‘A nasty turn’; ‘The Low Road’;

Hello —

As we face the fundraising deadline at midnight tonight, I want you to know what we are up against.

Less than 24 hours ago, the McCain campaign launched the latest and lowest in a series of misleading attack ads.

This Karl Rove-style ploy misleads people about Barack’s energy plan and even mocks his ability to inspire voters and bring Americans back into the political process.

Watchdogs in the media are calling McCain’s accusations “bogus,” “desperate,” “wrong,” “misleading,” “ugly,” “offensive,” “reckless,” and “a nasty turn into the gutter.”

Some of McCain’s own supporters agree. One senior Republican strategist quoted by the Washington Post called the latest ad a “wild swing at Obama” that reflects his campaign’s “increasing bitterness” and the lack of “any coherent strategy to elect McCain.”

Even John Weaver, a strategist who worked for McCain’s presidential campaign in 2000 and on his current campaign last year, called the ad “childish,” adding that this negative strategy “diminishes John McCain” and “needs to stop.”

But we will not let any attack stand. Barack himself responded quickly and forcefully, and within hours our campaign created a response ad to take their smear tactics head-on.

Make a donation of $5 or more now to get our response on the air and show the McCain campaign that there is a cost to this kind of negative politics:


With the election less than 100 days away, media pundits and Washington insiders will be watching our fundraising numbers more closely than ever.

In the face of these new attacks, you can help demonstrate that a movement funded by grassroots supporters giving only what they can afford is ready to take on the Republican fundraising machine and its onslaught of negativity.

Your support will also give this campaign a crucial boost in momentum as we build our organization to compete in all 50 states.

There are only hours left to make an impact in July.

Watch the new ad and make a donation of $5 or more before the midnight deadline:




David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Donate: https://donate.barackobama.com/midnight1

emailed by Obama for America

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Date:  Thu, 31 Jul 2008 13:44:33 -0400
From:  “David Plouffe, BarackObama.com” <info@barackobama.com>
Subject:  ‘A nasty turn’

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Hello —

A few hours ago John McCain, the same man who just months ago promised to run a “respectful campaign,” said he is “proud” of his latest attack ad.

That’s the one attacking your enthusiasm, comparing me to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, and making false claims about my energy plan.

Now, we’re facing some serious challenges in this country — our economy is struggling, energy costs are skyrocketing, and families don’t have health care.

Given the seriousness of these issues, you’d think we’d be having a serious debate. But instead, John McCain is running an expensive, negative campaign against us. Each day brings a desperate new set of attacks.

And they’re not just attacking me. They’re attacking you.

They’re mocking the desire of millions of Americans to step up and take ownership of the political process.

They’re trying to convince you that your enthusiasm won’t amount to anything — that the people you persuade, the phone calls you make, the donations you give, the doors you knock on are all an illusion. They believe that in this election the same old smears and negative attacks will prevail again. 

They’re wrong.

And right now, we have a few hours left to prove them wrong in a very concrete way.

Make a donation of $5 or more before the July fundraising deadline at midnight tonight:


Show the strength of our movement for change.

Thank you,


Donate: https://donate.barackobama.com/deadlinemidnight1
Donate: https://donate.barackobama.com/midnight1

emailed by Obama for America

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Date:  Thu, 31 Jul 2008 18:44:14 -0400
From:  Barack Obama <info@barackobama.com>
Subject:  ‘The Low Road’

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