Commentary: Kenya Grand Coalition Cabinet Size is Inconsequential

Press Release

The recent settlement of the Kenya Grand Coalition cabinet by His Excellency Mwai Kibaki and PM Designated Hon Raila Odinga is a great gesture of political breakthrough from the post-election violence trauma in Kenya’s history. In fact, it has raised hope that the two leaders are willing to transform and restore Kenya’s political, economical and social development traits.

Kenyans and the international community vested hope and trust in Hon Mwai Kibaki and Hon Raila Odinga to pilot the country to a safe landing after imminent African persons, led by Dr Kofi Annan, brokered the signing of a significant and historical peace deal between the two leaders. Therefore, the cabinet settlement is great achievement and should be backed by every concerned citizen.

Kenya is still bleeding and is in intensive care unit. Therefore, any political prescription that could lead to rapid healing is necessary, no matter how expensive it may be.

The entire world’s focus is on Kenya and people are keenly watching how amicably the PNU-ODM government will embark on a radical political, social and economic transition without declining back to crisis.

Kenya’s recent political crisis can develop to serve as a role model in solving the political and humanitarian crisis tearing apart our continent.

The Christian Democratic Movement of Kenya (CDMK) hereby urges all Kenyans and the international community to attend the swearing in of the Grand Coalition cabinet on April 12, 2008 to legitimate the Kenyan government and to enable us start the second facet of our demand for a Majimbo system of government as the safety net for Internal Displaced Persons and refugees currently living without dignity in camps.

The critics of the cabinet size should not compare the outdated Kenyan Unitarian government system with Federal Systems of governments such as Canada, Germany, the USA or any other, since they are being governed in the three autonomous federation assemblies (Federal, Regional “Majimbo” and Local Governments) .

In essence, the regional governments offer direct services to their residents without discrimination and as long as they are registered in their respective regions, it is the mandate of the regional government to protect their tax payers.

Rev Okoth Otura,
Christian Democratic Movement of Kenya-(CDMK) &
East Africa Christians Transformation Mission Fellowship-(EACTMF)

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