Kenya: KCDN formerly constituted- 30th May 2013

From: odhiambo okecth

Dear Friends and Members,

The Kimisho Community Development Network- KCDN was formerly constituted today when a Team of Eminent Persons sharing in the same vision met under the Chairmanship of Bishop Johannes Angela- the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Bondo.

Seated L-R; Mr. Fanuel Odhiambo- Commissioner of Cooperatives, Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch- Executive Director- KCDN, Bishop Johannes Angela- Bishop ACK Bondo Diocese. Standing L-R; Mr. Fred Banja, Mr. Manasseh Ong’wen, Dr Florence Achungo, Mr. Joseph Kwaka, Ms Janet Awino, Mr. Leonard Obidha and Mr. Caesar Asiyo

It was a very exciting moment for the entire Board, for today, we have formerly launched a vehicle that will drive the Three Pillars we have always believed in, namely;

Environmental Management,
Economic Empowerment, and
Poverty Eradication.

The Board of KCDN will comprise of the following persons;

Chairman; Bishop Johannes Angela
Board Member; Sen Prof Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o
Board Member; Mr. Joseph Kwaka
Board Member; Mr. Caesar Asiyo
Board Member; Dr Florence Akinyi Achungo
Board Member; Ms Janet Winnie Awino
Board Member; Mr. Manasseh Ong’wen
Board Member; Mr. Fredrick Banja
Secretary and Executive Director; Odhiambo T Oketch

The Board also discussed the Kimisho Sacco Society Ltd and further details will be announced in due course. We want to develop structures upon which the Sacco will run because we are keen in making some fundamental and monumental changes on how we have been doing things, principally touching on attitude change.

This is going to come with several Educational Initiatives, Capacity Buildings and Exchange Programmes that will be beneficial to our Members.

During our 1st Board Meeting we got very insightful guidance from the Commissioner of Cooperatives and the Secretary to the Poverty Eradication Commission. We had deliberately invited them to take us through the ropes and make us understand what setting up a Sacco entails and more so, what it takes to fight for Poverty Eradication. We are truly indebted to these State Officers for sharing their valuable insights.

Later in the afternoon, I met with Ms Suzzana Owiyo, to put into proper perspective the up coming World Environment Day activities. Suzzana and a Team of Women Celebrities will be joining in the World Environment Day by hosting the Soko Bila Waste Campaign. We will be at Wakulima Market on the 5th June 2013 as from 7.00am and it will be exciting watching Suzzana and a team of Women celebrities vending their wares at the Market. This will be followed by a Clean up at the Market.

We are inviting several Partnerships and we will be communicating this in good time.

We at KCDN and The Clean Kenya Campaign- TCKC do firmly believe that we can make our Markets and Neighbourhoods clean if we so wish. To this extent, we will be Partnering with The Suzzana Owiyo Foundation, the Media Personalities and Corporates to drive the Soko Bila Waste Campaign across all our 47 Counties.

Let us join hands and work for a Clean Kenya as we celebrate our 50 years of Independence.

Odhiambo T Oketch,
Team Leader and Executive Director,
Tel; +254 724 365 557,

One thought on “Kenya: KCDN formerly constituted- 30th May 2013

  1. Kuria-Mwangi


    Why do you ask me such huge questions? Very huge indeed. Just sent a piece where I said if Oto was in Baltimore, we could make very good money especially in inner city. Baltimore can do with his cleaning and much more-drugs, HIV, teen pregnancies, na kadhalika. He would have come up with several ideas and I can work with him. The condition would be he spins ideas, I keep the money.

    That is why I am asking Afwande to find out if we can get Oto huge ideas to clean Baltimore and help in others ways. I think he is very creative and I have never had any problem with his ideas at all.

    It is possible that he does not have enough capital for his ideas and that he would need more capital and better managers. Ideas have never been an issue with Oto.

    Lets help him with this one because he has started on a very good footing. Nyongo na Bishop wako.

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