By Agwanda Saye.
Vision 2030 to be achieved there is a greater deal to be done by the Private Public partnership, says Vision 2030 Director General Mugo Kabati.
Speaking in Kisumu while touring flagship areas of Vision 2030 ,Kabati added that the government bit of 30% in form of infrastructures is on course and there is need for the remaining 70% to be completed through private investors.
“For these to be achieved its upon the investors to utilize the already available government infrastructures for their developments and Vision 2030 should not be viewed only as a government thing it needs twin co-operation between the government and the private investors and should not be perceived as a government owned project.” he added
He also said that once the government had strengthened the infrastructures it was now upon the investors to utilize it in any way they can through investing.
“To attract more investors there is a need to identify and market potential investments areas in all counties”Kebati further said