Jaindi Kisero; I do not get it

From: odhiambo okecth
Date: Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 3:20 AM

4th November 2009

Jaindi Kisero; I do not get it

Mr. Jaindi Kisero has put up a very academic and suspect support for Hon Uhuru Kenyatta on the issue of the purchase of the Passat vehicles for government officials in today’s issue of the Daily Nation.

I say academic and suspect because all of us Kenyans can read and interpret the provisions of the Public Procurement Act. This Act came into being because of such scandals. It was meant to forestall such like Uhuru scandals as it opens up procurement to public scrutiny and openness. It calls for invitation of not less than three bidders in instances where procurements are in excess of Kshs 1,000,000.00.

And here, we are not talking about Kshs 1m; we are talking about Kshs 5Billion! Or better still, Kshs 5,000 Million.

Mr. Kisero avers that the principle is to allow for the economies of scale and enjoy bulk purchase discounts. How? Can this not be achieved through competitive bidding process? If you subject the process to competition, will you not achieve economies of scale and enjoy bulk purchase discounts? Still, the Passats were bought at figures far higher than the known market rates, so, how did the government achieve bulk purchase discounts here?

Mr. Kisero supports the thinking behind going for a specific make, model and colour. This is so pedestrian coming from someone we all thought had competent knowledge on issues economic. Honestly, if you go for competitive bidding, will the winning bidder fail to comply on the same if that was the yardstick? Of course, it will be a specific model and make. Then they can give you all the vehicles in the colour that you want. This kind of argument, I would say with all confidence once more, is pedestrian and suspect.

If some minister wants to go to Majenjo in his official car, will owning a Passat stop him/her if s/he has been doing the same using a Mercedes. Again, this is not convincing coming from someone of Mr. Kisero’s calibre.

The use of words can really confuse and especially if there is ill motive. Mr. Kisero says that Migosi Uhuru must be supported for having the guts to implement the boldest attempt ever to rein in on ostentation, opulence and sickening conspicuous consumption among our leaders. I beg to differ. Passat presents the kind of wastefulness that we can do without. And I am talking from experience. The Passat consumes more fuel than all similar range of vehicles in the market. Secondly, obtaining parts is not easy. It will cost the government more in terms of maintenance as compared to the Mercedes E-Class. Thirdly, Passat is not as hardy as we are being made to believe.

To confuse our thinking, Mr. Kisero engages us to diversionary tactics. He goes ranting about what our MPs are given as soon as they get into parliament. My, it does not for any single moment justify what Uhuru has done. You are cleverly leading us astray and the worst part of it is that you are doing it intentionally. Our eyes are on the antelope brother!

I will take you down memory lane just to refreshen you. Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta was appointed the Minister for Local Government immediately Kibaki was declared the winner in 2007. And when time came for nominating Councilors, he chose not to follow the laid down provisions where Councilors are nominated on the strength of the civic performance of their mother parties. I bet as a renowned journalist, you have the facts.

Secondly, the moment he was posted to Treasury, he came up with things he casually called adding errors. The beauty of it all is that he was caught with his hands in the till and his mouth powdered. He could not escape it. But, together with his friend, the one he has given the insurance contracts for the ‘Uhuru Passats’, parliament gave them a reprieve.

Recently, he bought his own land for the benefit of resettling IDPs. A very noble thing indeed, only that he is the Minister for Finance and the land in question is his.

Before the dusts settles down, and with the government telling all those who care to listen that they will conform to the rule of law, your Uhuru is back in the news with this ‘Uhuru Passat’ issues.

It makes me ask, is this man serious? Is he intentional? Must he make all the money now? And MUST Jaindi Kisero, Jaindi of all people, must Jaindi defend him?

Odhiambo T Oketch

Nairobi Kenya.

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Subject: Jaindi Kisero; I do not get it

2 thoughts on “Jaindi Kisero; I do not get it

  1. Rindi

    I thought your is an excellent rebuttal to what i would summarize as Jaindi failed attempt to justify the impossible. I have always held Jaindi in the highest of esteems but an article like the one in defense of outright , arrogant , defiant theft of taxpayer shillings … leaves a lot to be desired. Odhiambo you captured my thoughts on this matter precisely that there is little for me to add. For the Jaindis and the Opanga jounalists of todays Kenya. SHAME.

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