From: Kenya Diaspora Development Forum of MN.

To All Kenyans,

Following the constitutional provision allowing Kenyans in the Diaspora to vote for the first time in the upcoming, presidential and general elections in March 2013, Kenyans living in various cities in North America and elsewhere have been filled with expectation about this historic development. However, there have been mixed signals originating from leaders about how this measure would be implemented.

Our anxiety was heightened following the announcement that Diaspora Kenyans would be required to cast their votes at embassies in their respective countries of residence. If enacted, this measure will impose the most poignant act disenfranchising Kenyans living in the Diaspora. This is not acceptable. The Diaspora community must do everything possible to ensure their franchise, as provided by the constitution, is not retracted.

The constitution clearly enfranchises a large number of Diaspora voters. The IEBC and relevant institutions should ensure they create administrative efficiencies and cost effective logistics for Diaspora voters. With the addition of polling stations close to Diaspora Kenyans, most of whom are eligible voters, will be able to exercise their full voting rights by being able to reach a polling station to cast their vote without incurring a prohibitive cost.

Issues of access are problematic for Diaspora voters. They face limitations in their ability to vote due to the remoteness of their location from the embassies that are preferred by IEBC as polling centers. Kenyans living in the U.S. reside far away from the Kenya embassy. The types of limitations and obstacles which may affect Diaspora voters are endless.

In a positive response to our concerns, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is offering an opportunity for Diaspora Kenyans’ voices to be heard about their preference for the establishment of polling centers.

This is our chance to advocate and agitate for a polling station to be established in each city with a strong concentration of Diaspora Kenyans. The key is for all Kenyans to respond to the survey being administered by the IEBC. With all our voices heard, the decision will likely be made to establish a polling station in a city nearest to you. Stand up and be counted. Below is a link to the survey. Your prompt action in responding to the survey will reinforce our collective petition for accessible polling stations.

The IEBC Survey


B. Metho I Secretary I 612.399.6163 I kddfmn@gmail.com I http://www.kddfgroup.org/

Sometimes there are things in life that aren’t meant to stay. Sometimes change may not be what we want. Sometimes change is what we need.

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