CAll for Change of Behavioral Attitude

His Excellency the right Hon Raila Odinga visited Kisumu and Bondo with a host of friends both local and international.

We had the right to be ecstatic. In any case the Prime Minister would have been surprised to see us in the state of mourning when gathering to welcome him. My complaint is that many of us behaved in such a manner that directly depicted us as rather uncouth. It seemed that many of us allowed our state of over excitement to directly embarrass the PM. I was so unhappy to hear Mama Ida appeal to some group of rowdy young men sitting right near the podium to be calm and give her a chance to finish her speech. The PM himself had to severally make the “Ling uru” appeal. It made me very sad that I regretted being in the gathering.

We must grow up and learn that the PM is an internationally respected figure, and of all the Kenyans, we who claim to be his kinsmen and especially the youth must in future rehearse the kind of behaviour that befits a senior brother, especially when accompanied by both local and
international VIPs. The Bondo people were also in record for provoking the PM to the extent that he uttered some unkind words to some person in the crowd.

Nyanza leaders must put all the youth down and educate them on the importance of showing reasonably good public conduct (even if we in deed are used to being ill – -  behaved when in our natural senses) for the sake of our public image – – in the presence of guests. This challenge should be taken seriously by all corners of this province.

Thank you all and may God Bless our hero and brother, the PM in the difficult work ahead.

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Date:  Sun, 11 May 2008 17:57:15 -0400
From:  Noah Otieno
Subject:  CAll for Change of Behavioral Attitude

One thought on “CAll for Change of Behavioral Attitude

  1. Domnic

    Lous should now turn their energy to economic development as individual and communial. Though politics is mother of all communial organizations,we should not ignore it in totality
    but double our forcus on economic organization. If we work
    towards economic growth in Luoland then the threat of unemployees will be reduce.The economic development is
    what Kenyatta,Moi and First Kibaki government denied luos
    inorder to make us obedient to their authorities.These three
    leaders had a political design to underdevelop luos at all cost.

    It is this political design which brought the death of Tom Mboya,
    Argwengs Kothek, Owiti Ogili,Robert Ouko.This was the reason
    why Odinga had to finish politically. The end result of the design
    was poverty,less education,less employment opportunities,high
    death from Aids,maleria,…. This design was stated to contain luos,but later the government started to practice in all other regions.

    Therefore,it is high time we turn our energy to economic freedom which the system denied us for over forty years.
    Let us adopt business behavior which will help to build our
    businesses. The luos can make good businesses because of
    their outgoing attitude.Most people who are interested to start
    business must leave out the attitude of being bossy which is
    acquired behavior of administration.The business must first
    realise to differential personal and business attitude inorder
    to secceed.

    We can do alot of good when we get involve ourselves how to
    create wealth for personal and communial wellbeing.We must start investing in luoland and elsewhere. The early years our wealth was created in East Africa. We had very successful businesses in Tanzania and Uganda. It was political environment
    which destroyed our businesses in Uganda and Tanzania.When Amin overthrew the government of Obote ,he killed many luo businessmen and destroyed their businesses.Again,when Nyerere
    introduced Ujamaa the luos in Tanzania lost their businesses. But
    now, with stability in Uganda and Tanzania,let some of young businessmen venture into these areas. We should not be afried
    of taking risks.

    With CDF ,our MPs should encourage the establishment of
    schools to teach businesses like keeping Accounts,adopting
    business behavior,taking business risks,…. These schools
    should take care of school leavers who want to start businesses.

    At the moment,there are huge business opportunities in Southern Sudan and Northern Uganda where luos are mostly
    welcomed. Let the luo business people take risks by trying to
    go to those places. I want time went to Uganda and in the course of discussion with Uganda friend ,he told me that in uganda they believed that Luos are business people by nature.
    He told that interior of their village markets ,luos were owners
    of businesses.He was talking about Busoga region.

    This makes believe that we can do business.Even here in USA
    a number of luos are doing business for their living. The luos can
    use their charecter of honesty to do business. I know in a well
    organise system ,luos can excel in business. The luos find it difficult to excel in business in a disorganised environment.This
    the main reason for our failure to establish business.

    Now,we ask our leaders to establish an organise political system
    inorder to encourage many kenyans to start businesses. A sytem where police will not look for slight offence from a business for him/her to be bribed. Or a situation where police conspires with your business competitors inoder to fix you. The
    corrupt judiciary in kenya is also hindering the development of
    businesses because of taking bribery.These are intitutions which
    are creating problems to general development in kenya.

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