This matter of Jorim Odhiambo missing must be told to the world. Why is the Government not cooperating with Jorim’s family and information not forthcoming about the whereabouts of Jorim Odhiambo? What has happened. Let the world intervene and help dig out the hidden information of the whereabouts of the Police GSU personnel attached to Kibaki’s home. It is not true senior police officers can go missing in this manner for a whole month with nothing coming forward.
What is the Government hiding about Jorim Odhiambo’s dissapearance?
Let the Civil Society and the World Leaders engage in the search of finding where and how Jorim has gone dissapearing. There could be some hidden vital information under the reason why Jorim Odhiambo is missing. Let us all demand to know the truth before all links are destroyed.
Thank you all,
Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
Je Yuko Wapi?
standardgroupkenya | September 09, 2010
Familia moja imekuwa ikijiuliza maswali mengi pasi na majibu, hii ni baada ya askari wa polisi wa GSU kitengo cha Rais kutoweka kwa zaidi ya mwezim mmoja, familia yake isijue yuko wapi, iwapo amefutwa kazi, ametoroka kazi au iwapo hayuko hai tena.Kwa mujibu wa familia ya askari huyo, idara ya polisi imekuwa ikiwazungusha bila ya kuwapa majibu yanayostahili. Japo tukio hilo limethibitishwa na msemaji wa polisi Erick Kiraithe na mkuu wa polisi mkoani pwani alikokuwa akihudumu polisi huyo, hakuna usaidizi wowote kutoka kwa idara hiyo.