Commentary: PNU/ODM Coalition Prescription a Death Trap to Kenyans


Since matters are left on Raila and Kibaki’s hands, in my understanding, the circumstances are viewing the two at par. From what we now see, I am wondering, who is the Supervisor and who is the subordinate? Reading from the list of PNU, I see ODM leadership and its Representation as that which should be INSUBORDINATED. ODM, having the lead in the majority numbers of the elected members, should not succumb to the dictates of KIBAKI AND CRONIES. In my understanding, PNU CABINET ceased to exist immediately after the PACT was signed – since this was a BUNCH OF THUGS WHO TOOK THE COUNTRY HOSTAGE A FLIGHT GROUP WHO ENTHRONED THEMSELVES LEADERSHIP in A THIEVING AND UNSCRUPULOUS WAY and under WANTING circumtances.

My concern from the ONLOOK is ODM and RAILA are behaving like beggers without PRINCIPLES. They are at the MERCY of PNU and KIBAKI.

Why do ODM leaders behave like WOMEN WHO ARE BEING WOOED BY MEN?

I have NEVER SEEN men COILING their TAILS and running away like beaten dogs when it comes to making a lifetime decision for Mwanainchi. ODM doesn’t seem to get it even when the tidings are good. What’s wrong? Is it the JUJU or VUDU?

Mwanainchi cannot be convinced – there has to be some explaination to this.

I see all ministries having been taken by PNU while the PNU HOOLIGAN CABINET is also controlling the country left, right and center. Even the stupidest Kenyan does not recognize or have faith in this CABINET. Why is ODM shying away like an INNOCENT VIRGIN who has just been married and is sent to meet with her HUSBAND? Like one writer said, ODM leadership behaves like a SISSY.

If ODM wants to be TRUSTED by KENYANS come next election, then they must show ABILITY to protect the INTERESTS of WANAINCHI VOTERS. But if they are scared to argue their CASE OUT and stand for KENYANS who gave them MANDATE with the lead representation, then they should do something about this situation.

This undersigned list is JUST PATHETIC. Can someone throw some light?

Judy Miriga


PNU’s List

Today, President Mwai Kibaki requested Hon. Raila Odinga to submit his proposals for appointments into the Cabinet. The President is yet to receive the list.
Even though consultations as per the National Accord and Reconciliation Act, 2008, are important, they cannot go on indefinitely. In situations where there is sharing, neither party can be satisfied 100 percent, because of the spirit of give and take. The consultations for the formation of cabinet have gone on for over a month and have to end at one point.
President Mwai Kibaki has invited Hon Raila Odinga to a meeting, tomorrow, Sunday, April 6th, 2008, at 10 am, at Harambee House. The President is looking forward to meeting Hon. Raila Odinga to finalize the consultations on the new Cabinet.
Below is the final list of 40 ministries compiled by the President after extensive consultations with Hon. Raila Odinga:
1. Local Government
2. Foreign Affairs
3. Finance
4. Justice and Constitutional
5. Nairobi Metropolitan Development
6. Transport
7. Information and Communications
8. Energy
9. Environment and Mineral resources
10. Trade
11. Livestock Development
12. Defence
13. Internal Security and Provincial Administration
14. Home affairs
15. Special Programmes
16. Housing
17. Women and Children Development
18. Education
19. Labour
20. Public Health and Sanitation

1. Immigration and Registration of persons
2. East African Community
3. Planning and Vision 2030
4. Public Service
5. Regional Development Authorities
6. Roads
7. Public Works
8. Water and Irrigation
9. Lands
10. Tourism
11. Agriculture
12. Fisheries Development
13. Industrialization
14. Development of Northern Kenya and other Arid lands
15. Medical services
16. National Heritage and Culture
17. Youth and Sports
18. Higher Education, Science and Technology
19. Cooperative Development
20. Forestry and Wildlife

Dr. Alfred N. Mutua
Public Communications Secretary &
Government Spokesperson
April 5th, 2008
19:00 Hrs

One thought on “Commentary: PNU/ODM Coalition Prescription a Death Trap to Kenyans


    Kenyans are being subjected to a lot of nonsense by Kibaki and his cronies and I am wondering if we have patriots in Kenya. Kibaki and PNU behave as if Kenya belongs to them. One is left wondering who gave the likes of Muthaura the mandate to make stupid utterances on behalf of Kenyans that Kibaki has the prerogative to determine who sits in the Kenyan cabinet. People like Muthaura should have faced stupid consequences yesterday.

    I urge all of you learn from the RPF liberation struggle in Rwanda and together we pool ourselves to cast out the evil regime bedeviling Kenya. I believe true patriots will not let Kenyans go to the dogs for the sake of cheap peace.

    For ODM, I assure you there is no deal that will benefit Kenyans with PNU. Kibaki and his associates are evil and PNU is devilish. What do you expect from Kibaki who trashed the 2002 MoU and swore himself as MHALIFU at dusk, what do you expect from Musyoka who betrayed the ODM course in 2007.

    As for me ‘bado ni mapambano’ and its a high time ODM stopped being naive. Any further delay to act appropriately will usher in a new deadly force.

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