Kenya: Why I will vote YES

YES is the way to go for the middle class and lower class members of our society. I happen to belong in this category and I think 90% of Kenyans are. The upper class in the NO camp can afford to have the current Constitution because they are already advantaged in so many ways such as : thousand acre land lease of 999 years, access to misappropriation of public funds without shame, will never be detained because business friends are in power it. The irony part is that they do not want other people to get the same treatment. For the middle and majority poor who think NO is the answer then nobody will ever safe them.

I will vote YES because if this opportunity is lost and we get a person with grip on power like Moi or Kenyatta, then we in this forum will never have opportunity to write our thoughts freely as we do now.

I will vote YES because jobs currently held one individual say MP/Minister/Presy/PM/VP/CDF patron… etc will be distributed to other many jobless but qualified guys..Why should on person hold many jobs yet millions of graduates are jobless.

I will Vote YES because the proposed constitution will bring hope for a new beginning in Kenya, open opportunities for all and not a class of selected few.. I vote yes because I will have opportunity to say our pregnant sisters should be given opportunity to leave should there be complications with the pregnancy – just like an individual can get amputated because the limp is endangering his live.

I will vote YES because the era of tribal clashes of Moi and post-Moi era will be no more. I know this is key because I have seen families surfer since 1992 elections simply because of their tribe and political stand. With my vote the souls of our departed brothers and sisters during the post-election violence will get some smiles and may be the orphans left behind will have a chance in live and not subjected to the same every 5 years during the elections.

That is why I will vote YES. All the other side talks are only but academic debates – after all live is more important that anything else.


Simiyu Musakali

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