Re: Let us UNITE Our Country…
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Date:  Tue, 20 May 2008 14:34:01 -0700 (PDT)
From:  Judy Miriga
Subject:   Re: Vs: Re: Let us UNITE our country…
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Judy and everyone

This is a good observation. I always say if I were to take the mantle of leadership, I would bring as many as possible those former settlers to restart development.

Look for example the railways. It took them 10 years to built Mombasa Kisumu, Uganda railways. For fifty years, we have not build one.  The beautiful green tea plantations across Kericho, Nandi were by British, what have we done? Nyayo Tea Zones is dying of neglect and poor management. Those huge agricultural lands that used to produce food for the country and the world are now small tiny pieces owned by small peasants who cannot even produce enough for the family. Look around and tell me what exactly can we do best? Crime? Poverty and disease? Beg all over the world?  Where are we heading? I predict if nothing is done, Africa will soon disintegrate into unmanageable pieces and disaster. It is a real disgrace. Something has to be done. Bring those British back? What do you think? Or just lead a revolution or revolt whichever
and reorganize the entire social-economic system? I am one who could easily support and do anything for change where possible. Many had hopes in Raila but GEMA could not allow. What next? What is happening in South Africa, chasing away the “foreignrs” could repeat itself in Kenya at a greater scale because of mismanagement of resources. The continued inequalities
in distribution of wealth will take its natural course. The recent chasing of kikuyus from all over
other regions especially RV, will go a notch higher next time if a democratic, wise leader is not found soon. The foolish forceful resettlement of IDPs without addressing the past, is futile. Police
stations or police guards will actually accelerate the hatred. This is a clear repeat of favoritism that will never work. Men and women made of steel and Iron must stand up for this time. If only we had just ten Railas, Ruttos and Orengos…Fearless men who would dare the Mungiki gangs in parliament and in statehouse.

Raila the other day asserted that those youths arrested were fighters of democracy and must be
released.  Nothing is better than that. Now, that is daring for a prime minister in the government. Men, this is a hero we have. Yesterday he met with Police commissioner to pressure the release of our warriors. These warriors should be honored at their release with purple heart mendols. We would not have the current coalition government if they did not dare the Kibaki’s Mungiki thieves. Someone, a fearless soldier of justice needs to dare deal with Kivuitu justly. Any man out there to take care of this criminal who is protected by the government? Revolution requires fearless men and women like Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela etc. Freedom is never by plater, it is sometime by blood. Jesus shade His blood. Joshuah destroyed not only Jericho but decimated the populations by the order from above. Kivuitu needs to go. He is not worth the thousands who died horribly in Kibera and around the country.
Remember the bodies you saw even of children in the motuaries? Remember the burnt bodies in Naivasha?

Little child crying helplessly while the parents are slaughtered by Mungiki? Why? Why? Why? Did Kivuitu have to do what he did knowing what it would lead to? He declared at KICC “you think you will be the only one who will be a refugee? Let what happens happen, I don’t care”. Go back to KICC during the counting of votes and watch that video, forward it to us if you may. He knew what he was doing. He is not only careless but evil. He is responsible for all the deaths in Kenya. How do we unite a country while such a person is still in charge of ECK?

David Bett

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Date:  Wed, 21 May 2008 09:03:19 -0700 (PDT)
From:  david bett
Subject:   Re: Vs: Re: Let us UNITE Our Country…

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