Saitoti, Ongeri, the Writing’s on the wall: Resign Now!

Kibaki is and has been abetting corruption from the time he took office, due to his inability to make timely decisions. Instead, waiting until leaving office by his Ministers is the only course left. Remember Murungaru, Mwiraria, Kiraitu, Kimunya, etc? They all had to be hounded out of office by various mechanisms for various glaring shorts which any CEO cannot excuse. We did not need all those public demonstrations and parliamentary time for the obvious to forthcome.

Now Mwakwere is out luckily by a petition, cos he defrauded Matuga voters, which has taken two years. Please imagine the cost to us for maintaining a Minister who cannot swallow what’s already chewed into liquid?? He took up Transport when it was shooting to perfection from Michuki and brought it to near standstill.

He had come from Foreign affairs etc.. where he had left rot. He could not even solve the Likoni ferry disaster in waiting, but is proud enough to purport to speak for coast people? Why are we having these kind of Ministers?

Currently, we have Saitoti in Security, and we are being killed left right and centre, while he lectures press conferences. What caliber of Security Minister is locked out at an illegal border post by criminals?

Ongeri is now running around, talking about political detractors! Did the detractors distract him while millions were being misappropriated under his watch?

Raila has been forthwith in all these cases in asking the affected to step aside for investigations, but what do we do as Kenyans? Ask him to leave PNU issues! I wonder where PNU or ODM or any other political party pays taxes.

It’s us Kenyans of whatever party paying taxes who are being defrauded by poor performers. Kibaki as an economist should cast his fence sitting tendency and save us billions in inept and thieving executives! Sack them in time and hold them responsible for their oversights.

Kimathi Munjuri

5 thoughts on “Saitoti, Ongeri, the Writing’s on the wall: Resign Now!

  1. JD Brown

    Mr. Munjuri,..I often wonder how your country deals with: Corruption/fraud or public looting of funds!!!. For all the ministers/public officials who have looted public funds in this country! come none of them is in jail?????..The best your country can do is always to force these people out of office and nobody gets prosecuted and go to jail for these crimes? Case in point, I still vividly remember the former election commissioner, who messed up your election and when his time was up to go, him and his gang were given millions of shillings despite the chaos and deaths they created to this country under their watch!

    Yes, today the battle cry from the PM to the public in the street is ” Ongeri and his cohorts must go”, but nobody is calling for their criminal prosecution that I know of!. If Kenya cannot try and convict these people who have abused their offices and public trust..what will deter the next Minister or any public figure from even stealing more money from public coffers when the price to pay is to resign with the loot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I bet when all is said and done, your new constitution will not address the sanctions of public corruption and office abuse by the elite/ruling class who are now in charge of this constitution..what a pity to you and your country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Jd Brown

    Brother Nyagilo.
    I feel you pain Sir!. You and your country people are in conundrum in the way public voting is conducted in this country. To grow your emerging democracy, voters tend to vote for one of their own in this country.

    The problem with this tribal and blind loyalty is that: when you vote for damn people you get damn government, when you vote for liars you get lying government, when you vote for corrupt politicians you get corrupt government and when you vote for one of your own, others also vote for one of theirs!!…this is the CONUNDRUM YOUR COUNTRY IS FACING WITH THESE DAILY CORRUPTION CASES BY YOUR PUBLIC OFFICIALS!



    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Uhuru Kenyatta and Sam Ongeri, Minister for Basic Education, have gleefully told off donors, following the controversial loss of donor money meant for primary education, saying the said donors will be refunded in full their money by treasury.

    According to these two Kenyan leaders, it is alright if those charged with the control, utilization and supervision of public funds steal the same, since the taxpayers will have no choice but foot the bill. Strange logic. According to the cosmology of these two great leaders, the civil society, of whom they care the least, will always come to their rescue, every time they release a financial stench.

    Are the civil society listening to the shameless arrogance?


  4. JD Brown

    Another thing Mr, Nyagilo…I had the chance to see Mr. Ongeri and other officials from his Ministry answering questions on this issue. This Minister was saying, “I am stupid..I am damn. I did not know what was going on in my Ministry”. In other words, Ministers do not have to know how funds are allocated/dispensessed.. This job is beneath them!!!. It is pathetic to see your so called Honorables play “see no evil..hear no evil”, or play damn stupid when they are caught in these mega corruptions cases.

    Please, check Mr. Ongeri’s testimony and you will come to the same conclusion I have made here. To see these Ministers make foosl out of themselves will teach Kenyans that future cabinet Secretaries cannot be MPS at the same time..people running these ministries must come from outside and be appointed based on their qualifications. By the way what kind of Prof. was this Ongeri guy..I wonder!!!!!!!

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