I must be totally blind not to see the light at the end of this tunnel. And I forfeit my right whatsoever to ever, ever and forever find out if I am really blind . For blindness is subjective and not objective. May be my lenses is not just that refractive. But when Raila refers to those who “perpetrated violence” during the post-election crisis as “those who fought for democracy” while Martha Karua refered to them as “criminals” who must be brought to book” , my democratic feelers went to an high alert mode. Alert mode because I already predicted the fall of this empire. The coalition has outlived its time and has become a sheer irritation of an old wound. It is like a giant elephant trophy that occupiers a valuable space in the room. Those who cannot recognize this are living in the past and are hoping for an angel Gabriel breakthrough.
Last night I read of PNUians supporting Kalonzo for president while the night before Musalya Mudavadi was declaring Raila Odinga as the sole candidate for 2012 presidency. Raila was declaring the grand opposition illegal . Kiraiuti was endorcing Kalonzo while Karua was doing the same to Uhuru. I deserve an explanation for this level of commotion in this political arena. Like Jesus always said , lets those who have eyes see. Jesus meant internal eyes. I still hope I have those and if you do not have them then we cannot prolong this argument. The coalition is as dead as a dodo. Kalonzo want a presidency, Uhuru and Raila want the same. The three are in the government and do not want to hear anything about an a formal opposition. If this is not a failier then I will never be in a position to describe one.
There are too many unknowns in the equation of this coasition. The coalition was simply meant to bring peace into the country. It has achieved its goal. The prolonging of the coaltion may start a new circle of this circle. The reason why camps are beginnig to form is because non reconcilable differences have been recognized. Kibaki is out and the rest are sorting themselves out.
Its time we have a real contest. Lets disolve this thing see how Riala performes againste Kalonzo. May be we will find out who will actually solve Kenyan problems
Dr. Barack Abonyo
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Date:Â Mon, 19 May 2008 03:39:23 +0000
From:Â barack abonyo