Forwarded by: Obat Masira
Date: Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 2:48 AM
To: jaluo dot com

To: obatmasira@ . . .
Date: Saturday, October 31, 2009, 7:41 AM

Hi Mr.Masira,

Thanks a lot for the beautiful copy of The Lake Basin Jewel you to me. What a noble idea at such

an opportune moment! I have taken this long going through it part enjoying the stories and majorly because as a journalist hailing from the Lake Basin region, I am proud to be associated with the Magazine.

Towards this end sir, I would like to make the following comments based on the 1st Issue:

Ø The name of the magazine is superb; it creates an image of the rich culture of the lake basin and boost sense ownership among the communities inhabiting the region. Perhaps you can try using teasers on the cover page to inform you readers what is inside. Remember the cover page creates the first impression and since the magazine will be placed alongside others on the newspaper stands, it should stand out than the rest.

Ø Photos; Sincerely speaking some photos in your first copy were not all that impressive while some were not clear some were also taken from on long range making some objects vague (check page 5 and 21) .Considering the objectives of the magazine and its readership, the use of variety well matched of photographs reflecting the various touristic sites would produce more impact than a million words. These can be shot at a close up and more emphasis given to human interest. Please sample the samples scenes like;-Masaai’s culture, Dholuo in their traditional regalia, tourists riding in a motor boat or in swimming pools then of course the magical Kogelo! Etc the diverse wild life in their natural habitat e.g. the migration of the wildebeests. These photos can be obtained from archives and tourists’ agencies and KWS.

Carefully cropped and edited would create a good first impression and colour the paper. The photos in the issue were impressive but would be better if were taken more closely where the reader can easily discern the objects. Sample the KQ’s Msafiri.

Ø Feature articles; Well researched articles on current cultural dynamics would create more impact than scholarly articles. It would be advisable to assign writers particular areas of interest e.g. Tourist resorts at Rusinga island, the changed face of Kogello,Wonders Of the Mara etc

They can the research and present balanced and objective feature this will reduce dependence on unsolicited manuscripts and contributors which sometimes disappoints

Also since the magazine should have a countrywide as well as international appeal the editorial should ensure that at least sites in all areas within the Lake basin are covered to avoid one side claiming to be sidelined

Type face the font is okay only that it would be good if you just state the name of the writer in the byline and save the qualifications and designation to after the story for example

footnote_(Prof Nyatiki is a lecturer at Kenyatta University) >this is because readers are diverse and while some are afraid of big titles some hold biases against certain organizations and therefore you better save them for later in the story.

Remember that most readers like human interest stories and therefore it is advisable to carry out sufficient research on their likes and preferences because at the end of the day they are the ones to keep the media house running.

Mr.Masira, tourism sector is a real unexplored goldmine considering that the region is among the leading touristic sites in the world and therefore channeling enough efforts and resources to produce a beautiful product will establish a niche of loyal readers all over the world. You can even venture into making documentaries and syndicate it to several media houses thorough out the world.

Sir, thanks for taking the initiative of promoting tourism in the region.I look forward to working with you.

Yours sincerely,
Edwin Makiche
Cell; +254 721 506 595

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