Kenya: the true end of coalition is now!



Ere mor ma ungo ka ikulu sponsor icc criminals to insult the PM of the republic of Kenya Rais wetu ker wa country wide? Are you people our relatives? Why do Hague oriented think they have licence to insult Raila?

We did swear not to eat snake! But we can as well go to Hague if it is a licence to exercises our democratic rights.

There must be no election in Kenya until the winner of 2008 is sworn in and finishes his term according to the law of the land. We voted Raila as a president not a prime minister.Kama mbaya mbaya ! We shall never negotiate with thieves! Stop sleeping. We stand areal war! We must act its time for action Kenya can go Libya at any time! Arm your children and start firing any thing around. The country shall never be the same again. The icc criminals are the one Ruling Kenya. There is no justice! You either be with us or be our enemy.Its the end of the coalition.Don’t wait for anything we have been betrayed by the international community trust no body Kenya is going Libya Now

3 thoughts on “Kenya: the true end of coalition is now!

  1. Joshua Kadu

    I totally refuse the Lybians way.We need to watch our reactions and the way we talk too.Raila should not respond to these goons but to let his troups respond.He should stand above as national leader.Let him copy from Kibaki.Silence is the answer(HAKUNA KABISA)

  2. virgia

    EEEEee!Uhuru Nyoko Nyoko Kinyocho yakkk!Not yet UHURUaende Hague!ASSASSIN.
    They sold kanu and kill innocent kenyans and now state house is sponsoring them to trotte arround the world and ponder dirty kenyan choice because their game are over.Do these people want to take the country with them at Hague or what?
    Wanainchi wame umia ni lasima walipe!!!!!Kibaki ni adui kubwa!

  3. kevin

    Didan Kimathi,Tom Mboya,Argweng Kodhek,Barack Hussuin Obama,Jean Seroney,Ronald Ngala,Robert Ouko,Hezekia Ochuka,Okumu Otewo,Boaz Harrisson Ogolla,Muge,Omuok Mbira and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga may your blood paint our democracy!

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