Kenya: Implementing the New Constitution

The Call to Provide True Reform by Implementing the New Constitution a Show case to the rest of Africa

Kenyans are taking a New Step Forward, that of Implementing the New Constitution. The step that requires Integrity and Commitment, to be driven by those People of Sound Mind, those who clearly understands that corruption or impunity is breaking of the Law. This is because there are back logs of cases that must face the Law squarely. We have issues of Theft (stealing Public Finances, Utilities, Facilities, Natural Resources and Land Grabbing, there are faked MoU made with various foreign countries where funds are released to individual private businesses and for Agriculture with other facilities that that which have never benefited the public or fizzle down to where they are intended and were also not processed with the knowledge of the public through the Parliament that need clearance to protect Taxpayers from being indebted); There are those unresolved assassinations and killings; there are crimes and violation against humanity that must be heard and compensated; There are public funds that are banked in foreign accounts that must be returned; There are foreign individual and private businesses that use Public facilities and do not pay taxes or benefit public directly; Those involved in situation such as these must not be engaged in the Oversight Commission Committee because these characters will compromise the Purpose of the Reform Agenda that which was made as a result of Kenya falling apart after 2007 Election-Gone-Bad. Blanketing of Corruption and Impunity are the reason Kenya-Fall-Apart at 2007 election, and the Reform Agenda is to Keep Corruption and Impunity in check by facing Legal Justice Dispensation. These and many others are also the reason why Chief Justice with the Judges of the bench must be vetted and those found guilty of corrupting the Judiciary be charged. These Lawsuits will make part of a much greater security relief and will generate Unity and Trust once again.

Think Progress:

The Legislatures, The Judicial and The Executive, The Civil Society, The NGOs, The Local Social Workers, Workers Union Representatives, Scholars or University Lecturers from diverse discipline, Active Youth Leaders, Women Group Leaders with Civil Society Advocates including The Diaspora Spokesperson must be included in the docket of sharing in the Oversight Commission Committee for information sharing for Development Planning, Peace Advocacy, Intervention, Monitoring and Assessment for purposes of Progress, Prosperity and Growth. This will provide for effective Broad Authority to help regulate and provide insight and booster for the National Economy. All these groups of people hold with them fundamental insights and ability to provide a driving force for sustainability of any development. The failure of African Countries lagging behind from the rest of the world, is as a result of letting political environment take control of Governance, the Executive, the Judiciary, the Security, manipulating the Public Social Welfare Community Leaders, causing the system to jam and opening doors for corruption and impunity and thereby blocking progress. The Public’s fundamental rights with therefore be well taken care of and protected under a Solidarity of a Common Interest for Development and progress.

Looking Back

As a Socio/Political and Economic Activist who have suffered severe consequences from frustrations, segregation and marginalization under the past rulership in Kenya, who in my participation in the Government employment and in the Community services, stood our ground to soldier on and protect and facilitate Democratization for good Governance through thick and thin. We are today glad that Kenya has achieved its freedom it has been struggling for.

My sufferings with those of my family members were made worse when I joined Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in the wake of the repeal of Section 2A to provide for the multiparty system. I was constantly intimidated and my family suffered greatly. My husband was denied salary, working with no pay. My daughter who was a sickle-cell anemia in the event was hit by those who posed as Auctioneers and she remained bed ridden for more than a year and afterwards she became more sickly. Even today, my life is in jeopardy because I undertook to expose the mighty and powerful of the Mafia Cartels who are suppressing Africa from developing.

We saw champions of democratizations, lives being terminated and people unfairly jailed, good brains destroyed, we saw assassinations of special Agents of CHANGE and characters of REFORM being frustrated to their death-bed. We saw our communities livelihood began to fall-apart slowly and surely away from positions of honor and dignity, we struggled to educate our children and improve lives to the marginalized, and painfully I saw my community’s survival with those of other community who were equally marginalized, the Mijikenda from Coast Province, drift away to a state of hopelessness. I persistently stood my ground to encourage others pursue the call of duty from the time I joined Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in 1990 to struggle for true independence where I committed to soldier on. Today, we are able to see the wonders of the call to our persistence struggle, which Jaramogi Oginga Odinga then called, “Not Yet Uhuru”, the New Dawn Era of The New Kenya’s Constitution, (The True Independence), is now here with us.

After Independence from Britain in 1963, politics was dominated by the Kikuyu in the Leadership of Jomo Kenyatta, then succeeded by Daniel Arap Moi in 1978 who ruled for 24 years. KANU was the only legal political & ruling party where Moi was the Vice-President of Kenyatta. In the 1980s, violent, unrest and killings were the order of the day, till there came into being the International Pressure, which led to the Restoration of Multi-Party politics in the early 1990s. This was led by Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. It was then that the threats of fliers and papers were strewn on the door-steps and phone calls made to them that are associating with Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in the Opposition, that their lives are at stake and will be eliminated. This is where I got marked and started receiving constant threats, because I continued to participate in the Oginga Odinga rallies effectively as an opposition activist. Since then, I have not seen peace, I have been persecuted and intimidated and my children became victims of circumstances.

As an Activist whose advocacy is to restore reform, worked in concerted efforts with the Leader of Opposition, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga with others to bring change in the wake of multi-party 1991 – holding the position of Director for Women in the Ford, and campaigning for citizenry rights; for the empowerment of women and youth to fight and bring change and reform in the political arena, I became a target for elimination by former President Moi regime. In this scenario, I became fully-blown marked candidate bound to suffer casualties and insecurity in Kenya – since I was branded and listed a dangerous person by the operating system and believing that I have exposed their maneuvers internationally, I was considered totally unacceptable and punishable. Considering the circumstances with all other proofs and evidence of my persecution in Kenya, my children have received irreparable mental torture and anguish from persecutions and intimidations in ways that demonstrate my security and those of my children were at stake in Kenya. Considering the above networking of the Leadership I am still not safe. I believe that unless the going-ons of the Special Interests is orchestrated to instill fear in me, my family and those who support the same ideals, to surrender the struggle to benefit their interest. I have come a long way in this struggle, and caused many people to suffer, some lost lives in this struggle for Democratic change and is not futile or sensible to give in and be part of the ploy. My conscious will not agree to it or be at peace with that as well. It is my belief that I continue this good work from overseas and provide the badly needed support link and back-up tools needed to effect change – in other words be a linkage contact point to disseminate information for exposure to the International Media and other sympathizers supportive groups. I believe, this is a sure way we will succeed in this struggle at last.

It has not been easy if God was not leading the way, who saw our struggles as we journeyed through. It is truly a blessing we cannot fail to thank God. We believe, the Good Lord God of the universe, touched many people whom we have never met and who we do not know, whose morals, conscious and feelings were moved and got committed not to let Kenya fall apart. They did not turn away their faces or ears in time of need, but steadfastly support our cause and pleas. People and leaders of the World came out strongly, joined Kenyans in solidarity and in our call and cry for help, assisted in delivering the New Constitution and through difficulties, supported the process of the Referendum that made it possible for Kenyans to usher in the New Dawn Era of The Constitution that which took us through a journey of 50 years, that which Kenyans voted overwhelmingly in favor without any conflict of civil war or killings, but remarkably marked a legendary impact, embracing a peaceful exercise never seen in history before since the colonial rule days.

The power and mighty who previously frustrated and stood on the way of Constitution making over the past years, found themselves on the wrong side of history but that is just a reality that has dawn in Kenya today and Africa. They do not believe in Kenya and Africa achieving freedom, they will use all force to scuttle this freedom.

I am a victim of such circumstances of mis-rule under bad governance where Social, Economic and Political situation have been compromised to support Special Interest Groups which caused untold pains and sufferings of many. These Special Interest Mafia and Cohorts have stolen from the Government and the Taxpayers, have manipulated many to be sidelined or be marginalized, have control over foreign NGOs and World Bank funding including IMF as well as other African investors with bad motives of encouraging corruption and impunity in Africa. This is the pain and cancer of what is ailing Africa. It is the Architect of man made Poverty in Africa. They steal and plunger Africa. People of the World must stand with us to root them out, we must expose them so to stop this menace.

Ordinary Kenyans have been treated to titanic demonic Rule of fear and intimidations, twist and turns of casualties of assassinations within marginalization of segregations of tribal and ethnic cleansings, massacres of tribal ethnicity and up-country uprisings including blatant killings and mayhems.

Donor funds have been mismanaged and misappropriated for un-scrupulous political agenda and personal businesses and projects. The public have the right to know and demand that necessary action be taken against the plunder of their economic finances. The misappropriation of public funds, the diverting of development funds and other discrepancies of manipulation of social and economic policies that were translated to suit individual or a group by omission or commission, that allowed politicians along with those of politically correct, to engage in corrupt dealings of twisting public resources without Parliament authority, and by engaging the public officials who also encouraged corruption and impunity must face consequences of legal dispensation.

This is because these actions resulted in the loss of dear ones, loss of value, virtue and dignity, disrupting families livelihood and social displacements, it distorted traditionally fundamental cultures and markets for community social stability, discouraged foreign direct investors in greater volume that would benefit public directly and improve lives and instead encouraged dependence on Donor funds that were indebting the Taxpayers hugely without recourse, while public coffers and revenues are plundered completely without Parliamentary consultation or debate, causing poor citizens into distress and causing communities fall into deeper poverty as a result of higher taxes in basic needs such as rent and food, pushing majority youth and women to unfavorable social conditions.

Former President Moi continue to enjoy protection and provisions of security with discharge of public authority from taxpayers, yet he is the masterminder of Kenya’s ills in social/economic and political distability and the environmental destruction. His activities and behavior is deep routed and has International connections that which is causing disunity and disorganization of any REFORM or CHANGE to take place towards good governance and Legal Justice dispensation to take effect in Kenya. Former President Moi must stand trial and must be accountable for his actions along with those of his accomplice. Nothing will change in Kenya if former President Moi is not legally charged and locked behind bars.

Now that the New Constitution has ushered a New Era, another face of activism to push this New Constitution to take effect and be realized to deliver is another up hill struggle. It will not take effect as easy as many people will think. The Mafia Group of the power house, the manipulators of the past will not take success of the achievement of the New Constitution lightly. They are already re-grouping for a fight to destroy the REFORM or CHANGE that Kenyans have achieved.

Kenya and Africa is still at a crucial point to put Democracy to work since power struggle of the back-room-deals are still dominated by those Special Interest Groups connected to former President Moi to a point they are not ready to do away with corruption, graft, nepotism, cold tribal war and terrorism. This is true according to the current information and activities that are taking place….see attachments. It can be noticed that Public Officials are in liaison with crooked politicians as well as other corrupt businesses of the International and are actively planning to silence their critics. There is need for an immediate and complete overhaul and the restructure of Senior Government Officials as well as those in the Ministerial positions in the opposition who still object to the New Constitution even after they have been defeated.

There is need for an Economic and Poverty situation turn around for ordinary Kenyans which came as a result of direct corruption consequences of looting of public resources, the failed Judicial system, public land being privately sold, Senior Civil Servants of the likes of Permanent Secretaries are the doormats of the Mafia Special Interest Group and corrupt politicians, Finance and Trade Ministry’s are held and controlled by the same Mafia connections where they have leeway to do as they wish, Civil Servants are used to destroy evidence, crime against humanity are not being taken seriously or condemned by the court of law or culprits prosecuted and this results continue build frustrations and fears to the common ordinary person.

It is a fact that the control of leadership in Kenya is still conducted by the Mafia network, where Government leadership operatives and facilitators with those wielding power are networking with the Politically connected Business Community of International standing, and they hire and use the jobless youth to terrorize and intimidate those who are opposed to them or are against their ways of corruption. It is deeply rooted, highly organized, syndicate of high profile secret agents and criminals; persecuting & terrorizing social advocates and the general public; creating and instilling fear and animosity among peaceful loving community, who for many years have lived together in harmony irrespective of their traditions and customs since independence.

The atrocities and persecutions are politically instigated to fulfill mission un-deterred using both existing Government facilities and security system, while maintaining their intertwined grip-hold of power. This titanic ruler-ship is tyrannically a monster put in place to co-exist and exchange political whims of hand-over power to one of their owns or to those who toe-the-line as part of their systematic framework of wicked myth.

Unfortunately, as you can see, those opposed from the beginning, those Mafia groups, the Special Interest who have stolen and looted and killed Kenyans are not happy and they are spitting fumes already, speaking at every forum event that there is no winner in the Referendum, that there must be set a Commission Committee to immediately undertake the amendments of the contentious issues. This is a tactic to scuttle and bring Kenya down to their knees again, where they will hold Kenyans at ransom from moving ahead with the Development Agenda, while they continue to steal and corrupt with impunity and remain in their state of comfort zones. We heard and saw Moi telling the Churches who stood for “NO” not to give up but press for the contentious issues. The Contentious Issues were defeated at the Referendum. It is time to implement the New Constitution first. The Republic of Kenya voted for The New Constitution to take effect to relieve them from OPPRESSION, POVERTY, ASSASSINATION, CORRUPTION AND IMPUNITY, so the general public can have a say and demand for needs of development agenda and for progress. The general public are not interested in backwardness as has been known in Moi era, or in a continual security risks and threats.

Insecurity and Domestic Violence Against Women

Domestic Violence against women grew worse and it became a widespread problem breaking homes and rendering children vulnerable with mental scar. We created women forum for fellowship and creating small business in order to find means and ways for survival and educate the children. The cost of living had skyrocketed. I registered SEWAKE with over 40 women and it was rendered by the Government a security risk. So at every stage we were monitored by the Government and we were not given freedom to fellowship or associate, but were denied license.

Violation and Crime Against Human Rights became commonplace. Security forces particularly the Police continue to commit extrajudicial killings, torture and beat detainees senselessly by the use of excessive force, rape, and human abuse. The Police harassed and arbitrarily arrested and detained persons, including journalists, politicians and political activists. Large track of land from Community settlement were grabbed and majority are rendered homeless, they live in the streets. These large agricultural sector lands provides for food for the local consumption, but are grabbed to be sold to foreigners.

In August 1999, CID officers arrested opposition MP George Kapten and he was subsequently charged for defaming the Government Official and with subversion, where in Finance Magazine, in an interview he indicated that President Moi was implicated in the Goldenberg Finances Scandal. He later shortly later, died from mysterious car accident on his way to his Constituency in Kwanza, after the close of the Parliamentary Session for a weekend break.

Partnership Development between Africa/America

President Obama’s Policy for Africa is a decision that which will free Millions of Africa from the bondage of corruption and impunity. It will end genocide regimes where millions of Africans are living under the Mercy of God. Majority of People in Africa believe that The Obama Administration is able to deliver their FREEDOM from OPPRESSION……While this is true, we also know that The People of Africa have themselves to engage to free themselves from the bondage, that President Obama can only ease the burden to provide for a smooth transition free from war conflicts. But under Partnership Development Agenda, and networking with the Civil Society, we believe we can make it in a shared give and take from serious business investment and with other economic balance situation. Majority of African Local Communities still own big Traditional community lands they can utilize for an improved Agriculture for Agro-businesses and by helping to improve New Constitutional Governance.

President Obama’s Fact Sheet for African will therefore not be achieved under the present Mafia maneuvres as Quoted ….. “Fact Sheet: The President’s Engagement in Africa”

“I see Africa as a fundamental part of our interconnected world, as partners with America on behalf of the future we want for all of our children. That partnership must be grounded in mutual responsibility and mutual respect.”

The AGOA since conceptions has not benefited Kenyan Public directly because the public have not been informed nor the AGOA been fully discussed in Parliament for the gains of Kenyan Civil Society and public. The Business of AGOA rotates amongst the Special Interest Groups with those who are politically correct. This makes situation of Partnership of AGOA with Africa very vulnerable and ineffective in the long run. The case apply to funds disbursed from the World Bank, IMF and the USAID. We request for a thorough auditing and change of personnel in the local Kenya Office….. See attachments.

Refugee Offices under United Nations are also flooded with Special Interest groups. We have cases of those who work in some NGO offices who are Kenyans but pretend to be from South Sudan and are in the US with faked documentation, some who are former Ambassadors and were recalled but left their families behind, some were sent here as Administration Police having used to kill and assassinate people in Kenya. Upon arrival they remain Agents of the corrupt, taking care of the Mafia Businesses in the US. Others are sent to study and remain in the network. All these people gang and wage war against anyone who does not join them or fall in their network. These are some of the reasons it will be hard to achieve change before the Mafia masterminders are nabbed and locked in, their networks abroad grease their wheels.

Mr. Kimunya of the Ministry of Trade met with the Chinese delegation in his Office, signed Memorandum of Understanding without Parliament censor or approval for the Chinese to do business for Agriculture all over Kenya. How is that possible if it is not corruption? Kassim Owango died mysteriously 2005. He started COMESA and as the Chairman of Trade and National Chambers of Commerce, he made the Department operational and resourceful. He started and facilitated the EPZ. He was also one of the top shareholder of Milligan Company. He has been known to have very good excellent health and was never sick or hospitalized ever since I knew him, he was a family member and a close friend of Biwott and Moi. His death was sudden after having serious fight and exchanges because of water hyacinth removal in Lake Victoria with Mr. Neil Robertson who was the project Manager. The case of Water hyacinth in Lake Victoria has been a very controversial matter because Moi has special interest to continue having it in Lake Victoria. A lot of funding have come from the World Bank, Egypt, NGOs and China in millions, but the problem has never been resolved, when in actual sense it can be solved in less than two months. We believe water hyacinth has been left in Lake Victoria because of some sinister motives.

Former President Moi profile and the interest in AGOA through the Ministry of Finance and that of Trade, directly served their personal businesses. The question is, why is SAMEER playing the Public Trading Company yet it is a private personal company? All money from the World Bank, USAID, NGOs are going through SAMEER and through Equity Bank. How and where will the true Civil Society have access to be financial stable and continue to confront the Mafia system effectively to make the REFORM and CHANGE sustainable?

We must cooperate and work together to make the case of Kenya and Africa be a success story in a short space of time by committing and providing avenues for Real Change for Reform in Africa. We cannot survive with bandage repair work when lives are being consumed daily and innocent blood spilled by the Mafias and the connections of the International Special Interest groups. Law must take its natural course of effect to bring order to the Global Region so the United Nations and the ICC Hague can be effective in its Jurisdictions and be able to deliver.

As the voice of reason, and on behalf of the people of Kenya and Africa, we demand fresh Auditing of the NGOs in Kenya and Africa, we demand that all dubious businesses with the Mafia groups and the Cartels be investigated and taxpayers money that have been stolen and banked in foreign banks, be returned to Kenya and Africa. That Former President Moi and his Mafia network and Special Interest group be charged at the ICC Hague, let him, according to the legal platform, pay back what he owes to the Public and compensate those who suffered losses under his demonic rule that caused a lot of crime, violation and abuse of humanity.

The Nyanza Region Development Plan:

Nyanza Region having suffered severe losses for over 50 years, the Government must provide it with the first opportunity in Development Planning Agenda. This should be part of a compensation considering their people contributed heavily in developing other Region of Kenya, they started sustainable NGOs that are providing for extension work for Development and Research such like EPZ, COMESA, the research station of ICIPE, Mari-Stope and others. Many died but left behind a living legendry for the benefit of the Nation of Kenya.

Luo Nyanza cannot therefore remain behind when Africa is Ready for the World. In Liberty and in the face of struggle, Africa’s success story must be told in the 21st Century of the year 2010. No one should be left behind, experience is the best teacher. Luo Nyanza have the best brains that which will make programs for projects operational in a very short space of time. Luo Nyanza has the best soil for cotton growing and this looks for better prospects for cotton industry and textile of high quality.

It looks like Kenya has been sold to Chinese. We receive reports that Chinese have gone deeper into the villages and are competing with the locals to sell local foods in the local markets. They have taken even the small businesses in the local market of the rural and are competing to outdo the locals communities there. If this is not a strategic system to push the poor into the concentration camps what is? I have received complaints that the Representative Legislatures are doing nothing about it since they have been bribed. Very soon, the Chinese will overtake Kenyans in their Rural homes, and this is another Agenda Moi is pursuing to sell out the marginalized so to overtake their community land and make the indigenous homeless. We saw on July 12th 2010 Mr. Kimunya with Chinese delegation met at his office to sign Memorundum of Understanding for Agriculture with the Chinese to take full control of Agricultural business all over the Country. This is another rip-off to deny Kenyans development which is going through Sameer Company which belongs to Moi’s group of companies. The Mafia connection have transformed Sameer to EPZ, Export Processing Zone, which was initially a public set-up for AGOA by the late Kassim Owango who died mysteriously in 2005. Kassim also set up the COMESA. Something must be done to save Kenya and Africa urgently. If we do not pressure Moi, then Kenya and the rest of Africa has been completely sold out.

Report on the Judiciary 1998:-

Kwach reported problems of the Judiciary citing corruption, incompetence, neglect of duty, theft, drunkenness, lateness, sexual harassments, racketeering as common problems in the judiciary. The Commission recommended amending the Constitution to allow for the Removal of Incompetent Judges, introducing Code of Ethics, overhauling the Judicial services and shifting prosecutorial responsibilities from the Police to the Judicial, in order to improve the Independence of Judiciary. Upon receipt of the report, and in a roller coaster, The Chief Justice in the late 1998 appointed another commission ordered by Moi to investigate modalities of implementing the Kwach Commission’s recommendations for improving the Judicial, these were delaying tactics, because funds were disbursed for the same but No Action was taken by the year’s end. Section 2 was repealed for Respect for Civil Liberty including freedom of speech and press, but that was never practiced, the Government still restricted free expression.

These are reasons that face the Judges in vetting, that will prove these Judges did not take their work seriously and they must face the law straight, clear and square. That they do not deserve compensation and packages for retirements. They did a disservice to Kenyans some of which many people lost properties and lives in their carelessness and slack of behavior while in the Oath of Office jurisdiction……….. “Justice delayed is Justice denied”…….and because of their corruption, theft, incompetence and neglect of duty, Moi Regime got out of control, with Civil Servants doing as they wish in the plundering of Public finances, the evasion of taxes, Natural resources, facilities and utilities.

These are some of the reasons the Oversight Commission must be given a wider scope of view for Kenyans to realize True Independence in the Way Forward and that Kenya can provide a Show Case to the rest of Africa. Consequently, Kenya and Africa is able to face the World in Economic Opportunities, Competition and challenges of the Global Region Marketplace.

If the New Constitution brings the Law to the table, how can the KKK with leadership of Ruto brag about and put demands for their interests when the voice of reason, the voice of the Public have spoken through the vote? Do they think by being arrogant and behaving thuggery will stop the Law from taking its rightful cause? Do they know how much Kenyans have suffered soiling in poverty while they plunder public resources, evading taxes, indebting public for shody foreign deals, swindling land and stealing public finances?

The public have spoken, there is no need to show power of might in public forums, it is time to face the law and the Development work for progress and prosperity for the poor people of Kenya must now begin with no side-show dramas.

Promise from God

Everything that has a beginning, has an end. Every good thing come from God, and every bad thing come from Satan. Love Peace and Unity come from God and hate, division and immorality are unnatural ways, they came from Satan.

For everything that happens or broken in this world, there is a promise from God that fixes it. The promise is FAITH. For anyone to have the Right Relationship with the Creator, doing the right thing is a commandment to all creation of humankind. The Spirit that which is in each and everyone will manifest itself through God’s Angel, will direct or convict and condemn those engaged in the wicked ways and the righteous will repent and turn away from their bad deeds, but those posesssed by the Demon from Satan, their hearts will be hardened and they will remain in their wicked ways, because they belong to Lucifer…..and God said, you will know them by their ways that you must keep away from them, lest they infect you with their wickedness. That Their ways are not those of God but from Satan.

The measure for condemnation to those who have done wrong, face judgement in the Legal Justice.

We must move forward and must not let anyone drag us behind, let the Law takes its effect.


Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

Nyanza and NEP poorest zones: UN study

A bar graph showing the general standards of living in Kenya.

Posted Saturday, July 24 2010 at 21:00

In Summary

Kenya is ranked 16 in Africa and 76 worldwide in standards of living
North Eastern and Nyanza provinces are the poorest in Kenya while Nairobi and Central are ranked the richest, according to a new study by a UN agency.

The study found that the richest people in Kenya are among the Embu ; the second-highest number are found among the Kikuyu.

The Maasai, Turkana and Somali are the worse off, deprived of education, health and with poor standards of living compared to other tribes in Kenya.

The results of the study on poverty levels released this month in London will feature in the 20th anniversary edition of the UNDP’s Human Development Report due out late in October.

Issues considered

The researchers examined issues like health, education, standards of living and whether people have access to clean water, toilets, clean floors and electricity.

The study ranks Kenya 16th in Africa and 76th worldwide in standard of living, with GDP per capita average growth at 2.94 per cent.

With a population of 37.8 million in 2007, almost 23 million Kenyans live in poverty. Approximately 7.5 million spend less than $1.25 a day, and another 15 million spend less that $2 a day.

Nairobi Province has the highest standard of living in Kenya, followed by Central, Eastern, Western, Coast, Rift Valley, Nyanza and then North Eastern provinces.

When researchers broke the data down along ethnic lines the Embu emerged as the richest Kenyans, followed by the Kikuyu, Taita/Taveta, Meru, Luhya, Kamba, Kisii, Luo, Kalenjin, Mijikenda/Swahili, Kuria, Somali, Maasai and then the Turkana in 15th place.

Among the Embu, they found that 29 per cent are poor compared to 96 per cent among the Turkana.

“Our measure identifies the most vulnerable households and groups and enables us to understand exactly which deprivations afflict their lives,” said Dr Sabin Alkire of Oxford University who was one of the two lead researchers.

According to Tiberius Barasa, a research consultant in public policy at the African Public Policy Research Institute, the study is able to show that even among communities ranked as rich, there are poor families.

“It gives a better picture,” Mr Barasa said.

Nairobi and Central have the most children in school, followed by Nyanza, Coast, Western, Rift Valley, Eastern and North Eastern provinces.

North Eastern Province has the worst child enrolment rates followed by Eastern, Rift Valley, Coast, Western, Nyanza, Nairobi and Central province with the highest child enrolment rates.

The mortality rate is highest in Coast Province, followed by North Eastern Province, Nyanza, Eastern, Rift Valley, Western, Central and Nairobi provinces in that order.

Families in NEP have the worst nutrition levels, followed by Rift Valley, Western, Eastern, Nyanza, Coast, Central and Nairobi provinces.

In the whole of Kenya, only a majority of resident

s in Eastern, Central and Nairobi Province have access to drinking water that conforms to the Millennium Development Goals, or the water point is less than 30 minutes away.

Now Wako and Gicheru state terms for leaving office under the new law

Gideon Maundu |NATION

This is my point, or so Attorney-General Amos Wako (left) seems to be telling the Director of the Kenya Judges Training Institute, Mr Justice Kihara Kariuki (centre) and the chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Constitutional Review, Mr Abdikadir Mohammed, during a break at the annual conference for judges in Mombasa, on Monday.

Posted Monday, August 9 2010 at 21:00

In Summary

I am ready but I must go in accordance with the law . We must follow the Constitution, says AG
We will go home but only in accordance with the law.

That was the response Chief Justice Evan Gicheru and Attorney-General Amos Wako had for Kenyans on whether they will retire within a year as required by the new constitution.

“I am ready but I must leave in accordance with the law. We must follow the Constitution,” Mr Wako told journalists in Mombasa on Monday.

Mr Justice Gicheru said: “We will follow the law. It is not a big issue. When the time comes we will follow the law that exists.”

Mr Justice Gicheru’s tenure is expected to expire in February 2011 — six months after the new Constitution comes into force, and the AG’s in August 2011.

The CJ has the option of allowing himself to be vetted — like all other serving judges and, if cleared, continue to serve as judge of the Court of Appeal. He will also be eligible for reappointment if the President and Prime Minister submit his name to Parliament for approval.

Besides the two top public officers, several other constitutional office holders are expected to head home.

On Monday, Mr Justice Gicheru said he was not worried about the vetting process as long as it is done legally. He urged Parliament to enact laws that will ensure no vacuum is created once the process starts.

“We are not worried about this issue of vetting and we are not going to have sleepless nights. We shall deal with the problem when it comes, but what I must insist is that the process must be carried out transparently and in accordance with the law,” he said.

He added: “In any case, if the entire Judiciary goes home, other people will be appointed to replace them and whoever feels prejudiced can always go to court”.

The CJ and AG spoke at the annual Judges’ Colloquium in Mombasa.

The five-day event, whose theme is “Strengthening judicial integrity and working together for efficient service delivery”, is attended by 11 Court of Appeal judges and 45 High Court judges.

Mr Justice Gicheru defended the Judiciary against allegations of incompetence.

“Let no one lie to you that there is interference because judges make independent decisions, which even I do not question,” he said.

Also present was the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission chief Patrick Lumumba and Parliamentary Select Committee on Constitutional Review chair Abdikadir Mohammed.

Race to control implementation of new Constitution

By Alex Ndegwa and Martin Mutua

With referendum chapter closed and new constitution passed and awaiting promulgation, Parliament is the next frontier of battle for the Grand Coalition partners.

Given Parliament will be the theatre of action for the next crucial phase, which is the implementation of the new Constitution, all eyes are on how the political parties will share out the Constitutional Implementation Oversight Committee’s seats.

The committee will wield a lot of power, as it would oversee the implementation of the new Constitution.

Already the passage of the new Constitution appears to have opened new battlefronts among the traditional political forces as the jostling for membership and leadership of the new committee elbows its way to the forefront.

It is in Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) where there appears to be more heat, because strong forces within the party want Higher Education Minister William Ruto and Chepalungu MP Isaac Ruto sidelined for opposing the new Constitution, and rebelling against the official party position. The two were members of the PSC on Constitutional Review, whose members are said to be frontrunners for membership in the new committee.

Having sat in the committee that brokered most of the agreements on the Proposed Constitution before the referendum, the two are being viewed as ill-suited to sit in the commission that will implement what they fought against. However, there are those who argue they should be taken on board, first as a sign of reconciliation in the country, and to harness the goodwill of the ‘No’ MPs as Parliament gets ready to pass at least 40 Bills to implement the new laws.

There appears to be little contest on the leadership because, given the past fierce rivalry between ODM and Party of National Unity, the solution could lie in both going for a candidate from a small or so-called ‘neutral’ party. In this case, PSC chairman Abdikadir Mohammed, who is a member of Safina, could again be the compromise choice for both groups.

Mohamed is said to be a favourite among most MPs who also feel his performance as chairman of the review committee was impressive.

However, there are some who are keen on pushing for Gichugu MP Martha Karua because during her tenure at Justice Ministry, she was instrumental in crafting the watertight clauses that have protected the new Constitution from derailment or dilution by vested interests.

Frosty relations

Besides her fallout with President Kibaki and her frosty relations with Raila, she may fit the bill given she is running Narc-Kenya as an independent party. However, reports indicate there are those who fear her confrontational style may antagonise some of the groups but still they are those who favour her blunt approach.

But in the end the members, who will be picked from both sides of the political divide, will on their own pick their chairman.

ODM chief whip Jakoyo Midiwo yesterday told The Standard that the committee could have between 11 and 15 members.

“The lesser the number the lesser controversies we will have,” he said.

Midiwo said those who were members of the PSC on Constitutional Review have a better chance of being included in the new team.

“But we will consider those who contributed positively and never used to miss sittings” he said. Insiders in ODM and PNU yesterday said there were names floated to be included in the committee. On the ODM side, names sources mentioned were Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi and Cabinet Ministers James Orengo, Anyang’ Nyong’o, Charity Ngilu, Sally Kosgei and Mohammed Elmi.

On the PNU side were Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Cabinet Ministers Kiraitu Murungi, Mutula Kilonzo and Moses Wetangula. Others were MPs Abdikadir, Karua, Danson Mungatana and Eugene Wamalwa.

Mudavadi and Uhuru are the two most senior leaders on the list. It is believed that President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga could take a back seat and let the two take charge of negotiating who should be in the teams.

But Midiwo, who together with PNU ( Kangundo MP Johnstone Muthama) will present the names, said it was too early to talk about who was on the list, and added that ODM would have a meeting tomorrow to discuss the issue.

“At the moment the issue of names does not arise because the President is yet to promulgate the new Constitution, but we have a parliamentary group meeting tomorrow and the issue will be discussed,” he added.

Misguided attempts

Yesterday, Ruto allies termed as misguided attempts to lock out MPs who were in the ‘No’ camp from the committee, on the basis of their position in the referendum.

Mosop MP David Koech, who was the ‘No’ side’s chief agent at the referendum, likened the referendum contest to a vote in Parliament, whose outcome is supported by both sides.

Koech was reacting to Midiwo who sparked controversy when he said Orange MPs who were in the ‘No’ camp would be sidelined from the committee.

“Even when Parliament goes to a division and the ayes have it, the nays automatically join them in the implementation of the Bill,” Koech told a news conference at Parliament Buildings yesterday.

The referendum, he added, was not based on a collective party position, but individual decisions.

“Whatever the legislation, when Parliament passes it, and in this case it was the verdict of the people, in a democratic society those who did not support are going to support it and participate in its implementation,” Koech said.

He said those arguing otherwise were “playing to the gallery.”

Koech said the leaders of ‘No’ team had allowed a contest and conceded defeat, which had “helped the country to redeem our image” following the 2007 General Election fiasco.

Midiwo downplayed the issue of those to be named in the committee, saying it was a committee of the House and all members were eligible to be members.

Immigration Minister Otieno Kajwang said Justice Minister Mutula Kilonzo should not give prescriptions on who should be in the new committee.

Mutula had on Monday said that the current members of the review committee should become members of the new committee.

Judges to quit rather than face graft probe

File | NATION Judges during a judicial open day at the Nairobi Law courts in 2006. The judges referred to in the story are not pictured.

By Jillo Kadida
Posted Tuesday, August 10 2010 at 21:00

In Summary

Having survived ‘radical surgery’, some prefer to retire than put up with investigations set out in the new constitution
Judges will on Wednesday discuss proposals on how they should be vetted

as required by the new Constitution.

Some of them are contemplating retiring from the Bench, rather than go through the vetting.

Of the six judges interviewed by the Nation, five said that they planned to take early retirement, rather than be investigated for corruption and incompetence.

A team, headed by Justice William Ouko, will take the judges, who are attending their annual meeting in Mombasa, through the Judiciary’s suggestions on the vetting.

Kenyan Judiciary is conservative

The Kenyan Judiciary is conservative and judges hardly ever express an opinion in the Press. The judges the Nation interviewed only spoke on condition of anonymity.

“I have served the Judiciary for long enough and no one has ever questioned my integrity and competence. Why do I have to go through vetting? I have a few years remaining to my retirement and I don’t want to go down in history as the judge who was vetted and found wanting,” a senior judge said.

“Let the State undertake to pay us our dues and I am sure many of us will opt to go home and pursue other things in life,” another High Court judge said.

The Judiciary would like judges vetted by an independent tribunal made up of nine members, according to the report of the Ouko team.

Of the nine, three should be from the reconstituted Judicial Service Commission and the other six picked through a competitive process.

The report also suggests that the tribunal look at existing complaints against judicial officers , complaints in the hands of the Law Society of Kenya, which the judges might have committed while in private practice, among others.

The team asked that organs such as the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission, the Criminal Investigations Department and the National Security Intelligence Services be invited to give input on judges and magistrates under investigation.

Many of the serving judges lived through the so-called radical surgery of the Judiciary in 2003. Some do not want to go through the experience again.

The shake-up followed a report by the then Court of Appeal judge Aaron Ringera, which saw 23 judges suspended and 282 magistrates sacked on corruption claims.

Five of the judges were cleared and reinstated and three of them — justices Philip Waki, Moijo ole Keiwua and Daniel Aganyanya, sit in the Court of Appeal.

The other two — justices Roselyne Nambuye and Msagah Mbogholi, are back at the High Court.

The judge in favour of vetting said the government should ensure that the people in charge of the process are independent.

Under the new constitution, judges will be vetted once Parliament puts in place a law specifying how the scrutiny is to be carried out.

Those found fit to hold judicial office will be reappointed, while those who fail the test of competence and integrity will go home.

Why top cops are worried for their jobs

By Cyrus Ombati

Top police officers bedecked with medals and insignia are grappling with anxiety and uncertainty over likelihood of undergoing rigorous vetting once the new Constitution is implemented. The new Constitution will shake up the structure of the police force, as it will place the regular and Administration Police under one command.

The changes in the structure of the security forces are expected to be in place within the next two years. The fifth schedule of the new Constitution says on Article 245 the command of the National Police Force should be legislated before the end of two years.

Under the new constitution, a new structure to run the fresh new outfit will be formed. It will include the Police Service Commission, National Policing Council and Independent Policing Oversight Authority.

An Inspector General will head the new police force that would be called the National Police Force while Police and Administration Police units will each be headed by a Deputy Inspector General and a Commandant General respectively and both will report to the Inspector General.

There will be Assistant Inspector Generals for the General Service Unit (GSU), Operations and Directorate of Criminal Investigations Department (CID), while provincial police units will be headed by Police Commissioners and Assistant Commissioner of Police will run district level police divisions.

Even though the restructuring of the security forces will lead to the scrapping of some ranks, what is sending jitters through the police ranks are the drastic recommendations made last year by a commission headed by Justice Philip Ransley on police reforms.

The Ransley Commission that pegged its recommendation on the enactment of a new constitution said all senior officers must be vetted.

About 200 officers who are at the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) in both the Regular and Administration Police units are now said to be worried the recommendation could be effected soon after the constitution is promulgated.

Some senior officers who spoke to The Standard conceded they were not enthusiastic about the prospect of being vetted while others said they approve of it.

“We do not know what may happen to some of us because the recommendations are that we be vetted afresh,” said one senior officer whose name cannot be revealed because he is not allowed to talk to the media about internal police affairs.

Psychological fitness

Ransley Report recommended the vetting of all officers at the rank of ACP and above using criteria to be developed jointly by Public Service Commission, Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission and National Security Intelligence Service.

The criteria will include professionalism, integrity, track record and psychological fitness.

The man heading the bid to reform the police, Kenya Airways Chief Executive Mr Titus Naikuni said he was aware that some officers were scared of the coming changes.

Naikuni who was picked by President Kibaki to steer the Police Reforms Implementation Committee, however said the officers should not worry since any reform measure would be executed in a professional manner.

Better institution

“Please take reforms seriously and be informed that for you to succeed the community has to be involved,” he said.

Naikuni said the reforms were aimed at making the force a better institution.

He said that the British and Swedish governments have agreed to train both regular police and APs on community policing as part of reform measure.

Reports have also emerged Public Service Commission has started calling for the files of the 200 high-ranking officers in readiness for the exercise.

Some officers who have been promoted but who are still in acting capacity are said to be demanding their confirmation letters so that in the event they are retired early, they can get better severance pay.

The Ransley Report also called for the police force to be under one command and scrapping of some ranks while also recommending the creation of new ones.

One command

The new constitution that comes into force in the next few weeks has adopted the recommendation and places the forces under one command.

The Government has already lined up five major Bills that will put police reforms in motion once the President promulgates the approved constitution.

The Bills include Independent Police Oversight Bill, Police Reforms Bill, National Coroners Service Bill, Police Service Commission Bill and Private Security Providers Bill.

Internal Security Minister George Saitoti said the promulgation of the new constitution would usher in the National Police Service and National Police Service Commission, which will ensure harmonised delivery of services to the public.

Embrace changes

Yesterday, Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere and AP Commandant Kinuthia Mbugua said they welcomed any measure that would professionalise their forces.

They also said they were happy Kenyans voted in a new constitution and they are ready to embrace the changes. “We embrace changes that will ensure a better Kenya,” said Mbugua.

Kenya’s PM indicates an inclusive implementation of new law

Prime Minister Raila Odinga addresses the congregation at ACK St Stephen Cathedral Jogoo Road on Sunday. PHOTO / SULEIMAN MBATIAH

Posted Sunday, August 15 2010 at 13:06

Kenya’s Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Sunday gave indications of an “inclusive” implementation of the new constitution that will incorporate rival camps which campaigned against each other in the run up to the August 4 constitution referendum.

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But even as he made the reconciliatory

gesture, Mr. Odinga insisted it was not for those who lost at the referendum to make demands on the level of their inclusion in the implementation process.

The Prime Minister made the remarks on Sunday at St. Stephens Anglican church, located along Nairobi’s Jogoo road.

The climb down comes a day after William Ruto, a cabinet minister who had led the ‘No’ campaign, had insisted on the inclusion of his team in the Constitution Implementation Oversight Committee (COIC) and the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC).

“We shall take our rightful place in the implementation of this new constitution irrespective of our stand. We shall not be intimidated or blackmailed by anyone,” Ruto had said on Saturday. “All of us have a stake in the new constitution.”

Using the anecdote of a boxing match, Mr Odinga likened the ‘No’ camp to a boxer floored by his opponent in a bout but who still issues threats of a comeback.

Mr. Odinga’s party, Orange Democratic Movement, had on Thursday held a parliamentary group meeting which resolved slap party sanctions against its members of Parliament who were in the ‘No’ camp. As a first step, the renegade MPs will be kept out of the Constitution Implementation Oversight Committee, a powerful new team which will have a role in the implementation of the new Constitution.

VP woos China to modernise Kenya’s agriculture

Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka. Photo/FILE

Posted Wednesday, August 11 2010 at 09:51

Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has urged China to invest in the modernisation of agriculture in Kenya.

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VP in China for agricultural forum
Mr Musyoka who paid a courtesy call to the Chinese Vice President Mr Xin Ping at

the Great Hall of the People in Beijing before attending the opening ceremony of the China-Africa Agricultural Forum, said there was need for Chinese firms to invest in the setting up of farm machinery manufacturing plants in Kenya that would serve both Kenya and the 120 million people in the East African Common Market.

He also called for technology transfer in irrigation farming, seed technology, and mechanization of agricultural production as well as agro-processing for value addition.

Mr Jin Ping said his country places a high priority in its economic cooperation with Africa and that Kenya was a critical partner in East Africa.

Mr Musyoka briefed his counterpart on passage of a new constitution adding that Kenya now required the goodwill of her development partners including China to roll out the reforms that go hand in hand with the implementation of the new constitution.

Speaking at the agricultural forum which brought together leaders from Zimbabwe, Sudan, Angola, Ethiopia, Senegal, South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo with ministries of agriculture, foreign affairs and commerce of China, the VP said: “Kenya wants to draw lessons from China which has limited arable land yet is able to feed her 1.3 billion inhabitants.”

He said that was why Kenya, as part of its Vision 2030 program is shifting from rain fed agriculture to irrigation.

“There is absolutely a strong case for constructing dams and investing in water harvesting techniques to be able to have sufficient water resources to produce enough food for Kenyans and attain surplus for export,” Mr Musyoka who is accompanied by Agriculture assistant minister Kareke Mbiuki and Kenya’s deputy ambassador to China Silas Kiragu said.

The VP called on Chinese companies to import cut flowers from Kenya as well as other horticultural products to correct the trade imbalance that is currently hugely in favour of China.

Mr Musyoka asked more Chinese people to visit Kenya as tourist saying the current figure of 20,000 a year was too small considering the large population of China. “The economic prosperity of China in the last 20 years means far more Chinese can today afford to travel anywhere in the world as tourists. We urge you to make magical Kenya your preferred destination.”

Mr Wang Jiarui the Minister for International Department, Central Committee of the Communist Party of China said his country was following up on the implementation of the resolutions arising out of the fourth ministerial conference on forum for China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt last year where China committed 10 billion dollars to help in the development of agriculture, infrastructure, energy and human resource capacity in Africa.

The VP’s visit to China is a follow up of one by President Kibaki in where he sought Chinese help in the construction of a second port in Lamu, standard gauge railway line connecting Lamu, Southern Sudan and Ethiopia as well as mass transport, light rail system for Nairobi city.

Mr Musyoka also sent a message of condolence from the people of Kenya to the people of China following devastating floods that have hit several provinces leading to several hundred deaths and infrastructural damage exceeding 210 billion Chinese Yuan.

Kibaki and Raila to face off with ‘No’ MPs

President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga address wananchi at KICC, Nairobi on August 5,2010 where they thanked Kenyans for voting for the proposed constitution. Photo/WILLIAM OERI

Posted Sunday, August 15 2010 at 22:00

In Summary

What leaders are likely to discuss

1. The role that legislators will play

1. in implementing the new constitution.

2. Which MPs will be included in the Constitution Implementation Oversight Committee

3. ‘No’ side will ask President and Prime Minister to ensure amendments are made to the new constitution

According to the sixth schedule of the new Constitution, the Constitution Implementation Oversight Committee will be made up of MPs and will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Constitution.

The Constitution Implementation Committee, to be made up of technocrats, will monitor, facilitate and oversee the development of laws and administrative procedures required to implement the document.

President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga will on Monday start the hard work of effecting the new Constitution when they meet MPs to discuss how to set up key implementation committees.

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The two principals will come face to face with some of the MPs who opposed the new law that was passed by Kenyans on August 4. Top on the agenda of Monday’s meeting will be the membership of the two teams that will implement the new Constitution once it is promulgated on Friday, next week.

‘No’ team to attend

Monday’s meeting at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre will bring together MPs from the Party of National Unity and the Orange Democratic Movement. It will start at 2pm, according to a dispatch from Presidential Press Service director Isaiah Kabira. “The meeting will be co-chaired by the President and Prime Minister,” Mr Kabira said.

One of the MPs who campaigned against the Constitution, Dr Victor Munyaka, confirmed that the ‘No’ team would attend the talks and ask the two principals to ensure that amendments were made to the new Constitution. “We do not know the agenda yet but we expect that they will deliver the promise they gave to Kenyans,” the Machakos Town MP said.

But Igembe South MP Mithika Linturi, who also opposed the new Constitution, said he was unaware of the meeting. Mr Isaac Ruto (Chepalungu) and Mr Charles Keter (Belgut) said they had not been invited. All MPs had been invited.

However, ODM parliamentary secretary Ababu Namwamba

said all MPs had been invited. “We sent out an open invitation to all MPs in PNU and ODM …. The meeting is for the interest of Kenyans and we want to move together in the constitution-making process,’’ he said.

After the meeting, Mr Odinga will throw a victory party for MPs who campaigned for the new Constitution at his Karen residence. The party will start at 6pm, the PM’s spokesman, Mr Dennis Onyango, said.

Mr Namwamba said the meeting would discuss the role MPs ought to play in implementing the new Constitution. The talks come only days after the ODM parliamentary group meeting called for the disciplining of MPs who opposed the new Constitution.

The party demanded that Higher Education minister William Ruto be sacked for leading the ‘No’ team during the campaigns. But Mr Ruto and his allies have dismissed the threats, saying they were reminiscent of the old Kanu dictatorial ways.

The President and PM chaired a similar meeting of MPs at the same venue in mid May to lay strategies of the campaign for the Constitution.

Monday’s meeting comes ahead of the formation of two crucial committees to steer the putting into effect of the Constitution; the Constitution Implementation Oversight Committee and the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution. Some MPs who opposed the new Constitution have demanded to be included in the committee whose size is yet to be agreed on.

Mr Linturi and his Mosop counterpart David Koech last week warned of attempts to lock out ‘No’ campaigners from the committee and demanded that appointments to the team be done in a free and fair manner.

Raila declares Ruto’s team welcome on board but…

Updated 1 hr(s) 50 min(s) ago


Prime Minister Raila Odinga has sought to cool rising temperatures within his Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party, saying those who opposed the new Constitution at the referendum exercised their democratic right.

In what was largely interpreted as a reference to Higher Education Minister William Ruto and other MPs in the ‘No’ camp, Raila said they should not face sanctions by the party over their stance.

But he also called on them to reciprocate and stop making demands.

Addressing a congregation at St Stephen’s Church on Jogoo road in Nairobi, the PM struck a reconciliatory note, but asked for the ‘No’ ide to stop giving conditions.

Ruto is the ODM deputy party leader alongside Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi.

“In a wrestling contest you don’t sit on someone forever once you have floored him, you extend a helping hand, but in a boxing match you don’t dare your opponent while you are still down, by giving conditions that he would face the music once you get on your feet,” said the PM.

The ‘No’ group, which comprises politicians and a section of the clergy, want their concerns over the new laws addressed immediately.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga yesterday extended an olive branch to the Higher Education Minister William Ruto while attending a service at St Stephen’s Cathedral on Jogoo Road, Nairobi. [PHOTO: BONIFACE OKENDO/STANDARD]

Cold water

The statement by the PM appeared to pour cold water on a demand by a group of MPs who met last week under the party’s parliamentary group, led by Secretary General Anyang’ Nyong’o, and demanded that Ruto be sacked from Government, and removed from all party positions, for opposing the new laws.

But even as Raila spoke, his brother Oburu Odinga continued to call for Ruto’s sacking.

Oburu who spoke in Mombasa said Ruto should be sacked was not playing by the party rules.

“Democracy has to be enjoyed within the rules of the party. Political parties are like private clubs, which members must abide. One cannot bring his own rules because that will amount to chaos,” Oburu said.

On his part, Ruto yesterday said he was undaunted by those calling for action against MPs who were in the ‘No’ camp during the referendum campaigns.

Raila said Kenya is enjoying enhanced democratic space, and those who voted against the new laws are welcome on board to participate in the rebirth of the country.

“There are those who opposed the new Constitution and those who supported it, but it doesn’t matter what side one was, because that is democracy. If we want to build a democratic nation we must be democratic,” said the PM.

His statement is contrary to a resolution by his ODM party that last week resolved its MPs who campaigned against the new Constitution be removed from the party leadership.

The ODM parliamentary group met and recommended to the party’s National Executive Council, the party’s top organ, that Higher Education Minister William Ruto, the de facto leader of the ‘No’ side be stripped of his Cabinet position, as well as his party slot. He is the deputy party leader, alongside Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi.

rightful position

Raila spoke as Ruto led those who rallied with him during the campaigns to Ukambani where they dared the Government to make good its threat to lock them out of the Constitution Implementation Oversight Committee (CIOC).

Ruto led cabinet colleagues Samuel Poghisio, MPs Dr Victor Munyaka, Moses Lesonet, Elijah Langat and Daniel Muoki in insisting the ‘No’ team take its rightful position in the implementation of the new laws.

The leaders spoke at a funds drive in aid of AIC Miu church in Mwala constituency.

Ruto later led the leaders to Mutituni market in Machakos Town constituency where they met and thanked supporters for voting against the new laws.

The team threatened to form a parallel committee to push their agenda should the Government fail to involve them in the CIOC.

They demanded that the contentious issues they raised along with the clergy be addressed. They thanked the Kamba community voting against the new laws in large numbers and promised to return to the areas they campaigned to reciprocate the gesture.

Ruto said they would not beg the Government to include them in the oversight committee.

Higher Education Minister William Ruto led Cabinet colleagues for a funds drive at AIC Miu Church in Mwala, yesterday. They threatened to form a parallel team to push their agenda in Parliament. [PHOTO: daniel nzia/STANDARD]

“We shall not take a back seat in the push for the implementation of the new Constitution. It is forward ever, backward never in this matter”, said Ruto.

no winners

He said they would stand by the Church in its demands that the new laws be implemented as promised by the Government after its endorsement.

Ruto said there were no winners or losers in the referendum, as the document belongs to all Kenyans.

Poghisio urged Kenyans to remain peaceful as they did during and after the grueling referendum polls.

Dr Munyaka who is Machakos Town MP, urged Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka to jump ship and join the ‘No’ camp where he stands a chance. He predicted a resounding win for the group come 2012 through the heavenly intervention.

“Kalonzo is welcome to join the ‘No’ team and form an alliance with Ruto to face Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta’s new found alliance in readiness for the 2012 general election,” said Dr Munyaka who argued the Kalenjin and Kamba have remained good friends for long.

Ruto hints at revival of KKK alliance talks

Higher Education minister William Ruto (left) and his Special Programmes counterpart Naomi Shaban at the Aboretum Gardens in Nairobi on August 14 2010. Mr Poghisio said Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka was working with Mr Ruto to revive relationship. Photo/FREDRICK ONYANGO

Posted Sunday, August 15 2010 at 21:39

Higher Education minister William Ruto on Sunday hinted at the revival of the Kamba-Kikuyu-Kalenjin alliance.

Mr Ruto, who addressed two meetings in Mwala and Machakos Town constituencies, dared those who doubted his ability.

“They have woken up a giant. Soon you will see who the giant is,” Mr Ruto said as he led a funds drive in aid of Miu African Inland Church in Mwala constituency.

He was accompanied by Information minister Samuel Poghisio and four MPs.

Mr Poghisio said Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka was working with Mr Ruto to revive the relationship between the two communities that was started by retired President Daniel arap Moi and Ukambani political maestro Mulu Mutisya.

And to drive his point home, Mr Ruto donated Sh400,000 and a further Sh100,000, which he claimed was from Mr Musyoka and Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta.

The worshippers were treated to chest-thumping, with the leaders heaping praise on the performance of the ‘No’ team at the referendum. “Kalonzo is very much with us and he appreciates what we are doing,” said Mr Poghisio.

The two ministers spoke as it emerged that ODM legislators who campaigned against the new Constitution are working on a plan B if their party decides to lock them out of crucial parliamentary committees.

Belgut MP Charles Keter and Mr Isaac Ruto of Chepalungu said they were ready to unleash their secret plan if the party went by the decision of the Parliamentary Group. On Friday, the ODM PG resolved that party MPs who campaigned against the new law be locked out of parliamentary committees and the Cabinet.

But on Sunday, the two MPs said they were ready for the consequences. “We have a fall-back plan,” they said. Reports indicate that the ‘No’ MPs from Rift Valley are planning to launch a new political party.

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