Law of Gravity and Ghosts

From: maina ndiritu

I was reading this book by Robert M. Pirsig and It got me thinking , he suggest that the IQ`s of modern man are not superior to medieval men or the others who lived in those particular times , he says they were just as intelligent as we are but it is in the context of thought that was completely different , within this context of thought , ghosts , spirits are quite as real as atoms , photons,quants are to modern man

modern man has his ghosts too , the laws of physics and logic …. the number system … the principle of algebraic substitution … all these are modern mans ghosts , we believe in them so thoroughly they seem real .

For example , it seems completely natural to presume that gravitation and the law of gravity existed before Isaac Newton , it would be insane to think that until the 17th century there was no gravity … so when did this law start? has it always existed ?

before the beginning of the earth , before the sun and the stars were formed , before the primal generation of anything, the law of gravity existed ?

sitting there having no mass of its own , no energy if its own , not on anyones mind because there wasn’t anyone , not in space because there was no space either .. not anywhere … this law of gravity existed ? if it did …i honestly do not know what a thing has to do to be nonexistent , it seems to me that the law of gravity has passed every test of nonexistent there is , you cannot think of a single attribute of nonexistent that the law of gravity did not have , or a single attribute of existence it did have , and yet it is still common sense to believe that it existed .

If you think about it long enough you will find yourself going round and round until you reach the only possible , rational , intelligent , logical conclusion , the law of gravity and gravity itself did not exist before Isaac Newton , no other conclusion makes sense . what that means is that the law of gravity exists nowhere except in peoples heads , its a ghost.

we believe the disembodied words of Sir Isaac Newton were sitting in the middle of nowhere billions of years before he was born and that he magically discovered these words .. they were always there even when they applied to nothing , gradually the world came in being and then they applied to it , in fact , those words themselves were what formed the world … that is ridiculous .

The problem , the contradiction we are left with is that of the mind , mind has no matter or energy but we can not escape its predominance over everything we do , logic exists in the mind, numbers only exist in the mind .

Laws of nature are human inventions , like ghosts. laws of logic , of mathematics are also human inventions like ghosts , the whole bloody thing is a human invention including the idea that it is not a human invention , the world has no existence outside the human imagination , it is all ghosts and antiquity was so recognized as a ghost . we live in a world run by ghosts. we see what we see because these ghosts show it to us , ghosts of Moses and Christ , the Buddha, Plato, Descartes, Rousseau ,Jefferson , Lincoln , newton and so on. Newton is a very good ghost , your common sense is nothing more than the voices of thousands of ghosts from the past trying to find a place among the living

Why should we not all live in peace and harmony ? we look up the same stars , we are fellow passengers on the same planet and dwell beneath the same sky , what matters it along which road each individual endeavours to reach the ultimate truth ? the riddle of existence is too great that there should be only one road leading us to an answer
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