From: Judy Miriga


If Raila was a dependeble good leader, he would not have let this matter spill-over to this point. Raila was head-swell when he arrogantly send off Miguna Miguna packing. Raila did not respect the Judicial Law to allow amicable resolve between him and MM, instead what he did was to inflict more pain by pushing Miguna Miguna to the wall.

With what is at play, Raila Asked For It………and …… Raila will have to live with it…

The saying goes, “if you chase a cat and it reaches dead end and it sense danger, it will turn back and scratch you dangerously”……This is what is happening between Raila and Miguna Miguna………Even if you feel you are too powerful, it is not fair to take people for granted. It is important to be fair and feel for others dignity and virtues as well…….

There is no escape and the truth is that Raila is a material for ICC Hague inclusively Crime against Political violation and abuse, Social violation and Abuse with Economic Violaion and abuse which caused violation and abuse against human rights including those activities that pushed victims to excessive mental torture, poverty, environmental pollution, draught, pain and sufferings; the Activities include as well Crimes committed where lives were lost and many lost their dwelling places…… Raila provided cushon for Corruption, Impunity and Graft to thrive under his watch and from where he also benefited.

Enjoy your beautiful weekend……..

Cheers everybody…….

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

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— On Sun, 7/15/12, mohamed warsama wrote:
From: mohamed warsama
Date: Sunday, July 15, 2012, 10:16 AM

Let us look at the four options in Raila’s fightback plan in today’s Sunday Nation:

1. Take on Miguna head-on and attack his character


What can they say about his character ? He is not corrupt, that’s for sure. Intellectual arrogance is a product of being highly intelligent.

2.Encourage some of those whose character has been brought into question to sue the author


No. 1 to be “encouraged” to sue is of course Raila Odinga. Will he ? Can he ? What can he say about how he acquired businesses since 2008 ? The Kisumu molasses plant ? The purported family oil deals ? His flop-flop reputation ? Can Joshua Kulei dare to sue for disclosure he gave Sh 54m to Caroli for ODM election expenses ? Nah. On the contrary, Kulei would be happy at the disclosure, for ODM can no longer lean on him for more. Claim Caroli bought Heron Court for Sh. 800m. That came from Sally Kosgei according to Miguna who simply relayed it to Raila.

3. Address some of the issues raised in the book.


Let Raila address two: did he use his PM position to enrich himself ? Is he a weakling who was unable to sttand his ground against Kibaki ?

4. Ignore the book altogether and concentrate on his (Raila) campaign.


The only viable but not so smart option. Silence is equated with guilt. How can Raila go stomping round the country with all these unanswered questions hanging over his head ?

Mohamed Warsama

Raila’s fightback plan amid Miguna Storm

Posted Saturday, July 14 2012 at 23:30

Prime Minister Raila Odinga plans to counter allegations contained in a provocative new book by his former aide in an effort to control potential damage from his acrimonious falling out with author Miguna Miguna.

ODM insiders have offered Mr Odinga several options to tackle the charges levelled against him in Peeling Back the Mask, Mr Miguna’s memoir of his time in the Prime Minister’s office. (READ: Inside Raila’s kitchen cabinet)

Some within ODM feel that Mr Odinga should tackle Mr Miguna head on. There has been talk of going after Mr Miguna’s character and offering an examination of his record, which some on the PM’s team say would undermine his authority.

This team has been calling for publicisation of some court cases Mr Miguna battled while in exile in Canada. One source within ODM, who requested anonymity because consultations are still ongoing, said: “Who is Miguna?

“How was his tenure as adviser on coalition affairs? What did he achieve? How did he get the job?

“What determined his choice of publisher? Why did he flirt with American fundamentalists like the anti-Obama right winger Jerome Corsi in seeking to publish the book? These are some of the issues we will address.”

A second option Mr Odinga has been advised to pursue would be to encourage some of those whose character has been brought into question to seek redress in the courts, both in Nairobi and London.

This is viewed as an effort to bring into doubt the authenticity of some of the claims and to demand that Mr Miguna provide evidence for his charges of corruption in the PM’s office.

In an interview with NTV before the official launch of his book on Saturday, Mr Miguna said he was ready to meet his challengers in court, where he would represent himself.

“I hear that they want to take me to court. I am a lawyer, and I will teach them some law.”

Some within Mr Odinga’s team of advisers think the PM should ignore Mr Miguna entirely, saying responding to him might be seen as validating the claims.

Speaking at the official launch of the book on Saturday, lawyer Paul Muite advised the PM not to take this course of action.

Mr Muite said the new book should not be viewed as an attack on individuals but as an effort to advance Kenya’s political culture and to introduce greater openness in public life.

He said the PM should respond to the contents of the book instead of “fence- sitting”. “Kenyans want to know the real Odinga,” Mr Muite said.

He called on Mr Odinga to offer a detailed, blow-by-blow response to Mr Miguna’s charges.

The former Kikuyu MP said in developed democracies like America, a candidate’s past is examined back to the nursery school level, something that needs to be replicated in this country.

“Was he the beneficiary of the issues we are reading in the book? We also want to hear the unfinished business of the 1982 coup,” Mr Muite said.

During the launch, a fire-spitting Mr Miguna defended his motives for writing the book, casting himself as a whistleblower who had stood against more conservative forces in the PM’s office.

He also sensationally claimed he had evidence of a senior ODM figure’s participation in planning the post-election violence.

Mr Miguna’s book has caused a sensation in political circles. It seeks to undermine Mr Odinga’s credentials as a reformist and has been latched on to by the PM’s opponents like Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka and URP presidential aspirant William Ruto.

The ODM team says it intends to go on the attack this week. They hope to reveal some of the inconsistencies they say are in the book.

But a defiant Miguna on Saturday warned those around Mr Odinga to tread carefully because he claimed he has more on them.

He said he was working on a second book, including his diaries which he said revealed the role of some ODM leaders in planning the post-election violence.

Reaction to Mr Miguna’s book continued on Saturday. Nairobi lawyer PLO Lumumba confirmed meeting former World Bank country director Colin Bruce at the height of the 2008 election crisis as reported in the book but denied the meeting was about recognition of President Kibaki.

“We met to discuss modalities of peaceful reconciliation when the country was in chaos,” Mr Lumumba told the Sunday Nation.

He was reacting to a claim by Mr Miguna that the meeting was to lay down strategies on how world leaders would recognise Kibaki.

Mr Miguna claims Dr Bruce was recalled from Kenya when the meeting’s agenda leaked.

Yesterday, Mr Lumumba said those at the meeting were not “Kibaki affiliated” professionals as claimed by Mr Miguna in his book.


  1. Domnic

    Muguna Miguna never deserve the job of PM”s advisor in the first place. Though the man is very informed in law matters and written communicator,he lacks simple
    wisedom . He is a know-all who believes in himself and always carry himself to be vey important and not ready to listen to alternative apporoach. Job was too big
    for him and he never performed it. He his a fellow who will never get advise from anybody. RAILA is most tolorrant leader and if Muguna could not work with him
    then muguna will never work with anybody.
    Nowonder ,muguna got less than 500 votes when he vied for mp position in the year2007. He will fail in any poisition beause of his crude behavior.

  2. george

    I went school with Miguna, that is UON where he was briefly. Logins is not what he claims to be. Then he was a junior member of SONU, and what I can recollect about him is that he used to abuse moo making the loudest nois when people were debating national issue. Generally he was a village hero who was very uncultured.

    The genesis of miguna the character started in NYS at gilgil, one he could not graduate like anybody else having failed to meet what was expected of us. He could not follow instructions, was ever at loggerheads with instructors. He used be called nungu, a name for dimwit in NYS discipline sense. If he was not being punished at any one time was held in retard argurment with his friends. At NYS he was the most annoying with his cohort of Luo friends shouting at the top of their voices in Luo.the man was irritating from his poor dressing to his communication skills. Anyone who was in ngamia barracks could testify to this, in 1986.

    In short he could not be trusted with anything, such that during our pass out parade he was left out by the officers who were convinced that he could jeopardize the ceremony. In the end he had to watch the ceremony from the sides

  3. Watu

    There is nowhere in that book mentioning Raila having done any grand corruption. I am starting to have this feeling that you Judy and Raila have some history that we do not know. Someone cannot all the time have issues with another person without a proper reason. Miriga you should just tell us if you are another case of disgrunletd element like miguna.

  4. Dr.Wanga-Odhiambo

    First of all am in Diaspora and I never votted for you Judy, so you dont represent me. Secondly Miguna suffers from NPD a personality disorder that inflates one self importance. Thirdly, Yes Odinga bought majority ofd the Molases shares, what followed after the envisioning of the benefits the molases would have brought to nyanza the project was shelved by Moi governmentas economic marginalization of Nyanza continued follwed by the closure of Kicomi and the death of Miwani and Muhoroni sugar miils ” hamutakula ngombe imebali mkia tuu” retorted Moi one time at Muhoroni Sugar miils( My Phd area-Sugar farming in kibos Muhorin area) This case of Molases and failure of the Sugar industry is well documented in the kenya National Archives-KNZA, BV and AG files. It was not onloy Raila but also few prominent the greater Nyanza leaders who had shares. So argue with tangible facts than tribal vendetta. For economic marginalization take Political Sciences classes, what then do we say of the marginalization of Turkana hao sio watu or Wakenya? my 2 cents, and please am not represented here in diaspora by anybody!!

  5. Dr.Wanga-Odhiambo

    ignore my spelling errors this computer of mine is on strike too!skipping key -pads

    ” hamutakula ngombe imbaki mkia tuu”… I photocopied alot of Archival sources from KNA on Sugar, Molasses and jaggery (sukari nguru) anybody interested? So state facts otherwise Politics smears academia sometimes, a sad commnentary of our times!!

  6. Harry

    You have all mobolized to attack Miguna,a whole tribe.Shame on you all for being dominated by one family,worshipping oginga family

  7. Watu

    Infact Dr. Wanga just mentioned something that struck my mind. This title of diaspora spokesperson, who bestowed this to you Judy? Am also in the diaspora and like Wanga and the rest of us i think we are very much capable of speaking for ourselves.


    Alot of stuff have said of Mig mig and his Peeling Off the Mask, my approach is this:

    I have gone through above thread. My opinions are: as far as the principles of civilization are concerned, it is a great crime in a society that is enshrined in the rule of law and advocates for the democratic mainstay and good governance ethics; to indulge in judging its members who happen to be opposed to the school of thought and have them bullied. What precedence are we trying to set for the next gene’? I thought freedom of expression is well embedded in the so called new constitution that the society achieved by writing its history by blood-ink.

    The problem with us the blacks is that we normally tend to judge a book by its cover title. How many of us exhausted page by page the voluminous “Peeling off the Mask?” How many afforded its tariff and went through it? Challenges are the order of life in the universe; even Deity was tried by the Lucifer, how come that a mere fallible human being can escape trials?

    The best approach to deal with a situation like this is to stand it and come out bold in response to the message being conveyed by the book; not by injustice but by justice.

    Africans never read, and the best way to hide something for an African is to keep it in a book form, he won’t see it forever because reading is never an African culture, thus why the whites came up with something called Abstract/executive summary which I myself believe was designed for lazy readers christened the busy executives. They just gloss-over and blast up. Indeed as the law of gravity states that something that goes up must come down; and indeed in this expensive posture, often trends like these have harbored reactions that have implanted negative perceptions in the people’s minds which turned disastrous.

    So I am sure even some of the well informed [elites] have not read the philosophy of Peeling off the Mask, but have rather chosen to jump to a negative conclusion that it aims at devastating the hopes of some elites who are captivated in a “Wild goose chase” since independence.

    As a born writer, one of the writing principles states that “if the audience isn’t contented with the messages conveyed in the philosophy in a book of contention, the best way for the audience to revenge is not by bullying the author [an approach which may prejudice his natural justice] but rather by COUNTER-WRITING A BOOK TO DISAPPROVE THE FORMER.”

    This practice is non-existent in African set-up and I am convinced that it will take Africa centuries to achieve this culture, thus why the best African writing resources like Ngugi wa Thion’go et al were forced by circumstances to flee.

    “If an egg breaks due to outside forces inside life ends. But if it breaks due to inside forces life begins. Great things always begin from inside”. Politicians in Kenya should chose to break from the inside.


    “Not all that glitters are gold”. Raila a lifetime political martyr in the sub-continent is still inclined to believe along with his disciples that he can make it to the throne before he rests for life outside the universe.

    Unlike his political colleagues, Raila a long-time anti graft crusader has always evaded being involved in scandals from minor to mega ones in a society that is highly rotten of grand corruption making him be nicknamed a clean man who descends in a transfigurational style in the midst of tribulation where and when peoples hopes inches despair.

    His unique carrot policies have often scared his adversaries and made him be seen as a political monster for them and this has made of recent his acquaintances question his faithfulness when befriending him for a cause as it is always easier for him to make a sudden u-turn when things don’t go his way and indeed does not embrace public interest, a quality required of a strong ambitious and proactive leader.

    Raila a fugitive of lawlessness has a unique sanity that dares trash the bad elements from alliance with him without due regard to the costs associated with the decision, to him public interests comes first and counts most than anything else even if it means disintegrating or abandoning his own founded party, this makes him be regarded as one of rare political species whose un-predictable political trait sends greedy figures sick. In fact and in short without Raila-ism, politics in Kenya are never tasty.

    Political acceptance of a firebrand Raila is 3-D in instinct. Firstly, Raila does not advocate for politics of intrigue and tribalism which are the cornerstone of politics in East African country, he always try as much as he can to get endorsement in other provinces and indeed he gets it from the voters regardless of jealous big names in those locales who claims to possess the provinces. This has made some like Mudavadi and Ruto to try to emulate his style of deploring tribalism although with great care as their people may sometimes on hearing this run a mock.

    Secondly, Raila’s non-tribalistic and cleanmanship traits wins him international recognition and support as these are the merits that counts to the international fora and donor community. Most big shots in Kenya smell a rat of minor to mega grafts. When it means waging war against corruption Raila is ready to breach even a high level moratorium as long as graft is denounced and laid to rest.

    Thirdly, Raila has a history of living to his unwavering principles and has a cause to fight for-for Kenya, despite the fact that his tireless and endless efforts are only causing political multiplier effects to his colleagues whilst himself getting stuck in a “Wild-goose chase.”

    Any journo with a nose for news wouldn’t find scandalous story to report about the leftist Raila. This has won him unwavering public support let alone his dogmatism that has scared all reins in the oldest East African unipolar economy.

    But one question remains un-answered that, why a radical Raila does not make it to the peak with all the charismatic merits he has that beams far beyond the borders of pyrethrum producing country?. Is it that Amolo does not care about the incentives of political planning that can lead him to realize his longstanding dream? Is it that failure to plan is planning to fail? Is poor electoral system to blame for fiasco? Or is moribund constitution a witch against Raila’s dreams?

    “Politicians prefer politics but they don’t prefer discussing politics; instead they like holding power with them”

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