from Rose Kagwiria

In this forum i read a very sad case of a sudden death of a child and this has made me get some notes to help prevent occurrence of such situation if possible. The question is.What caused the death of this baby? When you read a story, you are not able to ask questions and in any case is it necessary? Yes it is necessary because it can happen to somebody else and we need to know if this can be prevented. i have decided to react on this article because as human beings we have weakness of blaming one another for any bad event which happens to us or our loved ones. Sometimes it may be genuine and other times it may not. When we go to the hospitals we rely on the medical professionals judgment and their decision in the management of the conditions. These people are not God to see everything that is happening in our bodies. They order investigations according to the signs and symptoms which have been presented by a client and what they can see or hear using modern equipments. They cannot do all the investigations for the diseases which he/she is not suspecting according to the signs and symptoms.

The clients should also take responsibility of their own health. If the doctor prescribes medicine especially antibiotics, these drugs don’t show effect at ones. they take several hours or days before the client feels the effect because the drug has to pass thru several stages, before the patient can feel the effect. This may take from 24 hrs to 72 hours or even more depending on the type of germs and how the body is able to handle the drug and move it to the required destination(pharmacokinetics) and how the drug handles the body(pharmacodynamics) if the client is taking the drugs as advised(compliant ) or not. It is always advisable to consult the person who prescribed medication for you for further advice than moving to somebody who cannot compare what he saw initially and what he is seeing currently. The story is long but prevention is better than cure.

I have attached some notes on causes of sudden death in children and how we can prevent it. In addition i have added notes on signs and symptoms of meningitis and pneumonia in children. Its upon you to make judgment after reading the attached article.

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