Plagiarism and Intellectual Dishonesty
Charles Makakala Jr
Remember the time you read something in this forum that struck you as very professional? Try googling it and 3 out of 4 times you will discover that it is wholesale plagiarism. At least that is my experience. The one time that was the exception I discovered that the person that wrote it is actually a newspaper columnist. Very good. But unfortunately that is not always the case…
(Plagiarism, as defined in the 1995 Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary, is the “use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.” (Wikipedia).)
Now, I understand that ‘Plagiarism’ is a new concept for many of us, in fact, the first time I heard that word 11 years ago, the whole class laughed. The word sounded funny. But the idea it represents is not a laughing matter.
It is not always easy to know other people’s intentions- sometimes a person is simply trying to contribute to the discussion, or they don’t know any better. Sometimes he intentionally wants the forum members to think that those are his own original words. Whatever the intention, using anybody’s work without acknowledging it is plagiarism and it is intellectually unethical and unacceptable.
For those of us who are of the opinion that a society’s culture is the reason for its development or as is the case with Africa, underdevelopment, this discussion takes a completely different perspective. I remember the time when I was a student at Mlimani where students casually copied each others work and cheated in exams- and easily got away with it: apart from graduating from University using dishonest means and getting great jobs afterwards, these students actually learn that cheating is the best way to go ahead of everyone else. It was amazingly easy to cheat and get away with it… And this is how a society will collapse under the weight of its own useless culture.
(One student I know graduated with a Degree in Economics- and this student is now a manager somewhere. As a third year student he could hardly formulate one sentence in English without everyone around bursting out with laughter- forget about the fact that he never picked his books unless there was an exam within 12 hours. How that person could ever graduate- thanks to the A-factor (the African Factor which needs to be considered in many decisions and issues, according to one former Western mentor of mine)).
Intellectual honesty, and honesty in general, is a very important element towards producing a progressive society. This is something that needs to be a deep-seated conviction in all of us- especially children and young people. Now, considering the fact that this forum includes members from different backgrounds, and that we need to establish a firm intellectual culture of honesty and responsibility: I move that we publicly DENOUNCE any contribution that can be proved to use another person’s work without acknowledging it. I also propose that any contribution that is a wholesale copy of another author’s work- even if acknowledged- should also not be permitted.
I hope that these measures will help to protect the young members of this forum from trying to acquire cheap popularity that has no substance in it. (I actually argued against publicly exposing plagiarists in another forum but considering how casually some members do that in this forum, I think stricter measures are needed in this case.)
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‘Any cat that catches mice, black or white, is a good cat’– Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997)
Hi Charles.
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Bwana Charles Kuhusu mada hii kuna baadhi ya matatizo kidogo wacha niyataje machache ile uweze kujua kidogo kinachoendelea .
1 ) Kuna watu ambao wanashiriki zaidi ya Forum moja wako huko na kule na wanatumia majina bandia kwenye baadhi ya forums watu hawa wanapoamua kuchukuwa mchango wake fulani alioweka huko kuja kuweka kwingine ana haki hiyo kwa asilimia zote na kama unavyojua mambo ya uhuru wa watu kuongea na kuchangia .
2 ) Hii ni kesi ya google translate inavyotumia wikipedia kwa ajili ya lugha sasa mwingine anaweza kutumia mitandao hiyo kutafsiri lugha toka kiingereza kuja kiswahili na akaweka mchango wake ambao umetafsiriwa hii iko kwenye forums nyingi sana hata zile zenye heshima sana wachangiaji vigogo huwa wanatafsiri .
3 ) Hii ya mwisho ni mambo binafsi ya watu pale anapotumia jukwaa moja na lingine kuweka mchango huo huo au anapotumia kazi ya jukwaa kwenda kwenye magazeti na vyombo vingine mtu huyu kama kweli ni huyo huyo mmoja ana haki zake anachangia kwa uhuru na upendo wake mwenyewe kama unasema sio yake uwe na ushahidi wa kutosha kabisa wengine huwa wanaomba kazi zingine kutumika mahali pengine .
Ni hayo tu
It is one thing for person to re-post his work from forum to another (usually a note should be given) and it is another thing for a person to take an article from the internet and post it under his name without acknowledging the author. That is serious.
Given the muted response to this discussion- let me post one response that I received from a former school-mate, an MD, who shares my concerns…
Do I ever agree with everything you write? Maybe not; …(personal stuff deleted) This time I did a thorough scrutiny, I can’t agree with you more than ever
Dishonest is a fast growing cancer destroying our slowly developing nations. Sometimes I think the poor performance of our parastatals and public systems is directly linked to poor managers or leaders who have been employed by the virtue of their degree of certificate scores. I hear of a first class university graduate who cant justify his application/ need for a job in an interview and is offered a chance to write a letter of intent on the spot and ends up failing to write even a single clear paragraph,
I can assure you (taking the performance of their leadership) that very few of our officials in the government or policy makers possess authentic degrees; passed by cheating, got job offers by nepotism and climbed leadership ladders by bribery and favoritism.
Currently we have a media debate in Tanzania against some ministers who are alleged to have acquired illegally (if not faked, stolen or purchased) their higher education masters and some even PhDs. ministers?? MPs? How can such higher office authorities be of the kind? What is the situation in lower cadres?
I tend to think of how can doctors who have graduated out of cheating treat me or my relative? I know many who actually passed their basic science exams with flying colors out of cheating and scored C or failed their clinicals. a scenario that doesn’t match. but some made it both ways; cheated to their medical degrees.
I remember a funny senior medical student who wanted to win a research grant but was required to write a 3- paged research concept paper; took someone’s past research proposal and deleted a couple of pages until 3 pages remained; ended up with a funny writing; how could a he not understand the difference between deleting and writing a short description?
We also see it in the media, you read a very nice article and commend the writer on a such nicely research-ed thoughtful idea just to come and find out it was a copy and paste from a foreign writer who he didn’t mention or acknowledge. It’s so disgusting to have such people who would go to the extremes of actually writing you back to say “I m humbled by your praises” (emphasis mine)
Maybe a confusion exists between the legal meaning of Plagiarism and “technology transfer”which I real doubt…!!
To make it difficult for people to cheat- sometimes it helps to make it expensive. So I still stand by my suggestion…
AT a recent workshop on plagiarism , it was observed that the emphasis should be on creating awareness about the consequences of this unacceptable academic practice rather than going after those who
indulge in it. While creating such awareness is no doubt necessary —
and we would argue that accosting those who plagiarise is equally
important — the concept must be first made clearer for the public.
Many do not realise that reproducing other’s text and ideas as one’s
own work when it is not constitutes plagiarism. A person with
reasonably good command over the language being used would find it
easier to get away with such a dubious act than one whose written
skills are below standard and who then resorts to copying a piece of
text as it is. A consensus on the definition of plagiarism is then
necessary to formulate rules that would inhibit such a practice and
make students conscious of the need to cite references and attribute
ideas, especially in an age when the Internet has made copying
infinitely easier than before.
Teachers also need education in this regard. It is no secret that there are many in their profession — as there are in journalism — who have no qualms about passing off someone else’s hard work as the product of their own labour. Those who show signs of academic dishonesty at a teaching or research position should be sternly dealt with, for if they are not those under them will not develop acceptable work ethics.
The detection of plagiarism is not always easy but computer software
is now available to make this task easier and the use of this should
be compulsory at least in institutions of higher learning. Taking
their cue from universities in the West, such institutions should also
prepare plagiarism manuals defining this malpractice and its
implications so that the seriousness of reproducing work without
proper attributions is underscored.
Plagiarism is a serious issue and the sooner that steps are taken to curb it the greater the chances for evolving a sense of intellectual honesty among the people.
Dear Msuya,
Thanks for your contribution- if it is indeed yours. Apparently I can find the similar article under the title Defining Plagiarism 2.
One could show that some of ‘your’ earlier submissions were in fact ‘copy-paste’ submissions too. It is not that I don’t enjoy a good read- and I for one believe that you can write articles of equal or even better quality if you take your time- but you need to start by stopping this undesirable habit. You are actually depriving this group of the wisdom that they would get from knowing what YOU actually think.
For the rest of Wanabidii- I think my point has been made. People plagiarise to contribute to a discussion on plagiarism!
God help this country.
Nimeona hilo hata hivyo ni shauri ya yule mchangiaji kujua ukweli na
kutuma kitu ambacho ameandika yeye au kama kimetoka sehemu nyingine
asema ametoa wapi vile vile mchangiaji atawajibika kwa chochote kile
alichoandika au kushare ndani ya forum hii Moderators hawana uwezo wa
kuzuia kitu cha msingi kisiingizwe kwenye forum hata kama kimetoka
sehemu nyingine kwa sababu hata moderator hawezi kudhibitisha kama
kweli ni yake au sio yake hata wewe bwana Charles unaweza kudhibitisha
kwamba kilichowekwa sio yeye aliyeweka sehemu nyingi na kwahiyo ni
chake ? kama ukithibitisha then utakuwa umeingilia uhuru binafsi wa
mtu na hayo ni makosa kuingilia uhuru binafsi ya mtu kwahiyo tuache
wachangiaji wachangie kwa kujua kwamba wanawajibika kutokana na
michango yao kama inajenga au inabomoa wao ndio watawajibika kwa
yote .
Kwa kumalizia binafsi naona kama mtu ametuwezesha kutupa taarifa
Fulani au mchango Fulani hata kama sio wake wengine wakafaidika hilo
ni jambo zuri sana , bwana charles na wengine nchini kwetu tunakosa
taarifa na maarifa mengi sana , tuko nyuma sana kwa vitu vingi
tusikatishane tamaa na kutishiana kwa vitu hivi .
Your laxity towards this issue truly baffles me! A good number of the discussions in this group deal with various development issues such as leadership, leaders, policies, etc. Unless these discussions are for the sake of discussing only- but if the people in this forum care about change, then we can always start with ourselves.
The argument is not about the sharing of information- but rather the acknowledgment of the source of that information. Instisting that people conform to these precepts has profound effect on the way we live our lives.
I wonder whether it is possible to take anybody seriously if you know their character fails in such a simple thing as acknowledging another person’s work…
NB: Unaweza kuniita Charles kama haujali…
On this issue, I am totally in agreement with Charles. Umekosa nini kusema kwamba umepata article fulani mahali fulani na uliona inawafaa wanabidii? Unapta faida gani kuchukua mawazo ya mwingine na kudai kwamba ni ya kwako. Wengine wameleta michango kwa kusema kabisa wamenukuu mahali fulani na tumefurahia sana michango hiyo. Kama sisi tunajidai kwamba ni bora kuliko wezi na mafisadi, basi na sisi tusifisadi kazi ya wengine
Ahsante kwa changamoto zenu pamoja na kupingana na baadhi ya vitu
kwenye mada hii nakubali kwamba ni vizuri mtu akasema kitu hicho
amekitoa wapi ni vizuri aandike jina la tovuti pekee kama haiamini
tovuti hiyo kwa sababu kwa siku za karibuni tumeona kwamba kuna
majukwaa mengine ambayo sio salama sana na hatuwezi kutoa uhakika wa
usalama wa mtu pindi anapotembelea link ya jukwaa husika au tovuti
husika ingawa hichi ni kitu cha kiufundi zaidi .
Nadhani umeona hata idadi ya post zimepungua kidogo kwa siku kwa
sababu kwa siku za karibuni moderators wamejitahidi kwenda sambasamba
na kitu hichi bila kujali nani ni nani ingawa wakati mwingine haiwezi
kuwa asilimia 100 pale mtu anapochukuwa post ya sehemu nyingine akaja
kuieleza kwenye sehemu nyingine kwa kiswahili .
Naona huu mjadala ni muhimu sana katika kutujenga sisi vijana tunaofikiria kutoa mchango wetu katika jamii, suala la wizi wa kazi za watu na mawazo na michango yao limekuwa kubwa sana! tena baadhi yetu tumekuwa msitari wa mbele katika kushiriki katika ufisadi huu, ni kweli kwamba watu wanahitaji taarifa za aina mbalimbali lakini suala la uhitaji halitoa fursa ya yeyote kati yetu mwenye taarifa husika ama kujua chanzo cha taarifa kuzibinafsisha na kuzifanya zake hasa pale inapotokea kuwa tayari kuna mtu au kikundi cha watu wametoa jasho kushughulikia! Ni vyema na ni muhimu sana ukatuonyesha chanzo cha taarifa yako,kwani mara nyingine wengine wetu tungependa kufuatilia kazi nyingine za mtoa taarifa kwa undani ama hata kuomba michango zaidi toka kwa mhusika, sasa inapotokea ukajifanya wewe ndiye original author na kisha hata hicho unachokiongelea si kwamba unakielewe vizuri unakuwa sio tu unafanya kosa kubwa la upotoshaji bali unawanyima fursa walengwa kujua suala husika kwa mapana na marefu yake.
kwa mfano wa kazi iliyokuwa plagialized; ‘AT a recent workshop on plagiarism , it was observed that the emphasis should be on creating awareness about the consequences of this unacceptable academic practice rather than going after those who indulge in it’. katika kuonyesha kwamba hii ni kazi orijino aliyeplagialaizi kama ambavyo mkuu Charles Makakala ameonyesha link ya kazi iliyoplagialaiziwa inavyosema utaona alichoondoa AT a recent workshop on plagiarism in Karachi, it was observed that the emphasis should be on creating awareness about the consequences of this unacceptable academic practice rather than going after those who indulge in it. Utaona kuwa jamaa kajitahidi kuondoa neno Karachi! mji ambako seminar hiyo ya plagialism ilifanywa! walengwa na muktadha mzima hapo vinakuwa vimeminywa! Jamani tujitahidi kuwa waungwana haitusaidii hata kidogo tukiendeleza tabia hizi! kuna namna nyingi sana ambazo bado wengi wetu tunaiba mawazo ya wenzetu na kujikuta tunawanyima wenzetu nafasi ya kujishughulisha na kazi za original authors wenzetu!
mbunge kijana mohammed dewji aliwahi kuandika makala yake juu ya mambo ya umeme. Makala hiyo inamuonyesha yeye kama amefanya uchunguzi yakinifu kuhusu hili swala la umeme. Makala hiyo aliitoa kwenye NY times la july 29, 2007 na kui taifsiri kwa kiswahili bila kumnukuu mtengenezaji wa makala hiyo.
kwa ajili Mo ni kiongozi nimeona ni wajibu kuyaweka haya bayana.
Ifuatayo ni makala ya mohammed dewji kwa kiswahili, Makala ya michael wines wa NY times kwa kiingereza na link ya hiyo Makala . unaweza ukaoanisha hizo makala mbili kati ya mo na michael wines.
Mohammed Dewji
Mambo mengi yamesemwa kuhusu tatizo la umeme nchini Tanzania, mimi nitaanza kwa kugusia mambo machache yanayoonyesha matatizo ya umeme yalivyokuwa makubwa ndani ya bara letu la Afrika:
Hatujawekeza ipasavyo kwa miaka 15 hadi 20 katika kitengo cha uzalishaji na usambazaji wa umeme, hayo maneno yalitamkwa na Lawrence Musaba, Meneja wa Southern African Power pool, muungano na mtandao wa nchi kumi na mbili kusini mwa Sahara.
Kuanzia Nigeria, Ghana mpaka Luanda hela nyingi inatumika kuzalisha umeme kwa majenereta hali inayofanya uchumi wa nchi nyingi za Afrika kupungua ukuaji kwa asilimia mbili – ripoti ya Benki ya dunia.
Ukiitoa nchi ya Afrika Kusini kwenye mambo hayo, nchi zote zilizobaki za kusini mwa jangwa la Sahara lenye watu milioni 700, linapata umeme sawa na wananchi wa Poland ambao ni milioni 38 tu.
Eskom, kampuni ya umeme ya Afrika Kusini mwaka 1998 iliambiwa mwaka 2007 itaanza kupata tatizo la mgao wa umeme nchini iwapo isipopanga jinsi ya kuongeza uzalishaji wa nishati, lakini kutokana na matatizo ya fedha na mipango kampuni haikufanyia kazi yale mapendekezo ya wataalamu kwenye ripoti ya mwaka 1998, na kuanzia mwaka 2006 Afrika Kusini imeanza kupata misuko suko ya mgao wa umeme pia.
Nigeria, nchi yenye watu wengi kuliko wote Afrika na yenye utajiri wa mafuta ina vituo 79 vya kuzalisha umeme lakini ni vituo 19 vinavyofanya kazi na hivyo kusababisha hasara ya dola za kimarekani bilioni moja kwa mwaka kiuchumi.
Ukienda kuangalia hapo juu ni mifano michache ya matatizo ya umeme barani Afrika, lakini ninachoweza kusema tatizo kubwa linatokana na ukosefu wa mipango. Nishati ya umeme inapatikana kwa njianyingi, kuna umeme wa nguvu za maji, nguvu za jua, kwa njia ya nguvu za upepo, umeme wa majenereta, na njia nyingine nyingi ambazo wataalamu wanaweza wakatuambia zinatufaa.
Ninakaribisha comments wadau na mnakaribishwa kwenye blog yangu
We’ve had no significant capital injection into generation and transmission, from either the private or public sectors, for 15, maybe 20 years,” said Lawrence Musaba, the manager of the Southern African Power Pool, a 12-nation consortium of electricity utilities at the continent’s tip.
The implications go beyond candlelight suppers and extra blankets on beds. The lack of reliable power has already begun to hamper the region’s development, clipping more than 2 percent off the annual growth rates of the worst-hit African economies, according to the World Bank. Some nations, like Ghana, have tried to deal with their power crises by leasing huge teams of gas generators, producing emergency power at exorbitant rates until power plants can be built.
In Nigeria, Angola and some other nations, virtually all businesses and many residents run private generators to supplement faltering public service, saddling economies with added costs and worsening pollution.
Excluding South Africa, whose economy and power consumption dwarf other nations’, the region’s remaining 700 million citizens have access to roughly as much electricity as do the 38 million citizens of Poland.
The government monopoly Eskom, the world’s fourth-largest power utility, was advised in a 1998 report that it would run short of power in 2007, but planning and financing problems — not all within the utility’s control — stalled upgrades. The forecast was actually optimistic: Eskom began running short in 2006.
Yet South Africa’s woes pale beside those of Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation. Only 19 of 79 power plants work, the government said in April. Daily electricity output has plunged 60 percent from its peak, and blackouts cost the economy $1 billion a year, the Council for Renewable Energy in Nigeria says.
hii article inapatikana hapa
plagiarism is a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work (