The question uppermost on Kenyan’s minds today is…what’s happened to Raila Odinga? I’ve met many Kenyans during my travels who’ve asked me to explain what the ODM game plan is. I don’t pretend to be an insider in ODM politics. Matter of fact, I’m just a humble writer. But I know something about the Hon Odinga’s kind of politics because I’ve watched the man for years. I therefore propose that for us to understand where the Prime Minister is coming from, let’s study how he has handled the most crucial public moments of his life.

1. When I first heard of Raila Odinga, I was in Form 1 at Kamagambo High School. On a Sunday morning, I was told that the Moi government had been overturned and that a certain Lt. Ochuka had acted in concert with Mr. Odinga to beat another bunch of plotters led by Sir Charles Mugane Njonjo. I was intrigued by the events. When you are a young man, such things as coups are very exciting. But to come to the point, the important thing here is to answer the Why question. Why did Raila find it necessary to kick Moi out by force? The answer is simple. Moi was literally raping Kenya. Be reminded that the man was presiding over a regime that instigated and abetted tribal clashes in the Rift Valley, killed political rivals like Dr. Ouko, looked the other way as corruption threatened the economy, and enriched his family…and the families of his cronies…beyond measure. So why did Raila do it?

2. As I became of age, I watched as the Hon Odinga transformed himself into a political machine unrivaled in Kenya politics. Matter of fact, I’m persuaded that the Langata MP is the most charismatic, most formidable politician Kenya has ever produced. JM came close. The point here is that Raila decided to become a politician to save the nation. You have to remember that during that time, the winds of democratic change were sweeping across Africa and the world. The only way to legitimately acquire power was through the ballot. So Raila did just that. If you ask me, that’s a man who plays by the rules.

3. Now that I’m a grown man, I’ve watched Raila handle fame and fortune with dignity and humility. He’s managed to build a business empire and a political following that makes his rivals go through sleepless nights. You’ll recall that he led the nation to defeat the retrogressive Constitution fronted by Kibaki during the referendum. He led the nation to defeat the Uhuru Project. He led the nation to floor Kibaki at the polls. He led the nation to find peace after Kibaki stole the elections in a fashion befitting a man blessed with just a quarter of a brain. Did somebody say Kibaki was a Makerere alum? How he shames his alma mater! The point I’m making here is that Raila has always led the nation…to a better place.

4. Finally, we all watched, after the stolen elections, how Raila handled one of the most explosive situations Kenya has ever had to deal with. Love him or hate him, what you saw was a man who worried about Kenya more than he worried about himself. He chose to create peace for Kenya’s children rather than create space for himself at the State House. That tells a lot about a man’s core beliefs and character.

Fellow Kenyans, I’ve brought up the matter of the Hon Odinga because many people don’t understand what the plan is for the future. What we must all understand is that we are up against the forces of doom. We’re up against a cartel that has horded power and wealth since independence. They derailed our democracy in 2007, but we will not let them again. So when you see Moi scheme in the Rift Valley, just remind him that we defeated the Uhuru Project and we will defeat him again. When you see Kalonzo map a GEMA game plan, just remind the traitor that we are writing his final chapter in Kenyan politics. And when you see Kibaki’s allies do everything to humiliate the Prime Minister, just remind them that we beat them before and we will do it again…at a time of our choosing.

Why am I so confident? Because I trust the Kenyan people. And I trust Raila Odinga. I know for sure that a time is coming when a different kind of politics will have to be played. But, friends, that time is not now. The wise know that you only tip your hand when the path to victory is clear. So as we go forward, let us rejoice that the youth of Central Province, led by the Mungiki leadership, have teamed up with their fellow Kenyans to create a just and humane society. A society where all Kenyan children are cared for regardless of where they come from. Can we do it? Yes we can!

So let the Hon Odinga draw his game plan. In the fullness of time, he’ll tell us where we are going and how we’ll get there. When that time comes, don’t be caught sleeping. Let the man who has called himself the bridge to the future cross the Jordan with us, then we’ll pick the fruits when we get yonder!

For love of Country,

Sam Okello

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Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 14:10:14 -0700
From: samokello@ . . .

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