Africa is full with dictators


African future looks very poor and gloomy. People have mostly focused on the black continent, that is south of sahara but even north Africa is not doing well either. North Africans are now faced with population problem, food problem and on top of that jobless whether educated or not. Some have resorted to read only koran and ready to be recruited for terrorism. Majority are now running away to europe as the last resort. Majority of north African population are less than 40 years and jobless.North Africans are now full in Europe and are proving most of the cheapest labour force available.

Let me just take you to this journey of north African dictators:

1. Marocco (marokko) : population 32,3 million. President King Mohammed VI has been ruling since 1999, does not even think about election.

2. Algeria: population 35,4 million. President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has been ruling since 1999, does not want to hear election.

3. Tunisia: population 10,4 million. President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali ruled from 1987-2011, just kicked out by force (mass action), no election yet.

4. Libya: population 6,5 million. President Everst Muammar Gaddafi has been ruling since 1969, thinks he owns Libya and now wants his own son to take over. The country is just waiting to explode after his death.

5. Egypt: Population 84.5 million. President Hosni Mubarak has been ruling since 1981, no proper election, if there is then always the winner. Now wants his son to take over. majority of Egyptians are less than 40 years of age and jobless. The country will explode after Mubarak`s death.

Now just look at the few european countries and the arab population: Spain has 5,6 million foreigners of which 710 000 are maroccons. France has 5.0 million foreigners of which 220 000 are Tunisians, 619 000 are Maroccons, 677 000 are Algerians. Italy has 4,3 million foreigners of which 433 000 are marocans.

Economically if you do good analysis you will come to a conclusion that if these africans were employed and doing work in Africa; then africa can build itself without foreign aid. But we still have the odds on our side. Now go down to south of sahara the situation is even worse. what is wrong with african rulers?. The cold war is over so whose interest are they serving if their people are suffering like that?.

Paul Nyandoto

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