USA: We beat Romney

from: Justin Ruben, Political Action
Dear MoveOn member,

This past week, we tried a new grassroots strategy to take on Mitt Romney. And it worked, better than we could have ever dreamed!

Right now, President Obama is sinking in the polls, and the race looks very tough. But the more people know about Mitt Romney’s economic plans—tax breaks for millionaires, layoffs and cutbacks for the rest of us—the less support he gets. That’s why we’re launching a huge program to make sure that swing voters realize that Romney isn’t just some rich guy who happens to be running for office—he’s running to raid America for the 1%.

Our first action already had great results: we followed Mitt on his bus tour with our own “Romneymobile”, a Cadillac covered in corporate NASCAR-style decals (with a fake dog strapped to the roof). MoveOn members came out to join the Romneymobile wherever Mitt went, carrying “President of the 1%” signs.

There were so many of us at a WaWa in Pennsylvania where Romney was scheduled to stop that his bus just drove right by, leaving his supporters and reporters baffled.1 Romney’s lavish and carefully orchestrated tour was focused on getting him positive local news stories—but our message about Romney and the 1% made it into much of the tour press coverage!2

In our MoveOn member vote yesterday, 91% of us voted endorse President Obama. It’s time to go all-in to stop Mitt Romney and use people power to counter Super PAC dollars. Our campaign has just gotten off the ground and is already getting great media coverage in key swing states. But we need to raise $350,000 this week to replicate our success everywhere Mitt goes. Can you chip in?

Yes, I can chip in $5 to help keep Mitt Romney on the run.We’ve launched “99Airlines,” our plan to fly a plane overhead at all of Romney’s big events with a message from MoveOn members. Our banners were getting so much attention that Romney got his own plane with a banner in the air. Only his team didn’t quite think it through.

The Romney campaign’s banner read: “Romney for President 2012.” Our plane was following right behind it with one that read “Romney: Every Millionaire Counts Tour.” It looked like the Romney campaign was saying our message himself! The media loved it and wrote tons of stories.

Getting the real truth out about Mitt Romney is priceless. But keeping the planes in the air, funding the “Romneymobile,” and all the other elements of our election program cost money. If we can raise $350,000 we can make sure that swing voters nationwide know that Romney truly would be “President of the 1%.” Can you chip in today?

Yes, I can chip in $5 to help stop Mitt Romney.MoveOn is independent of political parties and politicians, and we know that re-electing the president will not bring progress in itself, but rather is a precondition to progress. We’re going all-in not just to win this election, but to keep building progressive power for the battles to come.

Thanks for all you do.

–Justin, Garlin, Victoria, Emily, and the rest of the team


1. “Obama supporters disrupt Romney event,” CBS News, June 16, 2012

2. Here’s a list of some of our press hits:

We’re only just getting started, and we’ve already got Romney literally on the run. But to win the election, we need to go all out to make sure voters know that Romney would be “President of the 1%.”

Can you chip in?

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