The Role of Progressive Kenyans

It is my believe that most Kenyans all they want is a stable, peaceful and a prosperous nation. These are the Kenyans I am referring as progressive. Let us then gage our leaders with what they are going to achieve since we have so many problems afflicting us.

Both Raila and Kalonzo have very powerful positions let us now gage them on how much development they bring. How many Harambees they hold. How many schools, health centers and Youth Vocational centers they build or equip. How much effort they make to bring the Kenyan people together and how much they preach peace and unity.

Let us as progressive Kenyans support them whenever they engage on the above ventures and let us desist from insulting them and demeaning them, sometimes you get what you expect from people.

Let me remind Kenyans again and again it does not matter which tribe a president come from so long as the president holds the principles of peace, unity and development. Everybody will stand to gain, but if a president is divisive and retrogressive nobody will stand to benefit including his own family. How many of you have uncles or relatives in high places and they cannot meet with you leave alone help you? Many. So I beg you people to start demanding performance and character.

Now those who do not see my point ask yourself this question we have 90 ministers and assistant ministers that means every tribe has an appointee have that increased sufurias of food in your homestead? Have that given you a job if you are jobless? Have that given you school fees or scholarship if you are a student? Have that brought you a tarmac road to your town or farm? Have that brought you electricity to your house? Have that made you afford the high cost of food and living? Now may that drive sense to the most thick skull.

Now the last and the most important thing of all, we must stop insulting, fighting, injuring and killing one another because of a politician or politics. That is the most stupid thing a human being can do. You fight, injure and kill one another for people who dine together, drink together and fly together. What kind of an imbecile are you? The word has to go around and be preached that fighting, injuring one another or killing one another for a politician or for politics is the most useless idiotic and senseless thing anything calling itself a higher mammal can do.


Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 06:47:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: charles nkuraya
Subject: The Role of Progressive Kenyans

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