ODM Should Stick to the Demands it has Put Forward


ODM has made a lot of concessions. Every Kenyan up to today knows very well that the ECK (Electoral Commision of Kenya) chairman said that he does not know who won the presidential election. But here we have somebody called KIbaki who is still claiming that he is the person who won and who got himself sworn in immediately. The international body checking the election irregularities made it very clear that there were many irregularities in the presidential election and that the election completely failed and was not up to international standards. In fact, they even wanted the presdential election to be repeated.

ODM and PNU were given yet another chance to show Kenyans whether they are really capable of being leaders and to, despite all of those sins they have commited, share power fifty-fifty. But what have we Kenyans gotten out of it? Nothing, except the opportunity to pay taxes for the politicians to consume.

IDPs are still in the rain suffering, eating money from international donations, etc. Some are still in Uganda. Kibaki has sent an army to Mount Elgon to kill Kenyans. In fact, at the time when even all of the international bodies wanted an army to be deployed in Kenya, Kibaki gave an umbrella to mungiki to kill and burn Luos and Kalenjins in Naivasha and Nakuru, yet he never deployed the army. So can this Kibaki be trusted with Kenyans’ lives again? The answer is simply NO, NO, NO! NAY!!! NAY!!!

ODM is now showing us the right path. Let Kibaki desolve all the cabinet ministries he nominated before the deal was signed and nominate a new cabinet. Let them start from the day they signed the power sharing deal (fifty-fifty). And ODM should not change its mind again as they have done before. They should be sure to really balance those high portfolio ministries this time and should also say NO to forty, but stick to thirty-four. There is no point overburdening the tax payers.

Paul Nyandoto

One thought on “ODM Should Stick to the Demands it has Put Forward

  1. ken

    Hey Paul ODM might soon loose even the gains so far achieved,u trust so much in u a leaders than in God; they will let u down.

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