From: Paul Nyandoto

Fellow Kenyans

We Kenyans must change, it is not only the politicians who should change: Those politicians do come from our societies, we vote for them to be in parliament. It is the society where they come from which have not changed hence we get all those insults from them.

God gives us wisdom not for drifting through life or acting irresponsibly with the resources in our country. Our country is very rich therefore we should not be silent when our population is withering away from treatable diseases or from hunger. We can not afford to live on the hand outs by foreign governments. This is a disgrace to the black race as a whole: Where is our pride resting on?.

1.) we must make a life long series of right choices and avoid moral pitfalls.

2.) When we make wrong choices or mistakes, we must learn from our errors and recover ( Kenyans can not afford to repeat what happened in 2007/2008 post election). People do not develop all aspects of wisdom at once. Some people have more insight than discretion, others have more knowledge than common sense. We have to join our knowledge and do what is right.

3.) Discretion is the ability to tell right from wrong. It enables us to tell the wrong motives in life. We do not need now politicians who still want Kenyans to continue like yesterday, we must get them out of leadership no matter what language they speak.

4.) Kenyans should not allow criminals to ascend to power. The USA government should read Kenyans mood, we do not want leaders picked to us by USA or those who will impress the USA. We need our own leaders.

5.) Kenyan leadership is not for inheritance. The north African countries have proved this and those who think that in Kenya they can do that are lost, we shall not allow that.

6.) Tribal conspiracy should disappear we want leaders with development records; so if a leader do not have good development record please step down before 2012 election. Kenyans are not monkeys to be given bananas every 5 years before election and after that they are left to die from treatable diseases, left jobless and homeless at a time when politicians are just enriching themselves and their families. The present politicians are already making it very hard for potential people coming from poor families to ascend to power in Kenya. Kenyans must stop this trend.

7.) What is the purpose of life?. Our society today honors wealth, attractiveness, and false gained success above wisdom. Yet wisdom is greater asset than strength, although it is often unrecognized by the masses. Even though it is effective wisdom is not always heard, and wise people often go unheeded. We need youths who can lead to spring up and make Kenyan`s dream come true. the black race has to show that we also can build things Europeans have done and it is not yet too late.

8.) Failure to make strong changes in 2012 election will add to a total set back to Kenyans and to the black race as a whole. Let us not forget that the first man on earth lived in Kenya, we owe the world a lot. We should be in the front line in terms of development today not tomorrow and our nation should stop constant begging from foreigners.

Paul Nyandoto

2 thoughts on “KENYANS MUST CHANGE

  1. Christine Baraza


    The Wikileaks are really good as they are helping us know our leaders from a very different quarter and probably honest analysis’ Its now being said by the American Ambassador that KIBAKI totally refused to include WILLIAM RUTO in the cabinet in 2008. It was the PM RALA ODINGA who RUTO today abuses as he likes that INSISTED that RUTO be included in the cabinet. KIBAKI blamed RUTO for the PEV and not RAILA and therefore wasnt willing to include him in the cabinet. HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED…..

  2. Odhiambo Anyango

    I concur absolutely with Mr. Nyadoto. It is true that you can tell the character of a nation from its leadership. Let’s remove rot from the ranks of our leadership and usher in “telo manyien” without clan, tribe and depth of pocket considerations but demonstrated efforts to build a better country.
    There is a comment by Ms Baraza. My reaction to it is that Hon Raila had no choice but to fight for Ruto’s inclusion. Ruto was a major force in ODM leadership. Maybe President Kibaki, since he has access to intelligence on the ground, had information about Ruto he did not share with Raila.
    Dubious personalities like Hon Ruto will always be in the mix. It will take ingenuity on the part of stake holders to detect and weed them out.

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