From: sang kip


Kadhi Courts will litigate Muslim cases only. Muslims refers to members of the Islam religion. You lie when you say Kadhi Courts are not religious.

By the way no Christian is opposed to establishment of Kadhi Courts by Muslims for their religious sake but we are opposed to having it entrenched in a constitution written for a country that has diverse religious groups.

When Christians are depicted as intolerant for saying NO to Kadhi Courts in the constitution the country is misled. Christians has never and will never be intolerant to other religions. In fact it is Islam that has a rich record of intolerance. Many Christians are languishing in jails in Burma, Iran, Iraq and no one can profess Christianity openly in Saudi Arabia today. Go to Somalia today and say you are a Christian and you will never live to witness what will follow thereafter.

One Ayaan Hirsi Ali [former Muslim] in her book Nomad has exposed how Islam persecutes people of other faiths and women. We see intolerance in Jihad where religious zealots are fighting to force non-Muslims to convert to Islam. Now those Jihadists fight for a god they say is merciful. How come Allah is merciful yet his followers are brutally intolerant?!

Calling Christians intolerant is uncalled for. What Christians are saying is that all religions should be equal before the supreme law of the land. Let the Muslims have their Kadhi Courts out of the constitution. Tanzania has Kadhi Courts out of the national constitution. What is so unique in Kenya such that Kadhi Courts should be entrenched in the national constitution?

If what Christians are calling for is intolerance then the word intolerance has lost its true meaning.


  1. charles gicheha njogu

    who said islam is inferior to christan? if it is can a christian who has be so for over 60 years become instantly inferior upon converting to muslim? what about if one is born a pokot which is a minority tribe? can he change one day and become a kikuyu a majority tribe? definately not. or if one is born an african can he have a chance to becoming a caucasian? so islam as a religion cannot be equated to being inferior. it is just a faith. so those contending that inclusion of kadhi is ana affirmative action are dead wrong.

  2. A

    im a muslim i think its time to speak the truth, kenya is still belong to british. and a kenya flag is racist black is for black people and also kenya been name kerenyaga, Ke-re = Ke, nya-ga= nya. Ke+nya= Kenya. racist it came there from the british who divide kenya including africans themselves if it becomes to muslims special british is the enemy number one, also he has devide the muslims he put those imam puppets like now been nominated as an MP. his the one who spoil everything of islam and pretend that his with a muslims now here kadhi for me he should go i dont support either the kenya law or anyone kadhi ok his there for muslims wedding and diirvoce and inheritance he only knows wedding and dirvorce. not inheritance today in mombasa only theres over 50,000 cases of inheritance non of them been solve theres lots of dhulma in kadhi court there will tell you yes your suppose to inherit this much but you wont get nothing its easy for kadhi to dirvoce and live a woman with childrens with no daily bread stop pretending both africans kenya and greedy imams now its time to wake up younger generation there using you british is the enemy of both of you

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