Category Archives: Conservation

World: Heroes & Character; Civilization and Rights Struggles

From Octimotor

A Web Head Celebrity

The 3rd of the spider man film depicts a number of action packed conflicts. It also evokes maters of emotion and personsons’ character.

In it we see Black Suit vs. Red Suit spider guys duel. The Goblin Junior, and Spider Man clash. A Sandman turns out to be the killer of Peter Parker’s beloved uncle – – although that man motivated is now shown to have been motivated to grab bank money to buy his daughter’s survival of a serious medical condition.

Success and public acclaim can go to a celebrity’s head.

Never the less, any person will always have choices – – about whether to do wrong, or instead to do the right thing.

The subtitle to Spider man III states, “Every hero has a choice.”

Secondarily, as a science and engineering side note, effects shown in this movie also makes me think about nanotech, as also did the remake of “the day the earth stood still” film, and “Starman” film.

(You might refer to book by Eric Drexler, _Engines of Creation_, as a source for nanotech ideas, eespecially if that term is a new one to you.)

Chris. Hedges speaks on rebels vs. civilization crisis

Link TV, midnight thru 1 edt mon19mr2012 EDT showed a presentation by Christopher Hedges. He is author of _Death of the liberal class_ .

Readers should Look up the poem by Shelly, “Osimandius”. He quoted it during his description of how we too are now resembling the possible passing away of a mighty civilization.

‘The only Place left is “On The Street”,’ he said.

You decide which of several meanings apply: a., being economically destitute, even homeless; b. being an active participant in a civil disobedience movement.

He tells us that acts of rebellion are done, not because they are likely to succeed, or have utilitarian value. Rather, they are done because they are RIGHT[ious].

Acts of Resistance are confirmations of Life. A key to striving to be an ethical, free individual, is open rebellion against injustice and oppression.

‘Hope has 2 siblings – – anger and courage’.

Chris Hedges speaks of resources depletion and eco-ruination.

Well, that may bite us HARD! That is, I would say it might, unless counteracted by our assuring that sufficient investments would be made, aimed toward developing better future ways for how we operate agriculture, energy supply, transportation, and manufacturing activities.


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Chris Hedges: ‘Death of the Liberal Class’ – Book Excerpt – Truthdig…/the_death_of_the_liberal_class_20101029/
Oct 29, 2010 – In a traditional democracy, the liberal class functions as a safety valve. It makes piecemeal and incremental reform possible. It offers hope for …

In a traditional democracy, the liberal class functions as a safety valve. It makes piecemeal and incremental reform possible. It offers hope for change and proposes gradual steps toward greater equality. It endows the state and the mechanisms of power with virtue. It also serves as an attack dog that discredits radical social movements, making the liberal class a useful component within the power elite.

But the assault by the corporate state on the democratic state has claimed the liberal class as one of its victims. Corporate power forgot that the liberal class, when it functions, gives legitimacy to the power elite. And reducing the liberal class to courtiers or mandarins, who have nothing to offer but empty rhetoric, shuts off this safety valve and forces discontent to find other outlets that often end in violence. The inability of the liberal class to acknowledge that corporations have wrested power from the hands of citizens, that the Constitution and its guarantees of personal liberty have become irrelevant, and that the phrase consent of the governed is meaningless, has left it speaking and acting in ways that no longer correspond to reality. It has lent its voice to hollow acts of political theater, and the pretense that democratic debate and choice continue to exist.

Kenya: The Kondele Clean-up Forum

From: odhiambo okecth


We had a strategic meeting with key stakeholders in Kisumu over the upcoming Clean-up Campaign re-launch scheduled for Kondele Market on the 17th March 2012.

First, in the company of Mr. John Sande- the Director Environment Department at the City Council of Kisumu, we made a courtesy call on the Deputy Town Clerk Ms Muthoni Orlale.

Mr. John Sande, Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch and Ms Muthoni Orlale- 9th March 2012

We then held The Consultative Forum at the DC’s Board Room chaired by Ms Lililan Itubo- Snr District Officer at the DC’s Office. The Forum was attended by

3 Area Chiefs from Kondele
Mr. John Sande- Director Environment- City Council of Kisumu
Dr George Wagah- Dean- School of Planning and Architecture- Maseno University
Mr. Charles Olang’o- Maseno University
Mr. Valentine Odhiambo- Bamato Project- Nyalenda
Student Leaders from Maseno University
Student Leaders from Kisumu Polytechnic
Bus Park Leaders from Kisumu Bus Park
Cllr Tom Ogolla- area Councilor joined us later

Mr. Sande contributing to the Forum

This was purely a planning session for the Clean-up scheduled for the 17th March. The Clean-up will be hosted at Kondele Market while the Tree Planting sessions will be held at Kondele Police Station, Migosi Health Centre, Kondele Primary School, Migosi Primary School, Manyatta Primary School and at The Provincial General Hospital.

We were impressed that many more groups have been meeting with the Council in some advance planning for the D-Day.

Odhiambo and Ms Itubo- Snr DO 1 Kisumu at the Forum

A Consultative Team cordinated by The Council but revolving around the City Council of Kisumu, the Provincial Administration, Maseno University, Kisumu Polytechnic, Bamato Environmental and Sanitation Project, Nema, Kisumu Action Team and the Bus Park will co-opt other willing Partners to form the Standing Committee that will plan for this event every Month.

We later met with the area Councilor Mr. Tom Ogolla who promised to help in the mobilization process.

Our last planning session will be on the 16th March 2012 at 10am at the DC’s Board Room and this meeting will be attended by all the Key Partners and Groups.

Ms Itubo, Valentine, Bella, Odhiambo, John Sande and the entire Team posing for a Group Photo

On the same day, we will make a Courtesy Call on Prof Ochieng’ Manyala at the Renewable and Non-Renewable Energies Centre- Maseno University, where we will look at the entire Waste Management Process as a Source of Wealth.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change we seek’- President Barack Obama of the USA.

A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable.

Odhiambo T Oketch
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Odhiambo T Oketch is the immediate former Chairman to the City Council of Nairobi Stakeholders Evaluation Team on Performance Contracting and Rapid Results Management. He is also Chair to the Nyamonye Catholic Church Development Fund. He was also the Co-Chair and Coordinator of The Great Nairobi Walk against Corruption that was held in Nairobi on the 22nd October 2010 in partnership with KACC and he is the National Co-ordinator of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign in Kenya.

…….Moving From Talking to Tasking……..

Karibu Jukwaa la
Pata nafasi mpya za Kazi

Buying green! A handbook on green public procurement

From: Yona Maro

Green Public Procurement (GPP) is defined in the European Commission’s Communication Public procurement for a better environment as “a process whereby public authorities seek to procure goods, services and works with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle when compared to goods, services and works with the same primary function that would otherwise be procured.

This handbook has been produced for public authorities, but many of the ideas and approaches are equally relevant for corporate purchasers. It should also help suppliers and service providers – particularly smaller companies (SMEs) – to better understand the environmental requirements increasingly encountered in public tenders.

GPP may also provide financial savings for public authorities – especially if you consider the full life-cycle costs of a contract and not just the purchase price. Purchasing low-energy or water saving products for example, can help to significantly reduce utility bills. Reducing hazardous substances in products can cut disposal costs. Authorities who implement GPP will be better equipped to meet evolving environmental challenges, as well as political and binding targets for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency and in other environmental policies.–pbKH3011071/downloads/KH-30-11-071-EN-C/KH3011071ENC_002.pdf;pgid=y8dIS7GUWMdSR0EAlMEUUsWb0000SbuoV7XR;sid=_qr2jp7Sx1H2jtGKodVoKfz3-XnwXZkB-Hk=?FileName=KH3011071ENC_002.pdf&SKU=KH3011071ENC_PDF&CatalogueNumber=K

Karibu Jukwaa la
Pata nafasi mpya za Kazi

Tanzania MPs are seeking the authority of the House Speaker to probe financial scam at the power supplying firm

Writes Leo Odera Omolo

Reports emerging from Dar Es Salaam says Tanzanian MPs are up in arms and seeking the mandate of the House Speaker to allow the House Committee on Energy and Minerals the authority to launch a full scale investigations into the alleged fraud and bribery involving the purchase of fuel for an independent power generating firm.

Sources alleged that millions of dollars paid to purchase fuel for the Independent Power Tanzania Limited {IPTL plant, which is located in Dar E Salaam could have been swindled,

Legislator Zito Kabwe the chairman of the Public Corporation Accounts Committee was quoted by the local media as saying that legislators want the committee to probe several oil supplying firms and government officials over the deal that forensic expert say could see the government losing more than USD 54 million for fuel that was never supplied to the plant.

According to Kabwe, there was allegations of fraud and corruption among officials of the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

The legislator said that there were also doubts regarding whether the tender procedure was followed according to the Public Procurement Act of 2004

The government in November2010 used the emergency tender system to allow two oil-supplying firms, Oryx Oil and Total, to import fuel for the generation of the IPTL plant, which is located on the outskirt of Dar Es Salaam.

The government was spending approximately Tshs 15 billion {USD 10 million} every month from November 2010 to February 2011 for the purchase of fuel meant for IPTL operations.

January Makamba, chairman of the Energy and Minerals Committee of Parliament who is an MP fro the ruling CCM party, said the committee is still waiting to hear from the Speaker. He said the committee would not be able to start investigations without the authorization of the House Speaker.

“There have been complaints concerning the tender, leading to suspicions of corruption among officials at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral, but we cant start investigation right now; as a procedure, we need to have permission fro the Speaker,” he added.

The government estimates that at least USD 54 million meant for the purchase of heavy fuel oil for IPTL may have been stolen.

The private firm’s multimillion-dollar 100MW power supplying contact with the Tanzania Electricity Supply Company, Tanesco, has dogged by controversy throughout.

A new audit report details wasteful procedures and overvaluation of supplies of heavy fuel from a local oil firm.

The Energy and Mineral Minister William Ngeleja said in parliament last that the government spent Tshs 46 billion {USD 28.7 million}to purchase oil for IPTL plant from November 2010 to February 2011.

The power crisis currently facing the country has compelled Tanesco to pay Tshs 19.2 billion {USD 12 million} to IPTL every month for production o 60mw instead of the initial production of 100mw.

In 1995,Tanesco signed agreement with IPTL, a joint venture between a Malaysian firm, Mechmar Corporation, and a local investor, VIP Engineering and Marketing Company Ltd for the purchase of 100mw of power from diesel generators for 20 years.

VIP Engineering owns 30 per cent equity while Mechmar Corporation of Malaysia owns 70 per cent.


Corporate War Crimes: Prosecuting Pillage of Natural Resources

From: Yona Maro

In Corporate War Crimes, law professor James G. Stewart offers a roadmap of the law governing pillage as applied to the illegal exploitation of natural resources by corporations and their officers. The text traces the evolution of the prohibition against pillage from its earliest forms through the Nuremburg trials to today’s national laws and international treaties. In doing so, Stewart provides a long-awaited blueprint for prosecuting corporate plunder during war.

Karibu Jukwaa la
Pata nafasi mpya za Kazi

The KCDN Team

from odhiambo okecth

As we end the Month of February, I want to pay glowing tribute to the Board and Strategic Team and to all Friends of KCDN who have made the ending Month such a resounding success for The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign.

I want to really appreciate all those Friends of KCDN who were instrumental in our successes for the Month of February. Your financial contribution, advice and words of encouragement ensured that our Work Plan for the Month was implemented.

I must sincerely thank our Board for their support and faith in me and my team. We are proud to have such a dedicated team at KCDN.

It is important to give a glimpse of this team, because, many people have wrongly believed that KCDN is a One Man Show. I am the Face of KCDN because I am the Founder CEO. I live the Vision behind the drive. But with me is a very quiet but efficient Team.

Our Chairman has worked with the UN and the European Union for so long in very Senior Positions. He is currently based in Abuja Nigeria and he is a Finance and Governance Specialist.

The next Board Member is a very Senior Banker. She is currently a Regional Manager of one of the Leading International Banks in Kenya.

The next Board Member is a very Senior Public figure who has remained an engine in the Organization that she heads.

We also have an Internationally respected Lawyer who also works for the UN Systems. He has won many cases for the Marginalized Groups of People in Kenya and his passion for a Clean Kenya is manifested through his actions.

The next Board Member is an Internationally recognized NGO Guru. He has been a voice of reason even in social commentaries and you would not doubt his fight in the second liberation of Kenya. He was firmly in the front lines in the trenches. He has been detained on accounts of his beliefs and he has lived to remain faithful to One Kenya under God.

Then we have a Swiss Lady whose efforts in Kenya has seen her organization avail clean water to over 15,000 Kenyans in a part of Western Kenya. She remains a beacon of Hope to many Kenyans in Western Province and to KCDN, she has been purely inspirational.

We also have a senior Tax Consultant with us in our Board. This is one man whose philosophy has helped shape some of the thinkings we have at KCDN. He is a man of action and brooks no nonsense.

Then we have a team of smart professionals in our Strategic Team. These are men and women whose advice and thinking we have immensely benefited from at KCDN. Their advice is implemented by a very dedicated team with me in the Executive.

This Team is complimented by a very strong army of Friends of KCDN. When we were recently scandalized, this Team rose to the occasion and strengthened our reach and capacity. They made sure that we had the resources to enable us travel and meet with Kenyans in pursuit of a Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya. You can view this Team from our Website.

This is why we never fail to implement what we have set our eyes on.

As we move into March, we have a loaded calender of events. We have firm faith that this team and more, will once again rise to the occasion and be of maximum support to us. The Clean-up Campaign is not about ego fights. It is about each one of us doing his or her bit to make Kenya Clean.

And we will continue inviting Kenyans to join with us in The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaigns. We will be in Kisumu at Kondele and in Umoja Estate for the Month of March, and we want to invite greater participation from as many Kenyans all across the land.

We want to lastly thank all the Teams that have written to us from across the whole Country. We might not have the capacity to join in many events at the same time across Kenya, but we have faith that we can all join in Cleaning Kenyan across the whole Country at the same time.

Lastly, we want to appreciate the resolve of the Government, the Local Authorities, the Corporates, Friends of KCDN and the many Kenyans who have made the Clean-up Campaigns the success story that it is continuing to be across Kenya.

Let us roll our sleeves and help make Kenya Clean.

‘Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change we seek’- President Barack Obama of the USA.

A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable.

Odhiambo T Oketch
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Karibu Jukwaa la
Pata nafasi mpya za Kazi


From: Yona Maro

East African Legislative Assembly, February 17, 2012: Phase two of the Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation (LVWATSAN) Programme comes under scrutiny next week as Members of EALA visit the lakeside city of Kisumu to undertake an on-spot assessment exercise. The tour forms part of the oversight function of EALA on the implementation of the various programmes and projects of the EAC.

The on-spot assessment of the second phase of the project is to be carried out by EALA’s Agriculture, Tourism and Natural Resources Committee and takes place on February 19-24, 2012. The assessment visit is called to appraise Members on the opportunities and challenges of the Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Project. It further aims to collate information on facilities and infrastructure that are necessary for achieving the project objectives and to establish the impact of the water and sanitation Initiative on the communities around the region as a whole.

During the six day visit, the EALA Members shall also meet with key officials including paying a courtesy call on the Executive Secretary of Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) Dr. Canisius Kanangire. The delegation is also scheduled to meet with the Mayor of Kisumu, His Worship Sam Okello.

The Members will then visit the neighboring towns which are served by the Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Initiative to appreciate how the project is serving all the neighboring municipalities. Kericho and Isebania are some of the towns that shall benefit from the visit before the delegation heads to Kampala, Uganda for series of meetings. Members are expected to meet with the Minister for Water and Environment.

The Members shall as part of the Uganda tour also visit Buwama, Kayabwe and Bukakata clusters and wind up their tour by travelling to Mayuge in the Eastern part of Uganda.

This is the second visit by the legislators to the region. It follows the visit in 2009 where an assessment of the implementation of LVEMP II, an EAC project based in LVBC was carried. At that point, Members agreed to return to assess the EAC Water Sanitation, Sewage Project.

According to analysts, rapid urbanization is placing an enormous burden on the secondary towns around Lake Victoria and its associated catchment areas in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania. This is becoming a critical issue as all countries strive to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for water and sanitation. The formation of the East Africa Community (EAC)/ Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) gives a unique opportunity for these five countries to co-operate and share experiences as positive steps are taken towards extending access to safe water supplies, improved sanitation and hence improving the lake’s eco-system.

Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation initiative (LVWATSAN) is one of a number of important Programs which are targeted at the promotion of regional cooperation, partnership-building, institutional and capacity enhancement, and a sense of joint ownership of the resources of the lake basin, all of which are central to the over-arching goal of managing the lake basin as a regional public good.

Phase I of the LVWATSAN program focused on 10 towns within the original EAC partner states of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, with the support of UN-HABITAT. The ten secondary towns included: Kisii, Homa Bay and Bondo in Kenya, Nyendo/Ssenyange, Bugembe and Kyotera in Uganda, Bukoba, Bunda and Muleba in Tanzania, and the border town of Mutukula. With the Republic of Burundi and Rwanda joining of the EAC, the second phase was expanded to cover 15 towns, three from each of the five Partner States.

The activities of the Phase II Program are being undertaken in the following focal towns in the Partner States: Burundi: Ngozi, Muyinga and Kayanza; Kenya: Keroka, Kericho and Isebania; Rwanda: Kayonza, Nyagatare and Nyanza; Tanzania: Geita, Sengerema and Nansio and; in Uganda: Mayuge, Buwama-Kayabwe-Bukakata and Ntungamo. The investment plan preparation for the 15 secondary towns was supported by the African Water Facility (AWF) of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB), which has culminated in the support by Fund (AfDB) for the physical implementation of the second phase of LVWATSAN program. The Program that is expected to run up to 2015 is envisaged to be expanded to other towns in the basin in the subsequent phases.

From this assessment, the Committee will take stock of the observations and recommendations to report back to EALA.



Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation initiative (LVWATSAN) is one of a number of important Programs which are targeted at the promotion of regional cooperation, partnership-building, institutional and capacity enhancement, and a sense of joint ownership of the resources of the lake basin, all of which are central to the over-arching goal of managing the lake basin as a regional public good.

The overall goal and purpose of the Initiative is to meet the MDG targets in water and sanitation in the Program towns and to ensure the long term sustainability of the physical interventions.

The Initiative is seeking to demonstrate that the MDGs can be achieved in a relatively short time frame and that investments can be sustained over the long term by effectively integrating physical infrastructure works, training and capacity building into a balanced and cohesive Program of interventions. The Initiative seeks to develop the right balance between investments on water and sanitation infrastructure in the secondary towns and capacity-building at the local and regional level to sustain Program benefits. It uses a phased approach to implementation which focuses first on immediate interventions designed to deliver immediate results followed by long term interventions requiring larger investments.

The project has five main components that include: Water Supply, Sanitation, Solid Waste Management, Storm Water Drainage and capacity building and training.

For More Information, contact: Bobi Odiko, Senior Public Relations Officer; East African Legislative Assembly; Tel: +255-27-2508240 Cell: +255 787 870945, +254-733-718036; Email: Web: Arusha, Tanzania

Karibu Jukwaa la
Pata nafasi mpya za Kazi

Kenya: Tke KWS is restocking Ruma Game Park in Homa-Bay County with new species of animals

Writes Leo Odera Omolo In Mbita Town.

The relocation and the introduction of new species of wild animals at the strategically important Ruma National Game Park in Lambwe Valley, Mbita district within Homa-Bay County is a commendable project which is expected to boost the volume of tourism in the region..

Many year ago, the Ruma Park used to be very rich with all species of wild life including the “Big Five” until the year 1936 when the colonial authority ordered for the physical and forceful removal and relocation of elephants.

It was done in a very crude manner in which the local communities were forced to drive away elephants. Thousands of villagers were rounded up by security personnel and forced into driving the animals out of their sanctuary by way of beating up drums, empty tins, while tribal policemen fired their guns in the air to scare the jumbos out of their natural habitat in Lambwe Valley.

The elephant population in Lambwe Valley at the time was estimated to be in the region of 80 or 100. The action taken by colonialists was due to human settlement pressure and complaints raised by the locals through their chiefs that the animals were becoming a real menace to human being and their food grains.

All the herds were driven past village and locations up to the border of the then old and greater South Nyanza district and Narok and abandoned at a pace called Sikawa, Some of the animal escaped from one of the biggest dragnet mounted by human beings against animals by night falls were left behind hiding in a small forest called Ang’we which used to located about 6 kilometers south east of Awendo Town.

The herds that were left at Ang’we found the area was swampy and always water logged and moved out following the footsteps the rest into the Maasailand. Nobody thought at the time that these animals would at some day in the future turns out to be the national assets for the country.

The project of restocking of the Ruma Park is part of the government plan to resuscitate the 48 year old “Western Kenya Tourist Circuit” which was launched in 1967 by the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, but which has all along these years reined I the drawing board without being implemented.

In early 1962 the County Council, of South Nyanza under the able leadership of the late Mzee Paul Mboya Akoko had renewed its demand to the Colonial Administration in Kenya to consider the possibility of repatriating the elephants back to Lambwe Valley from the Trans-Mara region. But the Council was told this could not be feasible due to increased human population and settlement.

Ruma National Game Pak in Lambwe Valley is administratively under Mbita district. However, geographically the park is more close to Ndhiwa and Gwassi districts and about 23 kilometers from Homa-Bay Town, which has already been chosen to b the regional County administrative headquarters under the devolution in according to the new constitution dispensation.

The communities living within the four districts of Mbita, Homa-Bay, Ndhiwa and Gwassi economically stand to gain considerably from its resources.

The Park is famous for hosting rare animal species such as the Roan Antelope {Omoro}, beautiful, but one of the fiercest wild animals, Roth Child Giraffe, and the tiny Oribi antelope {othwele}

Officials at the Park disclosed that the KWS has relocated 100 zebras, 21 black rhinos and two white rhinos, 10 wildebeest –all removed from conservancy in Laikipia and Kitale.

The project of restocking the park with more wildlife was recently launched by the forestry an Wildlife Minister Dr Noah Wekesa who said the government was committed in bringing tourism in the area at par with other parks in the country. He added that the tourism, which is number one Kenya’s foreign exchange earner, is the backbone of the nation’s economy.

Tourism, the Minister said” is our foreign income generating approximately Kshs 100,000 million, and contributing ten per cent of the national budget.”

The Minister advised the local communities to value and preserves the resource for the future generations.

A senior Game Warden Daniel Rono disclosed that plans are underway to introduce other species of wildlife including ostriches. About 70 herds of buffaloes have survived in the park all these year, though their numbers has been dwindling due to excessive poaching.

On the top of the nearby Ruma Hills in which the park drives its name from, there are the unique species of antelope which are white in color and called by locals “Nyambaja”, and which are found nowhere in Kenya, but the herds which the local estimated to be around 80 or more rarely come down to the plains. The herds could only be seen while grazing majestically and jumping on the rocks after green pasture on the top of the hills are torched,

These are mountain species of animals, which stays out of the reach of the poachers, though not gazette nor mentioned anywhere in the government official document as exiting or endangered as one of the protected wildlife and are believed to have survived for centuries

The KWS should move e much faster and carrying a thorough research o establishes the existence of this very special species of animals, which the local says is lightly smaller than impala or bush-buck and reedbuck. These animals rarely come down the slop I search of water and it is believed to be depending on small springs available on top of the hills. Leopard, hyenas and pythons are some of the predators.

With newly improved roads the project is expected to benefit the communities living within the vicinity of Ruma National Game Park. The part could be accessed either via Homa-Bay town, Mbita Town or Mirogi Trading Center in Ndhia which is the nearest of the main gate of the Forest, only eleven kilometers. The road from Rodi-Kopany is now well done on termak, the same with the Homa-Bay Mbita Road. Tourists and visitors travelling from Kisumu could access the Park via Mbita Ferry which is plying between Luanda Kotieno on the mainland Uyoma and Mbita and then drive on he newly constructed tarmac road which can now link Mbita to the Ruma National Park.

Visitors may be booked to dozens of tourist class hotels such as Tausi Hotel at Rodi Kopany, Homa-Bay Tourist Hotel, Ndhiwa Hotel in Ndhiwa, Rusinga Holiday Inn, ICIPE Guest House, Mbita Beach Resort. There are several tourist class hotels in Mbita Town and one top class luxury hotel at Kamasengre next to the home of the late Mr Tom Mboya,Mbita Beach Resort, and several.

Visitor would also have easy access to pre-historic sites such as the legendary Nyamgondho Wuod Ombare site next to Nyandiwa Center in Central Gwassi, Nyama Gi Ware Rocks next to Wanyama fishing landing beach in Rusinga Island, birds watchers should find themselves very comfortable in Mfangano Island where there is also a tourist class hotel and many pre-historic sites.

The myth of Soklo Kipenji rocky Island nr Usawo, which many people believes no human being has ever set foot on, and where even birds fear to land on.



from Judy Miriga

Yes Kuria you are right.

If anything, Oto need an education here, and yes, it is voluntary…….

Reform demands the truth. The truth is cusioned with transparency and accountability. The Mombasa Community understands that they have a right to question about their taxpayer money over checks and balances and details of how their money is spent. It is their right to fully participate in ways and means about matters that concern their regional tax money including the Municipal Garbage collection levy……Bringing this to the fore is not a crime or incitement…….it is a right people…….

Warsama is trying to send a message that are issue based and all he should get is genuine response and……since he participated in making the connection for Oto, I expected Oto to do better than chest thumbing.

People provide a lot of information through mood swing….and by loosing their tempers and bragging, they box themselves into a corner…….people then begin to wonder if they are genuine or fake……..

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,

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— On Sat, 2/11/12, Kuria-Mwangi wrote:

Rose and Janak:

I only agree with both of you on this issue taking too much of our time. I failed to see where the issue of hate speech came from. I think some of us are becoming paranoid over the kibunja commission. How the hell did the issue of hate arise on this topic? Which moron would use the discussions here to accuse one of hate speech? We are just throwing words here and there.

On Warsama being called names, I will repeat again that he will be called names as long as he continue to expose others. He didnt expect them to coming saying how young he is (he aint young either so I dont think that is an insult and I doubt he is worried a minute about his age). So if Warsama is upset with the insults he has received, he should keep quiet and nobody will insult him. The route he has taken is not faint hearted and I doubt he is hurt as Rose is trying to suggest. Hers is a very clever way to shutting Warsama’s mouth. Let him keep off and seal his lips and nobody will tell him he is old. He is only younger than Mwai Kibaki and that does not mean he is too old. Jexx can also claim I am too old because he is 15 years younger than me. Why would one say Warsama is too old yet the same loud mouths claim Raila is young enough to run our country. Warsama is younger than Raila so what the hell are they talking about.

I doubt Warsama was ever bothered by the age factor and so Rose should not get worried over a non issue.

There will be good things to come out of this. One is that accountability will have to start here before we can have the moral authority to put others on the docket. Second, we will in future learn how to handle money and avoid cases where you trust every Dick and Harry you communicate with. Rose gave examples from her family members and friends. I have similar examples. We may have to trust institutions which are seasoned in handling funds. I keep on telling my friends that you cannot send thousands or millions to a hungry man and expect him to work for you. He will work for himself first and when his stomach is full, work for you if he has some decency in the arena of morality.

Could this issue have been handled differently? MAY BE, assuming those involved are able to listen and work with those who need answers.

What can we do next. Continue interrogating Oto, demanding that he explain some discrepancy. If he opts to go to court, then we let the judiciary handle this. i feel he has not given satisfactory answers.

Those who are disturbed with discussions have option D. The delete key. Even Oto may opt to use this option. Nobody puts a gun on your head and demands that you read what is posted and also reply. I delete many mails whose header I dont like and I am reading the Otoman empire mails because I love the content and the message. Those who dont want to read about the Otoman empire, should use the D Key and leave Oto and Warsama alone work on this issue. I only request that we dont insult each other but speed up and work on accountability since we are dealing with an important institution. I believe Oto will also run this outfit better in future, get a real accounting done and if money is the issue, get the likes of Kombo to do some basic accounting for him. I believe that is the expected norm for all the non profits.

Kenya: The Kongowea Consultative Forum

From: odhiambo okecth


We hosted the Kongowea Consultative Forum with the Kongowea Traders and Leaders at the Town Hall in Mombasa yesterday the 10th Feb 2012.


The meeting was chaired by Ms Elipida Mwakamba- Deputy Town Clerk- Reforms and was attended by the leaders, Mr. MS Bilafif- Director Environment at the Municipal Council of Mombasa, Dr Swale Chidagaya- MOH at the Municipal Council of Mombasa, Mr. Abdulla Mwabami- Deputy Director- Social Services, Mr Marigi Njihia- Accountant, Mr. Mohamed Abdalla- Market Superintendent, Mr. Peter Mbol and Mr. Odhiambo T Oketch both of KCDN.


We agreed on the following;

The Clean up of Kongowea Wholesale Market will be on the 18th February 2012 starting 10.00am. This is to enable early morning shoppers buy their daily perishables.

The Clean-up Exercise will hence forth be a Monthly affair undertaken in partnership with the market leaders and traders.

Every trader will keep his stall clean at all the times.

Working tools will be provided to the Section Leaders within the Market in good time to allow for proper logistics.

The Municipal Council of Mombasa will address the issue of Electrity and Toilet, the twin issues that have been of great concern to the traders.

There will be no harrassment of the traders as has been happening in the past whenever such an event is organized, though, law and order will be maintained by an active presence of the Council Askaris and Regular Police.

The exercise will be voluntary and NO ONE will be paid to participate.

There will be pomp and dance as we start a new Transformation Agenda that will spread to the whole of Mombasa Town.

The Kongowea Clean-up Campaign will be led by His Worship the Mayor and the Town Clerk and there will be a follow-up meeting between the Market Leaders and the Market Superintendent to help plan for the rest of the logistics.

During the Consultative Forum, we discussed;

Environmental Management issues and the need for all of us to join in keeping not just the market clean, but all our neighbourhoods.

Peace Building as a prerequisite to a healthy nation.

Good Governance and the need for all of us to rise up and be active participants.

Kongowea Wholesale Market will be our Focal Point for this Months Nationwide Clean-up Campaign and all are invited across the whole country to kindly join in and clean your immediate neighbourhood.

A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable.

Odhiambo T Oketch
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

USA, OH: UPDATE: Temporary Commissioner, Bill Peelle…

from Chuck Watts (via Google+)

UPDATE: Temporary Commissioner, Bill Peelle, with a little more legal research, discovered he didn’t have to recuse himself afterall, and has seconded the “transit-for-all” resolution focusing on bike trails and federal grants. Not only that, he and Commissioner Mike Curry, occupied compassion and actually voted it in. Hip Hip Hooray.

– – – – – – – – – – –

by Chuck Watts – . In Response to the Facebook group I Love Wilmington, Ohio, Trails – Call to Action! .

An Open Letter to Pat Haley, County Commissioner

Dear Pat, .

What do the following five items have in common with bike trail grants?…

Healthcare human rights
Ethical business
Clean elections
Healthy foods

They all, including supporting bike trail grants, requires strength of character that includes empathy and responsibility, both personal and social, to promote them.

[ . . . ]
Posted on January 30, 2012

read full article;

Africa: Egypt is lobbying a fresh for agreement over the use of Nile Waters

Writes Leo Odera Omolo

EGYPTIANS who visited the Kenyan capital, Nairobi at the weekend were expected to begin lobbying countries afresh to reconsider their ratification of an agreement that gives upper Nile states leeway in using the Nile’s waters.

The Nile Basin Convention Frameworks Agreement {CFA} that six countries signed in Entebbe in May 2010 was expected to dominate the agenda of the Inter-Ministerial meeting scheduled for last weekending on January 28.

Ethiopia, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda signed the CFA effectively making it operative even though Sudan, DRC Congo and Egypt are yet to ratify it.

The CFA is currently at the ratification level, but has been delayed because of Egypt’s request for more talks. If ratified, it will repeal the 1929 colonial agreement, ripping Egypt of any legal protection over the resource.

A representative of Ugandan government Dr.Callist Tindimagaya was quoted by the media last week as saying,” We shall go to the meeting with an open mind and give them the opportunity to present their point of view. But once you have signed, international laws prohibit you from withdrawing your signature or work against it.”

However, Egypt is optimistic that the Nairobi meeting will reach a consensus because of its new positive spirit and zeal after the revolution as opposed to feuding over the resource. “Egypt believes that the Nile Ban countries share the same water, same destiny and this is the spirit that we should embrace. Egypt is carrying out discussions with the other Nile Basin countries to move forward,” said Egyptian ambassador to Uganda Sabry M Sabry.

If consensus is reached, the World Bank Trust that manages resources along the Nile will stop mocking any development project on claim of legal basis.

Projects in the pipeline that are of mutual benefits to the region are Regional Interconnection Project that is expected to generate cross border electricity for the benefit of all the countries. The USD385 million projected to complete in 2014is already in progress.

Others are Bujagali {250MW} Ruzizi {145mw}, Lake Kivu Methane Gas {300mw}, Rusumo {80mw}, Isimba {140mw} and Karuma {700mw}.


Kenya: Congratulations Hon Hassan of Kamukunji

from odhiambo okecth

On Saturday, Hon Yussuf Hassan- the Member of Parliament for Kamukunji Constituency, led a team from the Eastleigh Business District Association and residents of Eastleigh in cleaning up the 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue in Eastleigh.

This is very commendable and we want to take this opportunity to commend Hon Hassan ans the people of Eastleigh for stepping forward and joining us in the trenches. Kindly make this a Monthly affair and never give up till Eastleigh regains her lost glory.

Eastleigh used to be one of the cleanest Estates in Nairobi.

It is important to note that we launched the City Wide Clean up Campaign here in Eastleigh on the 18th September 2010 in partnership with Eastleigh Business District Association, the City Council of Nairobi, the Provincial Administration and other partners in a process that was flagged off by the then Mayor of Nairobi Cllr Geoffrey Majiwa.

We have since gone Nationwide.

It is our pleasure when many more organizations and Kenyans can step forward to help clean Kenya.

Let us all roll our sleeves and work for a Clean Kenya. If you want to view more of these photos, please visit our Facebook Page; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign

A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable.

Odhiambo T Oketch
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Kenya: KCDN is moving boldly into the future

from odhiambo okecth

KCDN is moving boldly into the future.

We have been very busy in the Boardrooms as we are in the Trenches lately. And to this extent, it is important that we make some four very crucial announcements.
First, we have been in discussions with several Government Officials and on the 7th February 2012, we will be making some announcements that will cement this Partnerships.

Secondly, KCDN will be partnersing with the Nairobi Central Business District Association in The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaigns and together, we will help drive The Litter Less Kenya at 50 Campaign across Kenya.

Secondly, we have been in discussions with the Global Peace Festival Foundation for some while since last year and today, we met with the GPFF Country Director Mr. Fred Rangala and Mr. Vincent Rapando in our continuing efforts at building partnerships.

Mr. Fred Rangala- Country Director Global Peace Festival Foundation, Mr. Peter Mbol of KCDN, Odhiambo T Oketch of KCDN and Mr. Vincent Rapando of GPFF at their offices today the 24th Jan 2012

The discussions were mutual, informative and very timely. GPFF will play an active role in ensuring we have a Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya.
Lastly, we have been looking at re-designing and re-engineering our Communication Strategy. Today, we had a lengthy meeting with Mr. Benji Ndolo, and we are pleased to announce that Mr. Ndolo is joining KCDN as our Public Relations and Communications Officer. Mr. Ndolo brings in some very sharp analytical acumen and his grasp of the Kenyan issues will help drive this Transformative Process in our Mother Land.

Mr. Peter Mbol, Mr. Benji Ndolo and Odhiambo T Oketch after their meeting today.

Let us all roll our sleeves and work for a Clean Kenya.

A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable.

Odhiambo T Oketch
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Kenya: Noted Mr. Agevi; Kenyans making a difference- The Zimmerman Clean-up Campaign

from odhiambo okecth

Dear Mr. Agevi,

I want to believe that our Partners are taking note of the same.

Thanks and let us work for a Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya.


— On Sat, 1/21/12, Research Triangle Africa – Elijah Agevi wrote:

Dear Mr. Odhiambo,

Asante sana for sharing the photographic evidence of the great work done in Zimmerman.

I can clearly see representatives from City Hall, provincial administration and the community. This is good. I have however noted that most participants are without gloves!

Yes the struggle for keeping our cities and neighbourhood clean and peaceful continues. Let’s remain good ambassadors of peace and keep our beloved country United and Peaceful even at this hour of Ocampo six and Operation Linda Inchi.

Elijah Agevi

From: odhiambo okecth


We have posted The Zimmerman Clean-up Campaign on our Blog- and tomorrow, it will be in our website;

For the photos, we have posted the same in our Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign.

A Clean, Green and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible and achievable.

Odhiambo T Oketch
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557
Facebook; Monthly Nationwide Clean up Campaign
Facebook; Odhiambo T Oketch

Kenya: The Zimmerman Clean-up Campaign- 21st Jan 2012

from: odhiambo okecth

Dear Friends,

The 1st edition of The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign starts this weekend at Zimmerman Estate on the 21st Jan 2012 as from 7.00am until 9.00am.

The Clean-up Campaign will take place across the country and Zimmerman will only be our National Focal Point.

As you all know, we are trying to craft partnerships that will help drive this campaign this year and as such, we want to invite all the support you may give to the organizing team to ensure that this campaign runs well across Kenya.

We have also launched The Litter Bins Programme and we are inviting willing partners to come on board and work with us on the Fabrication, Branding, Installation and Maintenance of the said Bins across Kenya.

Lastly, we are launching 3 Lobby Groups to work with us to ensure that we achieve a Clean and Litter Less Kenya at 50,

The Litter Less Kenya at 50 Lobby Group
The Parliamentarians for a Clean Kenya Lobby Group, and
Journalists for a Clean Kenya Lobby Group.
You are all invited to join in any of the Lobby Groups and help us drive The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign in this Journey of Hope across Kenya. These are purely voluntary.

Peace and Blessings,


Building bridges for a Better Kenya

from odhiambo okecth


Today was one hectic and fruitful day for us at KCDN.

First, in the company of Mr. Lameck Siage and Peter Mbol, we met Mr. Henry Ndede- the Coorinator, Unep-Kenya Country Programme at his offices at the UN Complex to discuss about how we can work together in The Litter Bin Programme and The Litter Less Kenya at 50 Campaign.

We will be following this conversations forward and in our resilient determination, we are sure of achieving a Clean Kenya as we celebrate our 50 Years of our Independence next Year.

Secondly, I attended the Steering Committee Meeting at the UN Habitat to help plan for the upcoming African Conference on Volunteer Action for Peace and Development. This conference is coming at an opportune time since we at KCDN have been the foremost drivers of a process that has been very successful yet purely voluntary- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign.

We have been pushing Friends of KCDN to the wall to help make our Programmes a reality, and now, we are happy that the Organizing Team for this Conference have made recognition of our potential and invited us to join in the Steering Committee.

We promise to be of real help and support and we will avail our expertise on various fields to the good of this Committee and to the eventual successful hosting of this Conference in June.

We want to sincerely thank Dr Manu Chandaria, Dr Markandey Rai, Mr. David Caprare, Mr. Vincent Rapando, Mr. Daniel Juma, Mr. Insu Choi, Ms Karena Cronin, Mr. George Oloo, Mr. Fred Rangala and all the colleagues in the Steering Committee for this great initiative.

The time is now and we can move Africa to the next level. Let us join hands and work for a Clean and Litter Less Kenya at 50 by joining in the Clean-up Campaigns across Kenya every 3rd Saturday of the Month between 7.00am and 9.00am.

Peace and blessings.

A Clean Kenya Starts With Me. And a Peaceful Kenya is my Responsibility.

Odhiambo T Oketch,
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557,

Kenya: The Zimmerman Consultative Forum- 12th Jan

From: odhiambo okecth


We hosted The Zimmerman Consultative Forum today at Zimmerman at 10am in an even that was attended by 97 leaders from the area led by Cllr Kinoti, area Councilor, Mr. Romano Mikigu- area Chief, Mr. Samson Kaindi- area Assistant Chief, Ms Rose Kunga- Area Divisional Environment Officer, members of the District Peace Committee and many more.

Area Ass Chief Mr. Kaindi, Odhiambo T Oketch- in Green, Mr Peter Mbol of KCDN in white and area leaders just before the Forum

The Forum was a build up activity for our first Clean up activity this year under the auspices of A Litter Less Kenya at 50 which we will host at Zimmerman on the 21st January 2012 from 7.00am.

The Consultative Forums are a precursor to The Clean-up Campaigns and during these meetings, we mobilize and sensitize the invited leaders on 3 Thematic Areas namely;

Environmental Management- where we invited the leaders present to be our agents on the ground in helping to sensitize Kenyans that a Clean Kenya Starts with Me. We invited the people to take personal charge of how we dispose of our waste. The sentiments were also echoed by Cllr Kinoti and Chief Mikigu. Cllr Kinoti indicated that soon, we will be seeing Kenyans fighting over waste- ati- mbona ume iba taka yangu. This was in confirmation to the concept of waste is wealth, where we want to see Waste Handlers paying for our waste which we have sorted out at home.
Peace Building- where we invited Kenyans to maintain peace amongst ourselves at all times. We agreed that we can vote differently and still be One Family Under God as Kenyans. We invited Kenyans not to fight each other because of politics, resources or clannish issues. God in His magnanimity gave us Kenya and we must be proud being Kenyans.
Good Governance- We noted that next year, Kenya will be celebrating her 50th Birth day and asked ourselves to soul search and see if we have anything that makes us proud of this milestone. We have voted faithfully every 5 years and what are the achievements that we can bank. We hence decided that we will look at leaders from the prism of Chapter 6 of our Constitution and vote for only those who merit our expectations on Integrity and Ethical Values. Time has come when we must isolate leadership from the chaff. We must identify leaders from all those who will present themselves and vote for them regardless of how wealthy they are or they political loyalty. Political Parties are vehicles through which power is won, but the trodden path had proved to us that voting 3 piece has entrenched democratic dictatorship and this has ended giving us Journeymen for leaders.
They then become our Goodwill Ambassodors on the same across Kenya.

Odhiambo T Oketch, Cllr Kinoti and Ms Rose Kunga during the Forum

We must thank all those who made the meeting of today a success. We must thank Ms Irene Wasike, Dr Abraham Korir Sibg’oei, Mr. Lameck Siage- all of KCDN, Mr. Ben Nyamweya, Mr. Hezbon Omondi and Cllr Kinoti for their financial support during the mobilization period and even for the hosting of the Forum today.

We must thank the Provincial Administration, the City Council of Nairobi, the many Civic Society Organizations and the local leaders for turning out in large numbers to be with us today.

Section of the participants during the Forum

Lastly, we must thank the KCDN Team, Paul, Dorothy and Anthony for ensuring that today was a success.

Let us roll our sleevs and meet at Base Stage at Zimmerman on the 21st January 2012 at 7am and move to the trenches as a team.

The Litter Bin Programmes launch by Dr Alice Kaudia- Environment Secretary- Ministry of Environment and Mineral resources.

A Clean and Litter Less Kenya at 50 is possible. Just do your part.

Peace and blessings,

Odhiambo T Oketch,
National Coordinator- The Monthly Nationwide Clean-up Campaign
Tel; 0724 365 557,

Kenya: Lobbying and scrambling have intensified ahead of the appointment of new Lake Victoria South Water Service Board

Reports Ndira Uradi In Kisumu City.

Scrambling and lobbying have intensified in Kisumu City and its environs ahead of the much expected appointment of the new Board of Directors of the Kisumu based Lake Victoria South Water Service Board {LVEWSB}.he previous board, which was headed by George Ndonji from Ugenya was sent packing last month.

The board’s former controversial CEO Eng Michael Ocheng’s who also hails from Ugenya constituency was recalled back to the Water Services Ministry. Alot of behind the scene lobbying involving politicians, influential and powerful men and women canvassing for their relatives and surrogates is reported to have intensified.

One particular political family, which is notorious for practicing nepotism is said to have been heard proposing and suggesting the names of people who hails from within their home turf for such appointments.

The previous board had been scathingly criticized for having succumbed to the whims of one particular influential family that had turned the institution their “milking cow” winning nearly almost every tender o supplies. The board was accused of allegedly practicing favoritism in its procurements.

All the important tenders for the board’s project were irregularly and corruptly awarded to the sons of one influential politician-cum-businessman who is said to have a vast business interests in Kisumu City. The sons are said to have done shoddy job, but continued winning tenders for all the procurement because their father had acted as the godfather of the top management of the board.

However, this time around, the Kisumu residents are up in arms to ensure that the right person scooped the directorship jobs at the board so that it could serve the resident in an efficient manner, which is devoid of corruption and favoritism. They have appealed to the Minister for Water Resources Hon Madame Charity Kaluki Ngilu to appoint only upright persons to the water board.

The appealed to Ngilu to exercise his Ministerial powers conferred to her by the constitution and to ignore names of relatives of powerful politician in the region who are known to be notorious in forwarding the names if their kith and kin for such government appointments. The residents want the Minister to act at her own discretion and go only for the best men and women.

The activities of some prominent politicians in Luo-Nyanza linked to the exploitation of resources of the disbanded water board are likely to surface during the impending general elections.

Resident are so disappointed that only one family had monopolized the business with this institution thereby minting millions of shillings through irregular tender awarding of procurement worth millions of shillings, and yet Kisumu City continue to experience acute and perennial water shortage.

The situation could only be adequately addressed if the Minister is given free hand to pick the right person for the next board,” remarked one civic leader who wished to maintain his anonymity.

The board’s previous management had leaned on the very notorious family presumably for the protection of the job security making the board which is a public institution to look like a family property.

Residents have expressed the hope that the Ministry this time around will shift fro the practices of appointing the directors and top managers of the board whose serves only one family at the expense of the residents. While welcoming the appointment of the new CEO the resident advised Eng Agumba to shift from the habit of favoring one particular family when it come to doing business with the water board.


ICT for Environmental Sustainability

from Yona Maro

This report presents a VTT roadmap on ICT for environmental sustainability, based on the assessments and evaluations made by VTT technology experts. The roadmap is divided into three themes. Empowering people means using ICT to raise people’s awareness of the environmental impact of their actions and to channel their behavior in a more environmentally-friendly direction. Extending natural resources involves reducing the use of diverse environmentally unsustainable re-sources through ICT-based solutions. Optimising systems refers to minimizing the environmental load of diverse systems by optimising their operation. As a synthesis, four focal topics have been identified within the roadmap themes that are most promising for further investigation. These are: 1) environmentally sustainable consumption, 2) smart energy and buildings, 3) lifecycle efficient production, and 4) optimised and adaptive networks.

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