaine and mariwana to kisumu?
    Who are the people who goes to the polls to vote for current leaders?
    who working to preserve the luo culture?
    Who is encourging the Western behavior of phongraphy to Oyugis yawa.

    Why did 3,000 people die in 2007 elections?
    Why is Kibere the way it is. Is this a prime minister Const?
    Who selling land in Mohoroni?
    why is Raila telling locals who to elect?(Can he be compared to ID Amin or not?)
    Why are there not roads to nowhere in luo land.
    Why is Kisumu the center for selling second hands clothes? I did not wear used clothes in the sixties, that the time I was born.
    Let us have many parties in luo land and let the people choose who they want to represent them in Bunge.
    How many luos are being recruited to Army, Navy, or Airforce now?
    How many luo can go Nyeri and set up a Kiosk with joka mbimbe biro go otieno mondo omayi your goods?
    No kikuyu will rally behind jaluo like we did for Kibaki when he was running against Moi.
    It will never in my life time.
    how stupid can we be a time when families must hang together. Jothir gi yesu omako piny ka ma ka ok iwach language magi wacho to you are pushed to the your grave immediately. The are in Kenya is full swing lotting the resources. under leader mar Joluo manie eto epacho mar kenya.
    This other can pentrate our villages up to olundwa, but we don’t even know them.
    After Mboya’s death, and Ouko, we are still mielo miend a adujo, what for?
    Wabiro Kwech kak George Ramogi no owacho 30 years ogo.
    Kuotho ema dhi nyime.
    Talk tough but no delivery.
    Ich lach no neggo okal Tako? Luo leaders in Bunge are full of it. A young youth who is organized can lead luos to victory now that watching this idiots cutting ropes with Joka Mbimbe?
    Slaved trade has not ended in the Western world. Kama Joluo nitie e luo land biro chalo kob kibera becuase the West biro kawo lope was very soon. Joma nie tho Lake Victoria watch out.

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