Dr. Newton Kulundu is dead. The former MP for Lurambi died in Naiorbi a miserable man. We do wish that he rests in peace but I have a feeling that God has many questions for Kulundu for having supported wholeheartedy a corrupt, tribalistic and recacitrant regime of Mwai Kibaki while many many Kenyan suffered under abject poverty and discrimination. Kulundu fought for his stomach but unfortunately he died with that stomach.

Not even Kibaki visited him in the hospital where he stayed for almost a month. I guess Kibaki too understands that Kulundu was merely fighting for his own stomach-thats how mafia governmments work. Marha Karua too realized that in a mafia government there is no mercy-you fight thinking that you are fighting for Kibaki, while the truth is Kibaki thinks you are fighting for your mercy to the foot mercy to the citizens..Rest in peace Kulundu-you waged a good fight for your stomach while here on earth.

From : Christine Baraza


  1. Ajwala Bonface

    Please don’t be so harsh on our former minister. He will be remembered as the first minister of Kenya to have had the gutts to tell US ambassador how his country is preaching water while taking wine. So please Ms. Baraza, let the dead have a peaceful rest. Don’t be extraordinary because everybody make mistakes, but when they die, they aren’t usually mentioned. He fought his fight, it doesn’t matter what type of fight.

  2. P stanslaus

    I am not really sure if this man Kulundu got anything for himself or his stomach for the big arrogant and aggressive fight he put up against progressive thinking Kenyans on behalf of the ever thANKLESS kIBAKI. This man Kulundu was a public disgrace in his thoughts, speeches and demeanour. Many people support Kibaki (for selfish and ethnic reasons) but they do not go to the extent Kulundu went in dismissive insult and demagoguery.

    He failed to stand for what is right during his lifetime, he failed to stand with Kenyans and instead opted to go to bed with corrupt cabals of the regime. Let him remain there in death, if anything I dont think he would be useful to God in any way. Kenya is now one demagogue less.

    Kenyans had already forgotten about thim when he lost elections, only for him to emerge uninvited on our TVs that he had died. what happened to our rights not to know or care when a senseless bootlicker passes on? Bure Kabisa

  3. joseph biara

    It is an abomination to talk ill of the dead irregardless of the circumstances they met their death. To put matters straight….. Hon. Kulundu was a professional medical doctor who quit to join politix. He was never fingered in any corrupt deal and he brought forth very onerus boys who are adults with the last born awaiting to graduate from the university. If ever you talk of PRINCIPLED PEOPLE such was Dr. Kulundu. He knew not double speak and never suffered fools. To impute that he died miserable is only mis- leading and reckless.

    Ill health can befall anyone and not even your worst enemy can wish you such.

    Christine Barasa must be a very mean lady who must be condemned by any sensible living being.


    May you live a healthy and prosperus life – CHRISTINE BARASA!!!!!

  4. alex Waudo

    It is absurd to write such utter nonesense to somebody who served this nation with dedication and was not involved in any corrupt practices unlike the current crop of politicians.
    kulundu was a professional , principled man who could not be swayed with political waves. so what if he stuck in PNU during ODM wave in western kenya? . That doesnt mean he was serving his stomach, but principled. BRAVO DAKTARI, REST IN PEACE.

  5. ANDY

    I think it is almost an habit to talk well about somebody just because he is dead. I didn’t hear him say anything constructive even to that US ambassador. He was just acting arrogant. KILUNDU was a doctor, but never in his speech or his deeds ever gave anything a doctor should give. I would talk nicely about somebody like “A BABU” “NA MWAMBA” (A SMALL GRANDFATHER AND A ROCK). He knows how to reason things out.

  6. Odhiambo Anyango

    Kulundu might have stepped on your mother’s pipe, as the old adage says, but now he is gone. Remember in the good book we are counseled to forgive those who trespass against us so that our own trespasses may be forgiven us. Do not lose your soul over a guy you seem to value less than a stray dog.

  7. william

    It’s un african to talk ill of the dead.
    This Christin Baraza thinks she is won and kulundu lost coz kulundu went first. These is the height of folly.
    Kulundu rebuked Leakey as a stalinist of the first order and for these Kulundu never minced words.
    Moi whipped Leakey’s back till it went red as Leakey tried to introduce colonialism through back door
    Kulundu was his own man.
    Just let him rest

  8. william

    You are too harsh to the late minister.
    Can you let him rest? Christine Baraza & Stanslous,
    if his family sees what you are saying during these time of grief, they would just vomit.
    Save the rebuke for another day

  9. Mbaraka

    Does death on its own bestow honour on a person simply because he has dies? Does a crude thief in life become a holy saint in death? Let the truth be said: Kulundu was a man of ill will during his life. He vehemently supported a system that was plundering kenyans and worsening poverty and disease. He supported ‘utawala wa kimabavu’ against Kenyans. So he should suffer the same consequences in in death. That is what it means to carry your musalaba.

    even though he was a doctor, he never used the intelligence that is expected of this profession to guide Kenya. He lived for his stomach and died with it. Worst of all, he died a very irrelevant monster. Kenyans cannot forgive him in death when he never asked for it in his lifetime. There is really nothing wrong in using the experiences and malpractices of his life to educate and warn kENYANS.



    The fact that Kulundu supported a corrupt,tribalistic party, inudated to the brim with corruption, arrogance, dishonesty and impunity does not make him unique. In politics there is what is called psycophancy. There is also what is called apologist.There is also what is infamously called opportunism.

    Psycophants, apologists and opportunists are not stupid people since they consciously take a stand that they know hurts the majority, yet for the sake of selfishness they do not care a hoot. To them what matters is what they personally gain in contradistinction to what the country would otherwise gain from transparent honest leadership. Such characters would not mind if they sink with the country as long as they line their pockets.

    In life and death let Kulundu be what he prefered to be. At the end of the day let Almighty God take over.

    Opportunists are neither stupid nor are they ignorant. They take the stand they take notwithstanding the fact that it hurts the majority. But there is consolation in the fact that time and tide take care of them at the end of the day. Nothing is stagnant in the universe, everything is in constant dynamism.Everything changes and those who do not want to change will be changed by the same changes.


  11. Kush.

    The sad part of the freedom the web gives is that, evil people like Christine Baraza can post the shit in their head. Yes Kulundu wasn’t a good politician but do we have any of them (polticians) who is honest and has the intrest of the poor struggling kenyans at heart. APANA, in any case Kulundu showed courage and told the Yankee that what they are doing to people is modern slavery.


  12. Fuambo Janyandito

    For the sake of the late Ho. Kulund’s family and kin, this debate should cease. Whoever wants can write a biography about the late. What does somebody gain by talking ill about the dead. It is good to criticize people when they are still alive inorder to have them correct their ways but useless criticising them when they are dead.

    Kenyans should have manners. Instead of being vigilant against politicians who are hatching schenes to water down the work of CoE they are busy criticizing the dead.

  13. andrew kulundu

    it hurts me to see people talk ill of my dad.anyway,i wish them all a happy life.God,forgive them for they know not what they are doing.Christine babaza n company,God liveth.

  14. george

    come heaven on earth lies are unfolded by the truth no matter whom you are,the state you are in,the is best known from your duly tasks,make a difference once you have got a chance to serve especially the community,hence criticism wont follow you to grave.

  15. hamisi

    It is unfortunate that we will always want truths be told in a euphematic manner!It is a fact that Kulundu called a spade a spade and nothing more. Kulundu – my man.RIP

  16. Kinta

    I think this Baraza woman must have been cuckolded by Kulundu. Otherwise why be so mean with a dead person.

    Rest in peace Kulundu

  17. Kimombo

    Don’t be arrogant. what have you done for yourself, leave alone the nation? honestly kick you!

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