Kenya: Yes and No To Draft Costitution

From: George Kerayi

The YES and NO campaigns may be nothing but all politics. Look at the latest input by Kalembe Ndile who bravely claimed he had ditched the YES camp. That utterance sounds pretty senseless or else pitiful and should not have come from an opinion leader of the calibre of former MP regardless of the level of education. The political class are very interesting, or should I say, very greedy people. They are in record for having never disagreed whenever faced with the pursuit for cash or salary rise. They resolve such pursuits in a matter of minutes in a single parliamentary sitting. More recently they decided to leave the burden of paying of tax to the ordinary Kenya who earns less than 5% of their monthly pay. They collectively, from the speaker to the lowest level backbencher rejected the call to pay tax. Sorry, I understand one or two resolved to pay tax but that is less than 1% of the MPs.

I support the new constitution mainly because the political class had on their hands and for several years the opportunity to resolve all the disagreements and contentious issues in the draft constitution. Failure to resolve these issues necessary means that they were pursuits towards individual gain for if they were towards their collective good, they would have rejected or accepted the draft at the level of parliament on the final sitting before the draft constitution was published. My MP, who spearheads the NO campaign, should desist from blaming the MPs for having rejected the amendments. What he should do is convince all Kenyans and not only his sympathisers that his pursuit is not for individual good but for our collective good. I will vote YES and I pray that God be on my side and the sides of the helpless Kenyans.

One thought on “Kenya: Yes and No To Draft Costitution


    You could be forgetting Ndile was formerly a Matatu tout before he delved into politics where he continued to display his obstinacy. I feel sorry for him, but thats what he is.

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