Excuses for breaking the law!!!!

From: otieno sungu
Date: Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 9:27 PM

A trend is developing in Kenya where citizens find it ok for a leader to break the law as long as he/she comes from “my tribe” or “my Party”. You will see arguments advanced for the neccesity to break the law because “it was for the common good!!!”

I am still baffled what common good can breaking the law bring!!!!

Recently, the President broke the law by re-appointing the KACC Director and his assistants without following the law. It was very disconcerting to see many, lawyers included, supporting an illegality. The current raging debate about the Procurement of Passats by the Finance Minister is another case. Some argue that those raising issues shoud have done so beforehand. This does not arise for there are clear procedures laid down and no one needs raise issues.The law should simply be followed, period!!!

Uhuru Kenyatta has a penchant for breaking laws. He did the same when he was Minister for Local Government and went against the laid down procedure for nominating councillors.He is doing it again with the procurement of Passats, and sadly, he has a lot of dancers to his law breaking tendencies!!!

As Kenyans, we must narture a culture of calling our leaders bluff when they break the law. It is sad that we have sunk so low that when a leader breaks the law, as long as he comes from “my tribe or my party”, I will excuse him. In other countries, that is enough reason for one to voluntarily resign. But because in Kenya such a leader will have “his people” supporting him, he will saunter around, saying things like ” I would rather die than resign”, ” I will not resign”, “I am enjoying the circus” etc

I must say that the bar for a Kenyan leader is set so low that leadership in Kenya has lost meaning. In civilized societies, the law is the custodian of the people’s rights, when we start giving leaders leeway to break laws, today it will be irregular procurement of Passats, tomorrow it will be organizing youths to murder and get away with it!!!

The law must remain sacred, there should be no compromise on the sanctity of the law. We must learn to revere our laws.

As common men, that is all we have and that is what makes us equal with the big man. When we allow them to trample on the law, we should not cry when they organize and fund youths to kill us, because the law will not protect us, and they know it!!!!!!!!

The law is the law, there is no small law and big law!!!

Otieno Sungu.
Juba-Southern Sudan.
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Subject: Excuses for breaking the law!!!!

One thought on “Excuses for breaking the law!!!!



    Your article which I consider to be very honest and logical is describing what impunity and tribalism stand for in Kenya. Thank you very much for it. It was overdue. But nothing can change until the day we change the constitution to one that deprives the all-powerful president the ”power that makes him to be above the law”.

    Now we are clearly understanding why Uhuru Kenyatta had just to be the deputy prime minister and minister of finance, even to the extent that John Michuki had to decline the post since it belonged to the same great man.


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