Why Should Christians pray, support and vote for Senator Barrack Obama?

By Rev Okoth Otura


As the American citizens head for the poll this coming November 2008, there are a number of factors that the Christians across the world might expect them to consider before casting their votes.

• More importantly, will the next President of America protect Israel and foster peaceful navigation for the world crisis?

• Will the next President of America positively influence and back the magnitude of social and humanitarian programs being ran by the Christian Faith based Organizations?

• Will the next President of America Broker peace and confront the general distrust of the growing tensions between different religious in USA and the World?

CDM-K however, sees Senator Obama as a believer of the Cross of Jesus Christ, who as openly confessed Christ as his Lord and savior and therefore we feel that he can bring about solidarity between the US and the World at a time when the world desperately needs solidarity to deal with war, terrorism, social issues, diseases, poverty and ignorance.

Senator Obama is the right choice who can promote the Christian-democratic perspective in the USA and maybe across the world, for he has demonstrated his faith and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ in all his relationship and work with the church and communities.

CDMK is convinced that Senator Obama can bolster and actively generate Christian-Social and political solutions that can contribute to the well-being of the global village.

CDMK believes that Jesus Christ calls us to follow Him in every area of our lives, including the realm of politics and therefore, since the Americans still lack a true Christian Political Party, Senator Obama deserves their prayers, support and their votes.

The CDMK also believes the Bible is certainly not a political program but the teachings of Jesus, nevertheless, it provides the fundamental elements for just governance, political authorities, including those in power now, are called to work in this spirit and serve the people of God in their pursuit for justice and freedom.

CDMK recognizes that the Kingdom of God cannot be simply identified with any political cause; but we affirm that it demands the pursuit of just government and the promotion of a well-ordered society, the same quality which Senator Obama has demonstrated in his lifestyle and campaign trails speeches.

CDMK rejects the idea that religion is merely the individual’s private affair. The Christian faith has been fundamental to North America and world society and is irreplaceable. Christian faith influences and shapes the character of humankind, the said which Senator Obama publicly has confessed.

Hence, CDMK bear a responsibility to affirm our prayers and support to Senator Obama in accordance with our understanding of his approach and commitment to transform Christian-Social political principles in the US government.

For the above mentioned reasons, we therefore appeal for all the Christian Political and faith based organization leadership across the world to pray and support Senator Obama.

CDMK further humbly appeal for the entire Evangelical and any other Christian faith-based organization in USA to vote for Senator Barrack Obama this coming November 2008 as the next President of the United States.

The writer is the Founder and President of the un-registered Christian Democratic Movement of Kenya currently living in exile in Canada ( www.cdmk.org )



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Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 21:34:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: ndebele okoth
Subject: Why Should Christians pray, support and vote for Senator Barrack Obama?

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