Kenya: Youth Employment Initiative Project

From: festus ouko

Good people,

The youth of Kenya (18-35)years comprise around one-third (about 9 million) of the total population and hence the country’s potential labour force. The same age bracket also bears the brunt of unemployment as well as underemployment. Statistics reveal that out of the more than 500,000 youth entering the job market annually only about one quarter get absorbed into formal employment annually.

Among the myriad of challenges young people face, unemployment stands out as one of the most pressing. Despite the youth economic empowerment initiatives by the government more than 67% of the unemployed still fall under this age bracket. In Tunisia, the thought of facing a bleak jobless future drove a graduate to set himself ablaze (literally) thus catalyzing the new revolution in Tunisia that is having a domino effect in Egypt and now to Yemen. It’s any body’s guess where next.

Africa Youth Trust, in partnership with other stakeholders including the local government is seeking to implement the Youth Employment Initiative of Nairobi Project. The main objective of the project is to improve access to a fair labour market with the youth of between 18-35 years as the target population.

I have the opportunity of influencing this particular project and I welcome your input. Let us transform Kenya together. How can you contribute:

Give ideas on job creation for the youth As an employer, advise on useful skills the youth can be trained on As a member of youth group, contact me for the sake of forming networks (formal and informal) for/and exchanging ideas on the best way forward. As a concerned Kenyan, advise and join in to lobby the government to facilitate job creation Any other contribution for the sake of the development of this country..

Kind regards,

Ouko EF

5 thoughts on “Kenya: Youth Employment Initiative Project

  1. Angela andia

    It is indeed unfortunate that year in year out the youth are still suffering the effects of unemployment.i believe that the govt needs to have frameworks and policies that ensure sustainable job creation over the years.the yourh should also arise and network speaking as one voice so as to influence policies and at the same time empower themselves economically.


    We are a group which was registered in 2010 yet we find it hard to make it through.Could you assist?

  3. Hans & Lia

    Dear Mr. Omar,

    We received an invitation from one of your members named Daniel Mazia! we met Daniel 2 years ago during our stay at your beatiful country and since then we stayed in contact him and supported him. his invitation was to attend the board. we are honoured and proud that his thoughts concerned us that we can be of any help. because of the now a days technology it is easy to communicated even if we live in different continents.

    So please consider us to be proud to become a member of your Board. How can we be of any assistents and help you forward in your mission?

    Please provid us with more information!

    give our regardes to Daniel

    yours sincerely

    Lia & Hans

  4. Hans & Lia


    2 years ago we are in beautiful Kenya and we met Daniel and ever since we have kept in contact with him.
    I received his mail, thanks for the pictures, I appreciate that very much.
    So many people who are fighting for a good cause!

    We are very honored that Daniel has done us a request to accede to your board.
    Thank you for that.
    How can we help you.
    I can inform in the Netherlands, so what information would you like to have, with what authority.

    Greetings from a cold Netherlands, sincerely, Lia

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