Dear Majestic People Of Kenya,
Herein these forum, we campaigned to the extent that we incited Kenyans against each other.
Herein these forum, Michoma Moenga said words that ignited the people to vote, perhaps words he wished he could take back. He is back, but I say to him, *karibu ndugu* lets end tribalism as we knew it.
Herein these forum, Okoth Otura’s tougue like Peter Okondo’s caused some to want to dissociate from Owad gi Akinyi. Sought of like Rev Wright is doing to Obama. Otura your words are like stale wine, just full of hardness but lack substance, freshness or sweetness. Stop fighting your brothers. Leave Chris Owala alone, he did not cause votes to be stolen. And another thing, Let Ababu Namwamba be whatever he wants to be. If he rises too soon it is the dew of life that will choke him.
Herein these forum, Lucy Kimani’s name was synonymous with Lucy Muthoni, though it was her who’d be on the receiving *makofi* end had she met face to face with many. Lucy, I am glad to be on the same *Gavo* with you this time. If we can heed your call, to develop and interest for another pass time…….
Herein these forum, Barack Abonyo praised and defended Kalonzo Musyoka when Najib Balala and the whole *Pwani *people* *jeered Stephen as he begun showing signs and symptoms of the disease that first afflicted Judas. Now Abonyo asks: “what is Kalonzo?” Daktari, That might be a perfect research question. At the end of it, Kalonzo might just turn out to be the maggot necessary to cleanse a festering ODM wound, and you would get the second Phd! Remember, there are no permanent enemies in politics.
Herein these forum, we keep getting postings regarding brother fighting brother or sister. Only yesterday, Judy Miriga involved me in one. We are done fighting people! Let us stop dismantling one another, but *ebu tuanze kuinuana.*
Lastly, I have received petty emails not about any important issue with Raila’s email address copied on them. I joined many in saying Raila Wan’gni! He is there already, and you all need to realize this. My 10th great grandfather, Ragem commands that you cease and desist from including him in your cheap correspondence.
Whatever, we say, lets be very cautious lest we plunge Kenyans into the avoidable looming war. We are still in the genocide watch for Bahaola’s sake!
Joram Ragem
wuod Ndinya, wuod Onam, wuod Amolo, wuod Owuoth, wuod Oganyo, wuod Mumbe,
wuod Odongo, wuod Olwande, wuod Adhaya, wuod Ojuodhi, woud Ragem! (Are you
my relative?)
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Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 23:34:09 -0400
From: Joram Ragem
Subject: Oh Kenyans, Life Comes Full Circle Too Soon.