By Agwanda Powerman

In a surprise move that caught many residents of Kisumu town unaware and showing that Kisumu Mayor is loosing his grip o the council and the confidence the councilors had waning, Councilors allied to Kisumu Mayor Sam Okello lost all their seats to a faction which was backed by Kisumu businessman and tycoon Councilor James Oyollo Soja and one time deputy Mayor Councilor Pamella Jossy Omino.

The election which was conducted by the Clerk to the Council David ole Nkere and was aimed at electing Chairmen of various Committees saw the Mayor’s side loosing all the sixteen seats with only five being contested while Oyolo’s men took all the eleven seats unopposed.

The elections also saw Councilors perceived to be close allies of the Mayor led by Councilors Isaya Onyango,John Ong’ele,John Onunga and Yusuf Masudi loosing all the committee seats they previously had to Oyollo’s function.

“We wanted to teach him a lesson and tell him that his days at the council is long overdue, since he came here he has no any regard for us elected Councilors saying we are stupid “one Councilors who did not want his name mentioned said.

More drama was to be witnessed when Councilors; Masudi and Isaya literally wept outside the town lamenting why they had taken such a move which led to their defeat.

The seats which were under contentions and which were all taken by Councilors allied to councilor Oyollo were;;Finance-Cllr.Benard Muga,Staff Establishment-Robert Otuge,Planning-Cllr.James Oyollo,Works-Elly Okatch Water-Cllr.Isaac Odinga,Education-Cllr.John Ondele Adoyo,Social Services and Gender-Cllr.Gordon Bugo,Environment-Cllr.Romanus Odhoch,HIV AIDS-Cllr.Grace Wafula ,Children-Cllr.Joseph Osir Nyamwaya,Housing-Cllr.Agness Nyagol,Health-Cllr.Pamella Ogembo,Joint Staff-Cllr.Pamella “Pam Jos” Omino, Audit-Cllr.George Weda ,Inspectorate-Cllr.Tom Ogolla and Tourism ,Heritage and ICT-Cllr.Erick Oricho

While addressing the councilors and members of the public while conceding defeat, Mayor Okello urged the winning side to embrace the losers saying all the councilors stood for the common goal of serving the residents of Kisumu.

“Let us not take today’s event as the genesis of animosity between the losers and the winners since our service delivery task is the utmost” Mayor Okello added.

But Cllr.Pam Jos said that the daggers are drawn, sharpened and causalities will likely to be counted vowing that there focus Is to get rid of the council’s corruption which has been going on for the last one year.

“We are neither puppets nor stooges of anyone, we are elected and there are expectations from our electorates that are why we want to say that things will not going top be the same way again” she said.

Councilor Soja refused to be drawn to the issue that the outcome of the elections were to be repeated come the Mayoral elections next year.

“Let us cross every bridge when we reach it, but today the councilors have spoken “he said before driving off.


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