Jawadh Kanisa Adwen motelo no Kolej mar Adwen ma Kamagambo kar rito rombe gi mwandu makanyono to olokore ondiek ma dwaro kidho rombe gi mwandu moket e lwete.
Ondiegno oseng’ado ni jarit pesa ma e dala no ma oket gi kanisa nyaka wuog kanyo nikech tame bilo mwandu mar dalano. Osetimo mpango kata mar nego miyo marito pesa e dalono gi jaode.
Nyocha ooro jagot marito kanyo mondo ochuo mama no gi jaode kod asere e seche mag otieno. ma en wach ma wawuoro ndi Rongo ka, ni to kare jakwath
nyalo dwaro chamo rombe ma omiye ni oriti.
Ka ne iloro skul edwe mar abiryo, jakwath ni ne ogole milome magala gala ne nyithindo ni omed pesa ma owinjo gi chul mar somo-milome ma weg dala no mar
adwen ne kia to ooro japuonj ma jaka bim mondo okon nyithi kolej ni milome oa ir miyo no marito pesa.
Bang’ milome no to nyithindo ma jo got gi joka bimbe mane oseng’iewo ne ogolo nyithindo mamoko ni gi dhi giwang’ miyo no gi nyithinde ka nindo ei ode.
Gima iwuoro ni jakwadh ni en mana jaluo kaka miyo no kendo en ng’ama jotel mar adwen ei Kenya omiyo lwedo klendo ogene ni oromo bet jakwath ma ber.
Jokanyanam, magi e ma omiyo oganda moko ochawa kendo njawowa.
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From: Fuambo Janyandito
Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 9:00 AM
Wach mar Jakuo man ei Kar tiegruok mar yawa madwaro bedo jopuonj e kar ranginy mamalo ma Kamagambo.
Timbe mag maundo machalo kamagi koro piny owacho ose kwedo chuth.
Jandiko omed nyiso kata wacho mangeny maose bedo kadhi nyime ekar tiegruokni.Jpony ok oyie kod kuo kata timbe mag anjawo ma duoko ji chien.
Kamagambo en kar tiegruok ma thiringinyi kendo ma ose puonjo jopuonj mangeny kuom ndalo mogware kik weche mag kuo donjie mondo okethe..
Thura en wach malit miwuoro.
Let me put the details in English for the world to know.
The Current Principal of Kamagambo Adventist College who was appointed dubiously last year is killing the college. He was appointed after a thorough interview process which he himself was not subjected to.
He has vowed not to work with two senior administrators nameley the Business Manager and the Registrar/Deputy Principal because they prevent him from squandering college resources.
In August he authered an unauthorized announcement increasing fees and sent the head of TTC to pass the announcement as coming from the Business Manager. As a consequence, the students went on the rampage and almost burnt the residence of the Business Manager. The situation was only saved by the Deputy Principal/Registrar and other teachers.
Now before that case is resolved, the Principal last week after being warned by the college board against his unbecoming behaviour organized for a lockout of the family of the Business manager including her husband outside the gate at night and an attempt on the life of both the Busines Manager and her husband. The situation was only saved by the husband of the Business Manager who scared the hell out of the errant guards and the Principal who was supervising the operation from a bush near the gate.
One of the things at stake is that the Principal, a Mr. Oduor wants to be collecting fees directly from students, ignoring the well tested structure and sytems in Kamagambo and the Business Manager as stood her ground that the income Kamagambo gets must be guarded at all costs.
The Pricipal is also quoted as saying he cannot work with Luos. The Business Manager and the Deputy Principal/Registrar are Luos.
Before the sad incident of last week, he also unilaterally without the board’s approval appointed a Kisii to be a deputy Principal and in th student incitement case he used Kikuyu tutors while in the attempt to kill the Business Manager and the husband at the gate, he used Kisii guards.
We are so much disappointed and alarmed and that is why we must climb rooftops to shout and do all it takes to have Kamagambo restored.
It is very interesting to learn more about this whole situation.We as the local people are proud of the name KAMAGAMBO.The entire institute is our pride.From Primary School, High School, Teachers College and Theology College.Nyandito is close to the Institute and the writer knows very well what he is writing about.Kamagambo people usually hates to associate with thieves or crooks.Whoever is trying to turnish the name of Kamagambo should be told off forth with. I was dissapointed after reading the whole story.
The board of governors should have a meeting to discuss the removal or transfer of that crook from Kamagambo.
We know the place to be a private institute but by using the name Kamagambo makes us the local people to have a say in whatever is going on there. Thanks Odhiambo Omolo- Jakodero Bara