This last weekend, Friday-Sabbath,April 4-5,2008,
Maranatha celebrated her second anniversary.
A million thanks for so many of you who turned out to
join us. Your presence made a big difference.
Everything about the anniversary-the sermons, songs,
and food was well done. Brother Nathaniel Nyagol, the
Mesesi family, Maranatha children, and sister Grace
Griffin did a fantastic job in praising their Lord. To
you all I say thanks once again.
In his three part series entitled: Holy places-the
Rock; Holy places-the Bush; and Holy places-the
Sanctuary, the speaker brought out very touching
lessons. I will cite a few:
1. Both Jacob and Moses tried to help God, a mistake
that the dearly paid for. At their birth, God, who
knows the end from the beginning, laid down his plan
for them. It was theirs in waiting. All that they
needed was to wait. But like Abram and his wife,
Sarah, they thought that they knew better than God.
2. He emphasized the need to wait upon the Lord and to
avoid the temptation of going a head of God.
3.He also pointed out that God does things in a
strange way. He gave as an illustration His choosing
the rock, bush, and Sanctuary to be holy. It’s God and
not man who chooses what’s holy-a day, a place, a
person! What a lesson that many of us are slow to
learn and quick to forget!
But, perhaps, it’s his life history that has something
to do with part two of our story-lessons from the
cutter machine.
He started his ministry way back in 1960. In 1963, he
was posted to Portland Oregon as a pastor,a calling he
fulfilled until 1966. In 1966, the General conference
of SDA sent him on a mission as a chaplain to the Air
force. He was there until he retired in 1986.
Upon his retirement, he joined Andrews University to
complete his Doctor of ministry degree. He completed
his studies in 1988 and was hired to teach at Andrews,
a position he has held to the present.
On his retirement, he plans to help pastor a church up
to 100 members but on frontier bases.
The lesson is this: Plan, plan, plan. In all that we do,
let us have plan B. Know when its time to hand over
and exit graciously. Do not be headache to those who
have always looked up to you.
Let us be quick to learn and act. If many had learned
this lesson, they would have spared the world the pain
and torture that we experience on a daily basis.
Will I plan? Will you?
Your friend and humble servant,
Pr Birai 612-386-4608
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The speaker of our 2nd anniversary-Part 2 of lessons from the cutter machine!