So, who is/where is the problem? Is money the problem or the people?
Money is not the problem! We are the problem! How come? Instead of learning how to manage/control money, we have chosen to let money control us! Here is how!
Ideally, our priorities are supposed to be as follows:
Instead, we have it the other way! In most cases,many of us follow this pattern:
It’s about time we get our priorities straight. Let us learn how to manage/control money. Each family need to come up with their own version of the budget. As you make your budget,remember the following.
1.Tithes and offerings-If you plan to succeed,then honor the owner first
2.Food-Avoid the temptation of eating out all the time. Many families spent all their money eating out! Also remember that food cost money and so avoid wasting food
5.Telephone/other miscellaneous bills
6.Pocket money-Allow each other some reasonable amount of money that each uses as need be.Due to their many needs,women need to be allocated more money than men.
7.Others-Decide on whom of your relatives/friends you should help.Be fair to both sides.Avoid being controlled by some relatives!
8.Investing on some projects -Herein lives many problems-deception, and misunderstanding. You need to decide on what projects you should carry out. You need to address the issue of where and who will oversee those projects.Many families have been deceived by some relatives.Also avoid rushing into projects because so and so is doing it.
9.Savings-Although I know that it’s tough,form a habit of saving some money every pay period.
Next time we’ll talk about a joint account! Will you be there?
Just a thought!
Pr Birai
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Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 06:17:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Absalom Birai
Subject: Re:The many challenges that come with money Part 2