Writes Leo Odera Omolo in Homa-Bay Town.
SOME of the many presidential aspirants would only turn the country into a tribal fiefdom by balkanizing some tribes and pitting against their neighbors.
The only presidential hopeful with genuine agenda to turn this country around into a better home for every Kenyan is the Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga.
Odinga should be judged by his exemplary dedicated service in the trouble-ridden grand coalition government. While other Cabinet members spent their valuable time preaching tribal politics and incessantly making his work rather difficult, he has defied all the tricks in the books being place on his way to the presidency.
So many tribal alliance have been formed with no agenda for the better future for Kenyans, but simply for the purpose of blocking Raila’s path to the State House.But the ODM leader has always whither the storm and continued serving Kenyans diligently and tirelessly despite of what at times looked like high provocation and near insults directed at him by those disgruntled politicians who ganged up under the umbrella of ethnicity.
This remarks were made in Homa-Bay by the youthful ODM youth leader and coordinator in Nyanza Hilary Ochieng’Alila.
Speaking during an exclusive interview with this writer, Alila recently has launched a high profile campaign for the lucrative position of the Homa-Bay County Senate seat told more than a dozen or so presidential hopeful to change tactics and preach for the unity of all Kenyans.
They must be told that Kenyans are very much awake and keenly following their vitriols and would teach them the best lessons at the polls.”Every one will have to harvest only what he or she had sown.
“Those who are currently busy sowing the seed of discord and thriving on politics of malice will reap the fruits of their sweats. For any leader who want to be the ruler of this country it is imperative that such leaders preach only the gospel of unity and love among Kenyans. They must desist from running back to their communities and mobilizing them into tribal warriors or inciting them ageist their neighbors. Kenyans voters will in future only consider those preaching for cohesiveness and peaceful co-existence of all Kenyan communities.
“Those who have run short of ammunition with which to carry out canvassing or votes should opt out as soon as they realized that they had run short ideas and had nothing to tell Kenyans,” said Alila.
Alila reminded those who have deserted ODM in search of green pasture elsewhere to conduct” gentlemen campaign in their new political homes while exercising some amount of respect towards their former ODM colleagues.
He cited the Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi who lost his Sabatia parliamentary seat in 2002 and was consigned into political limbo for close to five years only to be resuscitated politically to recover his lost seat in 2007 due to the ceaseless efforts of the ODM leader Raila Odinga.
Mudavadi was rescued from premature and forced retirement by ODM and he should be so grateful. He recovered from the shock of his dismal performance in 2002.The ODM offered him a second chance in the coalition cabinet and made him deputy leader of the party.
If there is any politician in this country who should be so thankful to Raila Odinga is none other than Musalia Mudavadi.”There are all the signs that those who have moved close to the DPM with ulterior monetary motives hoping to lay their hands in his reported unlimited campaign resources made available I abundance by the clique of anti-Raila elements within the coalition government have since disappeared in the thin air living him in loneliness,” said Alila.
He is one of the former Moi disciples who are known to have been the stumbling block against all kinds of reforms in this country.
Alila appealed to ODM members, leaders and their friends to double their effort with the view to ensure the outright decisive victory for the party in the next polls.
He urged them to strengthen the party at the grass root levels. ODM should win cleans all the civic seats in all he 47 Counties, Senate and return the largest parliamentary majority in the next general elections.
He went on,” Those placing her barriers on Raila’s path to the presidency will live to regret when they come to know that Kenyans are more intelligent voters.
Alila disclosed that it a bunch of anti-reformist who are still dreaming that he politics of impunity would return to protect their status quo who have ganged up behind the amorphous tribal alliances such as Kamatus,Gema etc.
I have a very pressing issue with tribalism. Which tribe in kenya practises or has been in the fore front of being tribalism since independence? If you have the answer then think again who is the only leader of substance that get as out of this quagmire. Kenyans of integrity should go out there and educate kenyans on the truth of the matter because IT IS Raila if not the next president ,you will bear witness of the more sufferings kenyans will undergo at another president be it from G7 or G8 or which ever group. They cannive to stop Raila because he knows what they have been upto for all these years since independence. Only Raila and Matiba may God grant him good health and a few others including Immanyara who know what is good for the many kenyans as we live. Much later. Good day.VOTE RAILA..VOTE…..LIBERATION.
WHEN IT TOUCHES AGWAMBOTHE GREAT THE N ASK AWINO LAWY!!!Raila remain s the only son of mary A life!Kenya Darling and true Prince of Peace!Raila we all love and we care! There shall be no force from any direction that shall disturb Agwambo we are the watching tower So what??im just there there ishall never be shakenned; HE IS AGWAMBO OF OUR OWN LIFE
My views about Raila’s plans for Presidency.
Despite the fact that ICC has deferred the hearing of litigations for Uhuru, Ruto etc on grounds that the institution does not want to interfere with the affairs of Kenya [although I know for sure that the decision is aimed at avoiding the possibility for fresh genocide if Uhuru and Ruto are left out of the race and considering the fact that politics of Kenya have always been fragile when it comes to elections] still it is obvious that when the D-Day is about to clock-in, even the Kibakis will snub Raila and join hands with Uhuru under the pretext of tribalism and even go further into dragging Ruto [the salient figure in Rift Valley Province] to forge an alliance against Raila thus Raila will find himself in the mouse trap device.
Me as far as I see the trajectory of politics in East African Economic Super power, likelihood for Raila to climax there is purpotedly through coup and or secessionism though the strategies are nowadays disliked by the civilized world including Raila himself. The coup strategy will never be writen off Africa as still it seems to be valid and the only option for dethroning autocratics as was in Anjuan Comoros and even international community still find the strategy of ousting despots a valid one e.g. Ivory Coast recently. If this can’t work out for Raila who is chasing his dotage, then the other option is for Luo dominion to demand their own republic from rest of Kenya.
Comradeship btn Raila and Kibaki is ending soon with their tenure. Kibaki and Raila have in a number of occasions differed in serious issues of the government of national unity questioning the parameters of mandates of the two key institutions of Presidency and Premiership in such issues as appointments of executives, sacking of dishonest executives, processes of elections and other roaring national issues like denouncing graft.
Even the so called new constitution made possible by Raila, I am sure in African context that is a nightmare which prospective politicians will not afford and will work hard day and night to engineer its review. Raila has given Kenyans the type of constitution that has never existed in the history of the world; it is more or less leading the ordinary Kenyans into the paradise outside the universe. It is the constitution which ONLY and again ONLY Raila ALONE can afford it as a leader. It is the constitution that practically subordinates the president to the wananchi instead of vice versa which is common-denominator in Africa and other parts of the globe. Even Switzerland which has no army, the head of state has never been that down like Raila’s new constitution is trying to demand.
Siasa za mtandao Kenya hazina tija.
Siasa za mtandao Kenya huwa siyo za kutegemea sana kuleta tija, hiyo hypothesis imegundulika kuwa ni null hypothesis baada ya kujaribiwa na wengi kwa nyakati tofauti na imeshindikana. Historia huwa ina nafasi ya kutunza kumbukumbu nzr sana ya kilichotokea, mimi kwangu historia siyo sanaa bali ni sayansi ya kweli kbs kwa sababu inaweka kumbukumbu ya kilichotokea empirically.
Hayati Jaramogi Oginga Odinga alijaribu siasa za kimtandao Kenya wakati wa kudai uhuru ambapo vita ya Mau Mau iliwaleta wadau wote wa kisiasa pamoja, hii inamaanisha kuwa mahasimu wakubwa wa kisiasa Kenya i.e. Waluo na Wakikuyu walikuwa na mtandao mmoja kwa ajili ya kusudi moja. Lkn ilipofikia nani achukuwe nchi baada ya mkutano wa Lancaster ambao Jaramogi ndiyo alihudhuria kuwakilisha KANU wakati Jomo Kenyatta akiwa jela kule Kapenguria West Pokot jimboni Rift Valley, Wakikuyu walimpiga changa la macho kuwa Kenyatta ameishazeeka hivyo Oginga amwachie Kenyatta ashike Urais hata kwa mwaka mmoja tu alafu atakufa na Oginga atachukuwa kiti, kilichotokea kimebaki kuwa majuto hadi dahari kwa Wajaluo [yaani ni usaliti mkubwa aliofanyiwa Oginga hadi wakawa maadui wa kudumu huenda hata ahera], hapa ndipo Jaramogi akaanzisha chama cha upinzani KPU kumng’oa Kenyatta ambapo wakati Kenyatta akifanya ziara Kisumu siku moja akihutubia na kutumia slogan yake ya Harambeeeee badala ya Wajaluo kujibu nyayooooooo wao wakajibu Dumeeeeee kwa kuelekeza kidole kwa Oginga kuwa ndiye Dumee na ndipo matusi ya nguoni yakamtoka Kenyatta jukwani na Wajaluo wakapandisha mori na kumtandika jukwani kisawasawa ndipo wana usalama wake wakafungua shaba katikati ya raia na kuuwa 60 kwa mpigo, ndipo Oginga akapanda jukwani na kutuliza mori, kilichofuatia ni Kenyatta kujipigia marufuku kuzuru Kisumu hadi afe. Hali hii pia imekuja kumtokea mtoto wa Oginga yaani Raila ambapo alitafuta ushindi wa NARC kwenye kampeni wakati huo Kibaki akiwa anauguza majeraha ya gharama za kisiasa huko hospitalini London. Raila kama babake Oginga akafanya kazi hadi ushindi ukapatikana kuing’oa KANU ikulu, lkn kilichofuata ni kusalitiwa kwa Raila. Kaka yangu Mjungu siasa za Kenya hazidumu kwenye mtandao bali ni za kusalitiana na ukabila tu. Hata vyama vyao vya kisiasa vinajengeka kwa mtindo wa ukanda tu [majimboism].
Mtandao wa MWAKENYA miaka ile ya 84….ulioanzishwa na wanaharakati ulisambaratishwa kwa kusalitiana kwa kigezo cha nani baada ya kumpindua Moi atakuwa Rais, siri ikavuja, ukabila ukapenyezwa ndani ya mtandao wanausalama wakapewa nyaraka za siri, wahusika wakakamatwa, inasemekana Raila hakuwepo nchini wengine wakijitahidi kuaminishwa na propaganda zisizokuwa na uthibitisho kuwa na yeye alihusika na alitorokea UN kupewa pasipoti baada ya yakwake ya Kenya kubatilishwa ndipo ikabidi Uscandinavia umpe pasipoti ya kusafiria kila nchi isipokuwa Kenya [penye jambo pana mengi yanayosemwa hata yasiyo na uthibitisho lkn ukisha kuwa public figure basi lolote linasemwa juu yako]. Kwamba hii ikampa kibali cha kujipanga upya kumng’oa Moi kwa kudai mabadiliko Kenya kutoka utawala wa kiimla, akambana Moi ughaibuni/kwa wafadhili hadi Moi akasalimu amri akaruhusu mageuzi ndipo Raila almaarufu miongoni mwa jamii ya Waluo kama Agwambo akarudi kuendesha harakati.
Raila amekuwa kama catalyst wa kuwatengenezea watu njia ya kufanikiwa huku yeye akibaki kama muasisi wa mafanikio hayo. Hii pia ilikuwa ni staili ya babake ambaye alikuwa Rais wa Wajaluo mwenye nguvu za kimizimu kama za Lwanda Magere na Gor Mahia. Rejea machapisho ya Prof. Francis Owino Rew wa Great Lakes University of Kisumu kwenye mtandao wa Jaluo.com kuhusu maisha ya Ajuma Jaramogi Oginga Odinga.
Mitandao unayoisema imeshindikana na imeishia kuwahujumu watu maarufu ndani na nje ya Kenya kama akina Tom Mboya, Agwenge Kodhek [Arwings Kodheks], Josiah Mwangi Kariuki, G.G . Njuguna Ngengi, Pio Gama Pinto, Mugabe Were, Dr. Robert Ouko nk. Vyama vingi Kenya vilivyokuwa na mitandao imara vimedhoofu kwa sababu ya usaliti na ukabila e.g. KADU, KANU, KAU, KPU, FORD-Kenya, FORD-Asili, LDP, ODM, ODM-Kenya, WDM [Wiper Democratic Party, kilichomeguka toka ODM-Kenya], NARC, NAK, PNU, SPK [Shirikisho Party of Kenya], Sisi kwa Sisi, DP, NAPK, SAFINA cha Sheikh Balala, IEP [Independent, Economic Party cha Omondi Oludhe] nk.
Raila mwenyewe ameishakuwemo kwenye vyama visivyopungua vinane hivi : LDP, NAK, KANU, muungano wa NDP na KANU ambapo Moi alimteua wzr wa nishati juni 2001-2002, ODM, NARC, FORD, PNU. Kitu gani kinamsukuma kukimbia vyama hivi vyote kama siyo usaliti na ukabila ambavyo ndivyo vitu vinavyoendesha siasa za Kenya? Babake Oginga naye alivihama KAU, KANU, KPU, FORD sababu zikiwa ni zile zile kama za mwanaye Raila i.e. usaliti na ukabila ambavyo vinavunja mitandao ya kisiasa.
Tofauti ya Raila na wengine waliojitahidi kumuiga lakini wakashindwa kutokana na sifa moja kuu ya Raila ya usafi wake kisiasa ni Kenneth Matiba, Martin Shikuku, Sheikh Balala, Musalia Mudavadi, William Ruto, George Saitoti, Kalonzo Musyoka nk. Babake naye aliigwa na akina Masinde Muliro, Ronald Ngala, Awori, Dr. Karanja, Moi nk, lkn hawakumfikia hata kwa yodi moja.
Mbali na Barak Obama, Mhe. Waziri Mkuu wa Israel Benjamin Netanyahu ambaye sera za chama chake cha Likud; za mabadiliko ya msingi kwa Waisrael dhidi ya Wapalestina [Fundamental Change] zinazowiana na sera za Raila za kuleta mabadiliko ktk jamii ya Wakenya wanajitahidi kumpandikiza Raila kumrithi Kibaki ingawa wanashindwa kuelewa umuhimu wa kujibu maswali ya msingi sana ya Wakenya ya namna gani ya kupatikana sera za dhati kabisa za kutatua mivutano ya kisiasa inayotokana na misingi ya ukabila na kuleta usaliti na mauaji ya kisiasa ambayo kwa hivi sasa huwezi kumshawishi Mkenya juu ya uwezo wako kuongoza nchi bila kuwaeleza ni namna gani utawawajibisha wauaji wa viongozi wa kisiasa waliopita na mafisadi papa ambao hata mfadhili na mtawala wao mkubwa wa ukoloni yaani Uingereza imeshindwa kuvitolea majibu na ndiyo maana Raila hawezikuitegemea sana Uingereza ktk kufanikiwa kisiasa kwa sababu kwa Wakenya wa kawaida walio wengi ambao ndiyo wapiga kura na wavuja jasho; kutaja Uingereza kwao ni kama kimeo tu.
Raila, the President that never was…
“Not all that glitters are gold”. Raila a lifetime political martyr in the sub-continent is still inclined to believe along with his disciples that he can make it to the throne before he rests for life outside the universe. Unlike his political colleagues, Raila a long-time anti graft crusader has always evaded being involved in scandals from minor to mega ones in a society that is highly rotten of grand corruption making him be nicknamed a clean man who descends in a transfigurational style in the midst of tribulation where and when peoples hopes inches despair.
His unique carrot policies have often scared his adversaries and made him be seen as a political monster for them and this has made of recent his acquaintances question his faithfulness when befriending him for a cause as it is always easier for him to make a sudden u-turn when things don’t go his way and indeed does not embrace public interest, a quality required of a strong ambitious and proactive leader.
Raila a fugitive of lawlessness has a unique sanity that dares trash the bad elements from alliance with him without due regard to the costs associated with the decision, to him public interests comes first and counts most than anything else even if it means disintegrating or abandoning his own founded party, this makes him be regarded as one of rare political species whose un-predictable political trait sends greedy figures sick. In fact and in short without Raila-ism, politics in Kenya are never tasty.
Political acceptance of a firebrand Raila is 3-D in instinct. Firstly, Raila does not advocate for politics of intrigue and tribalism which are the cornerstone of politics in East African country, he always try as much as he can to get endorsement in other provinces and indeed he gets it from the voters regardless of jealous big names in those locales who claims to possess the provinces. This has made some like Mudavadi and Ruto to try to emulate his style of deploring tribalism although with great care as their people may sometimes on hearing this run a mock.
Secondly, Raila’s non-tribalistic and cleanmanship traits wins him international recognition and support as these are the merits that counts to the international fora and donor community. Most big shots in Kenya smell a rat of minor to mega grafts. When it means waging war against corruption Raila is ready to breach even a high level moratorium as long as graft is denounced and laid to rest.
Thirdly, Raila has a history of living to his unwavering principles and has a cause to fight for-for Kenya, despite the fact that his tireless and endless efforts are only causing political multiplier effects to his colleagues whilst himself getting stuck in a “Wild-goose chase.”
Any journo with a nose for news wouldn’t find scandalous story to report about the leftist Raila. This has won him unwavering public support let alone his dogmatism that has scared all reins in the oldest East African unipolar economy.
But one question remains un-answered that, why a radical Raila does not make it to the peak with all the charismatic merits he has that beams far beyond the borders of pyrethrum producing country? Is it that Amolo does not care about the incentives of political planning that can lead him to realize his longstanding dream? Is it that failure to plan is planning to fail? Is poor electoral system to blame for fiasco? Or is moribund constitution a witch against Raila’s dreams?