Re: Re: BREAKING NEWS — Kibaki makes cabinet appointments

BREAKING NEWS Kibaki makes cabinet appointments
By Online Team

President Mwai Kibaki has appointed the Minister for Environment John Michuki to also act as Minister for Finance.

The Minister for Public Works Chris Obure shall also act in the Roads¢ docket.

The appointments were announced through a press release by the Presidential Press Service and will take effect immediately.

The Finance ministry appointment comes in the wake of former Minister Amos Kimunya¢s resignation on Tuesday to facilitate investigations into his role in the sale of the Grand Regency hotel to the “Libyan investors”.

The Roads portfolio became vacant last month following the death of former minister Kipkalya Kones in a plane crash.

President Kibaki has appointed a commission of inquiry into the controversial sale of the hotel to specifically seek to find out the roles that Kimunya, Central Bank of Kenya Governor Prof Njuguna Ndung¢ u and Mr Abuga, the bank¢s board secretary played in the sale.

Last week, Parliament passed a vote of no-confidence in Kimunya, accusing him of irregularities in the sale of the hotel, the Safaricom IPO and a money printing deal with De La Rue.

Earlier a Cabinet committee chaired by Prime Minister Raila Odinga had recommended the resignation of Mr Kimunya and all other public officers involved in the sale.

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From: John Maina
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 12:54 PM
Subject: BREAKING NEWS — Kibaki makes cabinet appointments

Why keep recycling the same old!


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— “Mariwa, Naomi wrote:

Longevity in service should be an asset if the scenario were different. Why should we make age a scapegoat when, if we were to be honest, the real problem is the of culture of deception and easy self-profiteering that we as a nation have enabled. If new faces were the necessary cure for corruption/abuse of office, then Amos Kamunya would not be standing accused of alleged corruption. Would he?

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— On Fri, 7/11/08, barakaserv wrote:
From: barakaserv
Subject: Re: BREAKING NEWS — Kibaki makes cabinet appointments
Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 4:12 PM

My dear sister Naomi,

you are absolutely wrong on the “Longetivity in service” issue. Case example: John Michuki — he has occupied senior govt positions since the colonial govt. Tell us how Kenya has benefited economically or otherwise since independence because of his services? Are you aware that Kenya retrogressed 24 years back while he was part of govt?

Also, Kimunya is a terrible example to give — there’s a big difference between leadership position and pawning. FYI Kimunya was a pawn of Kibaki and had not been granted any powers to execute his Finance office. He basically did what he was told, and that’s why Kibaki is suspected to be the “Libyan investor”. Open your eyes Naomi.


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Michuki is the wrong person to be at Treasury.

As the world moves forward, Kenya is retrogressing into the old age, where techno-savvy decisions are of no benefit to us.

This is a disappointment. If the seat was tailor made for one from Central Kenya, then we still have many techno-savvy guys from that part of the world, people who can move with the current pace of world trends.

Michuki is a colonial relic, and his knowledge does not fit in at Treasury.

Odhiambo T Oketch
Komarock Nairobi

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Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 01:19:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: odhiambo okecth
Subject: Re: Re: BREAKING NEWS — Kibaki makes cabinet appointments

One thought on “Re: Re: BREAKING NEWS — Kibaki makes cabinet appointments

  1. Mundia Jn

    Not all would be happy. The question remains,did we yearn for Hon. Kimunya to resign and ‘someone else’ takes office pending the outcome of the Grand Regency investigations? Why are we raising ‘other’ partisan issues???

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