Face to Face with Death!

In my book/memoir/autobiography entitled “Except for the Lord,” that is scheduled to be out in just a few weeks, I have shared with the world my very challenging journey that in many ways can be described, at least by me, as “a road less traveled.” In it, I have pointed out that as long as I can recall, the devil has over the years made me an easy target-yes,even wanted to kill me!

What you will not find in the book, is what happened on Tuesday, March 18th, at exactly 7:25 pm. On that day, I came face to face with death. How I survived, only the good Lord knows. Let me explain.

About two months ago, our first daughter narrowly escaped death in a very tragic road accident. God saved her life. Hallelujah! But in that accident, she lost the car. And so for quite some time, she had no choice but to use a bus,thus making life of a student extremely hard.

My wife and I decided to buy her a car–Toyota Camry, 2005–with as low as 44,000 mileage. And so last Friday, she came to get her car. On seeing it, she was excited–the kind I have not seen in the twenty-three years that I have had the privileged to know her!

On the material day, which was a day before she was to leave on a long trip of eighteen hours, I decided to go fuel the car. The plan was that I go ahead and that she and her youngest sister would drive behind me. For reasons I cannot explain, I changed the plan at the last minute and decided to drive alone.

From bass lake, I went south on highway 169. I took the 36th exit. At the stop right, I was to go East to a shell gas station. This is where I almost died! I was shaken so badly. Even as I write, I wonder if I would have died ready to see Jesus at His second coming or not.

It totally changed my priorities–I decided to put more time into doing the Lord’s work.

On that day, I was reminded once more that we are living on a borrowed life. Further, I was reminded that all those things that we consider valuable are just useless. The Camry would have gone in just a matter of seconds, which would have been another disappointment to our daughter.

I had the right of the way. I was driving at the posted speed. But from East going west, was this fellow driving a truck. He was not only driving at a very dangerous speed, but he failed to stop. He would have cut the Camry right across the center. How I escaped, I do not know. The onlookers who saw what happened shook their heads. Many stopped to say sorry. As for the guy, he kept driving!

On my way home, shaken as a little kid that was hiding from a fierce dog, the words of the Apostle Peter came into memory. He wrote: “Be self-controlled and alert.Your enemy the devil prowls around, like a roar-ling lion,looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8.)

Not knowing how long I will remain in this world, I have purposed in my life to change priorities as I continue to faithfully serve the man of Galilee.

I am indeed very thankful to be alive today–more borrowed time to be with my family, minister to God’s children at Maranatha, and continue the Internet ministry. Thanks for your prayers.

Pr Birai

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