Re: Lessons from a mistaken fruit!

For reasons I can not explain,I dislike peaches. And so the other day,my wife brought in what I thought was very good looking peaches. My dislike for them would not allow me to even think about them. I therefore told myself to leave them alone.

And so today after taking lunch, I laid on the sofa for a siesta. My wife started eating the fruit and offered me some. My reaction was quick and very negative. But she persisted and went on to say that it was indeed
a sweet fruit. “I don’t care for peaches,” was my response. “This is not
a peach,” answered my wife. “It belongs to the family of peaches but not one as such,” she added as though I needed to know all that.I agreed to taste and sure liked it. Do I need to say that I looked stupid and ignorant! What I had all a long thought to be a peach was a nectarine-
a very sweet fruit indeed! After I tested and liked it, I went for some more!

This incident reminded me of Psalms 34:8, “Oh taste and see that Jehovah is good: Blessed is the man that taketh refuge in Him.” Psalms 34:8.

Just like I did,there are some people out there who have closed their ears and hearts to certain doctrines.They have heard so much about them that any mention of any one of them only irritates. Such doctrines include but are not limited to the 7th day Sabbath, the state of the dead, health reform, tithe and offerings,and many others.

There are some others who tasted the Lord once and for various reasons went back. Since then, they are so bitter with God and anything church related. Any little mention of it, just irritates them.

Whatever your situation is, I hope that my negative attitude towards
a fruit so sweet may be a lesson to you as well! Do you see my point!

Just a thought.

Pr Birai,

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Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 16:09:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Absalom Birai
Subject: Re: Lessons from a mistaken fruit!

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