A woman suspected of killing the former Uganda army commander is under tighter security scrutiny in prison


Writes Leo Odera Omolo In Kisumu City.

Prison authorities at the Luzira Maximum Security Prison in Uganda have classified a woman suspected of killing her lover, a former army commander, as a high security risk prisoner, and placed her under twenty four hour surveillance while in prison cell awaiting her trial for the murder case.

The suspect, Atim Draru ,according to the Commissioner General of Uganda Prisons, Dr. Johnson Byabasaija, is under extraordinary surveillance normally accorded to prisoners, whose safety authorities fear might be compromised.

The Commissioner-General said in an interview published by the SUNDAYVISIO this morning, that Draru now joins the ranks and lists of former and current high security risk inmates, while awaiting for her trial, for the killing of her former lover.

Others are former Ministers Jim Muhwezi, Captain Mike Mukula and Dr Alex Kamugisha who in 2008 spent a few days in Luzira Maximum Security Prison, over the alleged corruption, involving money from the Global Vaccine Initiative {GAVI},MPS Hussein Akbar {Arua Municipality}, and Abwoili Kyahurwenda {Buhuguzi County}, who are facing separate murder charges.

FDC leader, Dr. Kiiza Basigye who was held on treason and rape charges in 2005 was also classified as an inmate of high-security risk. He was monitored for 42 hours via closed circuit TV.

Draru is facing a murder charge, after confession to killing her lover, Maj-General James Kazin, during a domestic squabble in November last year.

“There are three prison warders working eight hours shifts, monitoring her every move and submitting written report every hour”, said the Prison Chief.

The book is available for perusal by visiting justices, members of parliament, religious leaders and others.

Those who have been subjected to similar security measures include, ironically, the fallen Maj-Gen James Kazini, who on March 27,2009, was sent to Luzira Prison on charges of bloating the army payroll with ghost soldiers, and causing army a loss of Ushs 62 million.

Prison authorities in Uganda learnt  a hard lesson in 2005, when Private Joh  Atwine, a soldier with UPDF, who was then a suspect  in Kampala City lawyer Robinah Kayinga murder case, died under mysterious circumstances while in their custody.

Atwine fell sick and was taken to the sick bay, which is an isolated cell, and  that particular incident caused a serious security breach.
Like other high-security risk inmates before her, Draru has received a visit from the Commissioner for Prisons, Dr. Byabasaija.

Byabasaija further stated, “ I always visit the {high security prisoners} to find out how they are faring, and if there is anything I can do for them”.

Asked about his impression of Draru, Dr. Byabasaija said, “She was a very worried person .Her bosom was heaving a sign of someone with a lot in her mind. However, she was guarded in her speech, which is understandable, considering her condition and circumstances”.

“She looked a harmless  woman. Moist people convicted of murder are not dangerous. In most cases, they are crime of passion, or an accident. The dangerous ones are armed robbers, because they  take time to plan their action”, Dr Byabasaija said.

Besides a visit by prison chief, Draru has two regular visitors. Her aunt and a cousin always come together to see her in prison.


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