Kenya Politicians are stooping too low and practising primitive and parochial politics

Commentary By Bob Ndira-Uradi
When the Prime Minister Raila Odinga made veiled remarks about a court ruling on the date for the next general elections it received wholesale condemnation from all quarters within the so-called G7 groups.

But when Honorable William Ruto deliberately and flagrantly choose to defend a matter which is already before a court of law, and as such does not need clearance via the media columns, but only required the adversely mentioned person defend himself of her self inside the court room and give his or her version of the matter therein court.

There was total silent on the part of Raila’s detractors. Why? All the events and political scenarios only point to the direction o the worse political intrigues, now shaping in our country.

In Kenya of today, what used to be known in legal terms as the rule of prejudice is no longer there anymore. People don’t see the seriousness of court cases. People facing serious criminal charges do defend themselves through the public acclamation at political rallies.

Doe it mean that our people have got n faith in our judicial system? They only trust the information conveyed to the reading public via newspaper columns?

They hurriedly convened press conferences to clear the air on matters already before the legal constituted court of law. And they do this with impunity. Surely are thee the same person who wants to become our next rulers? I am sure for certain that level minded Kenya will definitely find an answer to the above questions. If not so they will do so at the polling booths next year.

Another million dollar question is; Are these leaders really getting adequate legal experts advice fro their lawyers before they resort to making populist defense of serious criminal charges through newspaper of public rallies?

Reading some of the reaction and comments posted to newspaper b members of the so-called G7 or KKK one could make an intelligent guesswork and see how seriously panicking are member of this amorphous alliance about the presidential candidature of the populist Raila Odinga. And all the tricks in the books are being deployed to undercut and scuttle his presidential ambition.

However, Kenyans are no longer living in the stone age, but very much awake and do understand well who I the genuine reformer an who is sailing inside the boat of anti-reformist group.

Some members of the G7 tribal alliance have made Raila Odinga their punching bags or an open field of learning elementary lessons in politics and the motive behind all these hullaballoo are meant to undermine and undercut “Agwambo’s popularity with Kenyan electorate.

However, God is Great, because while the Prime Minister is busy everyday tending to state work, and at the same time attending to the various important government duties, his fellow cabinet colleagues from half of the coalition government are busy criss-crossing the full length and width of the republic of Kenya hurling scathing criticism of him while scheming how to derail his presidential ambition.

Most of the Ministers allied to the PNU or G7 are no longer performing their duties and are therefore earning the taxpayers money, but not performing any duty that of mutual beneficial to Kenyan taxpayers. Is this is the kind of a government which Kenyans want to remain in Office until March next year?

Surely, can’t anti-Raila forces change their tactics and sale their far-reaching policy when canvassing for votes instead of wasting their time and energies directing their energies on erratic and destructive criticism of only one man, who is arguably doing a donkey’s load of work for the country. Kenyans now feel highly suffocated with the kind of vitriol’s, they watching through television news footage and reading in the newspaper columns on daily basis and truly want a change in the campaign style to that of political maturity.

Personally, I am not a Raila’s man nor am I one of his many sycophants, but judging from the views of some leaders, particularly his competitors for the same job; I am indeed convinced the man has matured up for the job. He has transformed himself from the old radicalism to that of a true statesman.

My belief in this school of thought perhaps represented the views of millions of silent Kenyans who for other reason might be hiding their heads in the sands of tribalism which is devoid of merit at all.

I their well orchestrated attacks on Raila from many prongs, many members of the G7 team have only been displaying their political naivety an mediocrity, which are devoid of what is known as “constructive engagement” in politics. They have only exposed their politic novices convincing Kenyans that none of them is fit to be our next ruler.

Although it is not in my character to engage in names calling, I am gong to single out the name of one politician who is know to be not only erratic, but very vocal among the ant-Raila group. This is no one else but the youthful MP for Cherangany Hon Joshua Kutuny.

Two years ago, especially during the constitutional referendum, Kutuny had joined the ranks with the pro No group headed by the Eldoret North Mp William Samoei Arap Ruto. While Raila Odinga led the pro-Yes camp that did not only triumphed in the Referendum voting result, but Kutuny performed poorly in his own Cherangany constituency where the majority of the electorate voted for Yes.

The outcome of results in the constitutional referendum could have served as deterrent to Kutuny like mined politicians not to underrate or underestimate the influence and enormous popularity of Mr Odinga with the down trodden Kenyans. In fact the result of the referendum itself speaks the volumes, pointing to the direction that the likes of Kutuny could be only one term MPs come the next polls. Kenyans are obviously looking forward to have a better person in Cherangany comes the year 2013,

I am sure for certain that the next year general elections will weed out all the political mediocre and semi-illiterate MPs out of the August House. This will eventually bring to an end the politics of cash handouts. Those thriving on politics o malice will be swept away in the bonfire of the new constitution.

We are all hoping that the IEBC will make sure that the backgrounds of people who want toi become the next generation leaders are scrutinized properly and thoroughly. They should make sure that the Chapter Six of the Constitution of professional ethics is applied to the letter.

Lawyers with the past history of having swindled their poor clients and fleece them of their money should not be allowed to see the inside of either Parliament or Senate and even the regional County governor’s position.


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