From: joachim omolo ouko
News Dispatch with Father Omolo Beste

John from Kericho writes: Fr Beste what is your take on Cardinal John Njue supportive to crackdown on illegal aliens currently going on? Thank you for your homily on Palm Sunday. Why do you think high priests, including Caiaphas were among people who planned to kill Jesus? Some times last year a Kenyan wanted to sue Israel State for killing Jesus, how did the case go?”

Good question John. In fact it is not only Cardinal John Njue who is supporting crackdown on illegal aliens, the operation is supported by religious leaders from mainstream churches. They have pointed out that the exercise should be expanded to include those involved in armed robbery, cattle rustling, poaching, rape, kidnappings and petty crimes.

They also blamed laxity on some security personnel whom they accused of allowing illicit guns and other dangerous weapons to enter the country. Cardinal Njue on his part was quoted saying: “We appreciate the efforts of the security forces and realise several have lost their lives in the efforts of restoring order.

However, there seems to be reluctance and lack of vigilance among some security personnel causing illegal arms to increase and criminal elements to operate freely in our country.” Religious leaders are aware that behind every illegal immigrant stands a corrupt or negligent government official and behind every illegal firearm, there is a tale of corruption and negligence.

Cardinal Njue added, “The dignity of life should at all times remain a priority. The current operation must not be seen as targeting any religion, tribe or nationality but aimed at fighting terrorism and other forms of crime.”

The recent operation has seen 82 Somalis deported while hundreds more have been arrested and screened. The Government is also investigating several individuals believed to be financing the terror groups.

Yes John, you are correct. Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis attempted to sue the State of Israel, the Republic of Italy and a whole slew of New Testament characters on behalf of the friends of Jesus.

Indidis filed his suit in the International Court of Justice in the Netherlands, also bringing suit against Tiberius, the Emperor of Rome; Pontius Pilate; Annas, a Jewish Chief Priest; King Herod; Jewish elders and Jewish teachers of the law.

For Indidis, it’s all about human rights, and he feels as though Jesus suffered greatly. In particular, the lawyer is challenging the modes of questioning used in Jesus’ trial more than 2,000 years ago.

While the ICJ rejected the suit because they have no jurisdiction for such a case, what you should know John, is that the Jewish people are not collectively responsible for the death of Jesus.

Many Catholics and other Christians are blaming Jews for Jesus’ death. In his book, Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI points out that it is wrong to condemn the Jews collective as having killed Jesus.

He asks in the book, referring to scenes in the Gospels where the people of Jerusalem demand that Roman governor Pontius Pilate have Jesus crucified. Although the Gospel of John says the people in question were “the Judeans,” the pope says the term “does not refer to – unlike the modern reader may tend to interpret – the people of Israel as such, and it doesn’t even have a ‘racist’ connotation.”

On your third question, high priests, including Caiaphas were involved in the plan of killing Jesus because he threatened their power. High priests were so corrupt and powerful. Thy forced their worshipers to take to them ten percent on what they harvested from their gardens. Jesus was against this.

Caiaphas was a supreme political operator and one of the most influential men in Jerusalem. He had already survived 18 years as High Priest of the Temple (most High Priests only lasted 4), and had built a strong alliance with the occupying Roman power.

Caiaphas knew everybody who mattered. He was the de-facto ruler of the worldwide Jewish community at that time, and he planned to keep it that way. Caiaphas wanted Jesus arrested, tried in a kangaroo court and convicted on a religious charge that carried the death penalty.

Caiaphas’ power base was the Sanhedrin, the supreme council of Jews which controlled civil and religious law. It had 71 members, mostly chief priests, and Caiaphas presided over its deliberations.

Mind you, Levites were the only Israelite tribe that were only to become priests, they also received cities where they were not allowed to be landowners “because they claimed that the Lord the God of Israel himself was their inheritance” (Deuteronomy 18:2), so they forced worshipers to feed and contribute money to them.

The Tribe of Levi served particular religious duties for the Israelites and had political responsibilities as well. Historically they were the priestly classes in Judaism who had exclusive rights to learn and teach Torah to others.

Levites’ principal roles in the Temple included singing Psalms during Temple services, performing construction and maintenance for the Temple, serving as guards, and performing other services which they were paid for. Levites also served as teachers and judges.

Fr Joachim Omolo Ouko, AJ
Tel +254 7350 14559/+254 722 623 578
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