Kenya: PETITION FILED, ODM, DICTATORSHIP/ What a joke of reasoning


I do think that most are misusing these words dictatorship, legal acts and democracy.

What is Petition: legal and official document in which you ask a court to take legal action. PETITIONER = someone who gives a court an official document in which they ask it to take legal action.

So the makadara case NDOLO was the person who filed the petition, so folks how is Raila a dictator if he said that Ndolo should be the flag bearer of ODM?. Why didn`t other people who wanted the post file a petition?. Ndolo losing the election has got nothing to do with Raila being a dictator or not. But if I am Raila I would do away with Ndolo in the next general election. I think this is a good lesson for Ndolo, Raila and ODM supporters.
It will take Kenyans a long time to learn what is democracy and what is not. We do need a good justice system in the country, so how can you do away with the fellow who filed the petition at the same time you claim Kenyan justice system should be just and right in all ways?. I have heard people saying here how policemen should do their jobs correctly, lawyers and judges should do their work correctly, but when it comes to ODM, Raila and this Makadara election, you want the system to work the other way round. Guys let us grow up and be mature adults who can reason correctly.

Paul Nyandoto

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One thought on “Kenya: PETITION FILED, ODM, DICTATORSHIP/ What a joke of reasoning

  1. Duncan Nyabilo

    This is really very well pu. Thanks Paul.
    It is my considerd opinion that those taking the high road here are mere Raila bashers. It shows how much they hate Raila. That too they do not see as injustice.
    The people who come clamoring for the seat after apetition has been filed should pay the petitioner the cost of thye suit, and the time the patitioner spent going to court daily, collecting the evidence and so forth.
    This scavanger lifestyle is killing Kenyan politics.
    Parties should put in place mechanisms to deal with the petitions so that the by elections then become aparty issue and not individual.
    Last, let the Raila haters bring in some value to their hate spewing and be grateful for the democratic space.
    Those practicing internet democracy by hiding behind the screen withnothing but criticism are actually stunting the very democracy they are shouting about.In addition,there is freedom of affiliation. If one feels that Raila or whoever is not doing it right, go talk to him/her in the official forum or go to the next party that is doing wht is best for you.
    In any case, this is still the infancy stage of multiparty politics, teething issues are there for the learning and not for cindemnation.

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