Kenya: Churches want Murugi sacked over gay remarks

From: Rose Kagwiria

Well i wonder if there is anything good out of our churches today. What were they expecting minister Murugi to say. Take it seriously guys even the pope himself forgave those hormos. I wonder what these churches are thinking? The other day Evans Machera quoted some bible verses where Jesus said whoever knows is not a sinner can start throwing the stone on that woman. Nobody did it. How many of our clergy are sodomizing our sons? How many are raping our daughters? How many are making our daughters pregnant and give them money to go for abortion? How many are having sex with people’s wives? Yet they remain serving in our churches. The same people can dare challenge our minister for accepting these brothers, sisters, sons and daughters in our community. Did she at any time say she wanted people to be gays, lesbians or prostitutes? If she said this then one can condemn her. Did these churches expect her to tell them to go to jail because they have sinned. I think the whole issue is more complicated than the church think. I would have expected the church to hold crusades and educate the youth on the dangers of these practices. One time they dont want cardhis courts another time they dont want women in need to be seen by health professionals, and so many other things they dont want , yet they dont offer a solution. Does it mean the church today is only thinking NEGATIVELY but never CONSTRUCTIVELY? Read this .
